Mirror, mirror, on the wall, what’s the biggest scam of them all? The Two State Solution.
Exclusive: Yes, Virginia: No, These are Not Solutions – They Are Scams
Ruth King

A scam is defined as a fraudulent scheme, confidence game or swindle, for gain, but in politics the deception is practiced to implement policy and legislation.

The political scammer sets up a scenario, pretends there is a crisis, creates a “victim,” presents falsified data and inflated statistics, adds obfuscation of history, events and facts, gives the hoax a “moral” imperative, and slanders all opposition, to promote an agenda.

The shill, a public figure or legislator, presents the scam using the authority and prestige of public office and the media picks it up and promotes the entire disinformation as progress, reform, and solution.

Take the recent, and mercifully derailed, health reform plan. The data on the number of Americans without insurance and their lack of access to medical care was “massaged” to call it a “crisis.” The “uninsured” became the victims and the shills took over and negotiated a behemoth bill hiding provisions for limited access and nullification of choice of care and doctors for everyone else. The trillion dollar package was defended with what George Bush Sr. once (incorrectly describing Ronald Reagan’s very cogent tax policies) called “voodoo economics.”

What was the ultimate agenda? Government takeover of health care…read socialized medicine. All the clear eyed skeptics were called right wing extremists and Astroturf trash unconcerned with the plight of the sick and needy and uninsured.

But the grassroots American public, so much smarter than the Congressional shills, rebelled in tea parties and town hall meetings and has, thus far, thwarted a potential domestic policy disaster.

Then there is the “man-made global warming” scam. Sen. Al Gore, a fraud of Nobel proportions, declared a crisis, the “victim” this time a starving humanity in a fevered, barren planet. Gore, along with the world’s über-scam, the UN and government-granted scientists in tow, appealed to the public conscience with “con” science.

Congressional shills demanded legislation to roll back the climate by implementing a major tax increase called cap and trade. Media shills relentlessly promoted “apocalypse now.” The “paleoclimate” pseudo scientists at the Climate Research Center in East Anglia buttressed the hoax with “hockey stick” graphs that would cross a skeptic’s eyes. They burbled along with alarming “statistics” until Canadian mining engineer Steve McIntyre and a professor of economics. Ross McKitrick exposed the altered data and statistics of the CRU whose director Phil Jones recently admitted “mistakes.”

This has not totally deterred the true cultists such as Frau Merkel, our President, the EPA and the Copenhagen shills who still toil at convincing the world and each other that the crisis is man-made and requires man and maid solutions.

But in the real world, the public is increasingly suspicious and major corporations and several states are buying out of the Climate Action Partnership which calls for legislation to reduce greenhouse emissions. The shills and the scam are now in free fall.

This is not the first time we’ve been warned the sky-is-falling. The late Carl Sagan warned of a “nuclear-winter” brought about by nuclear war. We may see Nuclear Winter Redux if the present administration agrees to update our existing arsenal.

Virginia: With all these climate scares what is a poor girl to wear? Bundle for winter or strip for the big melt?

And that brings us to the biggest scam of all, namely The Two State Solution.

Here’s the road map for the scam.

First: Call it the Mid-east “conflict.” Never mention that in this conflict Israel wants to live in peace within legitimate, historic, and defensible borders, and on the other side the entire Muslim/Arab world wants Israel obliterated. Obscure the fact that the “moderate” Arabs want Israel destroyed in stages while the radical “fighters” want Israel destroyed yesterday. It’s a matter of timing.

Second: Erase history. Pretend it all started with a land grab by the Jews in 1967.

Third: Call Israel’s presence in its own country an “occupation.” Sprinkle in the words oppressive, brutal, iron-fisted, apartheid – you get the picture. Always remember to get props, civilian props who wail for the cameras and then go home to a healthy supper after a job well done. Bring on the “greens” by castigating Israel for using – or not using – water aquifers. Get Christiane Amanpour and the BBC to do specials about the victims. And, whenever you can, slip in a blood libel or two. Don’t forget to triple the number of Arab “refugees” every year.

Fourth: What do you call people under such an oppressive occupation? That’s right. They are the “victims.” Don’t you dare mention who started the wars, who teaches their children to hate and kill, who considers maiming innocent civilians in pizza parlors and markets to be target practice, who cheered about 9/11, and who knows that Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah are just different names proposing minimally different strokes for ending Israel.

Fifth: Encourage oil rich kingdoms to fund American universities so that there will be no danger of anyone learning the true nature of the conflict. Professorial shills will gladly spread the scam and former United States legislators and Cabinet members can be paid to do the same. One dirty hand washes the other.

Sixth: Create a crisis. Present the conflict as a threat to the entire world. The failure to solve the Middle-East conflict is responsible for terrorism, 9/11, the swine flu and arthritis.

Seventh: Propose a solution. A two state solution. Insist that even the mad mullahs will become Boy Scouts once there’s a solution. No need to be original here. Just go back to the dozens of failed initiatives which are clones of the Rogers Plan of 1969, all based on the same dumb principle that Israeli land concessions will bring peace. All those “road maps” have brought more war, more terror and more demands, but you can ignore this and lumber on because you can always turn to:

Eighth: The dupes who become shills to help you promote the scam. You can count on the pacifist anti-Israel organizations (including Jewish organizations posing as supporters of Israel). You can count on the phony human rights organizations and the self-righteous clergy who preen about their moral duty to support the “victims.” You can count on the ignorant media, on Israel’s treasonous academics and writers and filmmakers, and even on her weak Prime Ministers.

Why do the other scams eventually fail while this one is indestructible? The health scam had the redoubtable Betsy McCaughey, the tea parties and town hall meetings. The climate scam had Fred Singer, the Heartland Institute, Sen. James Inhofe, Marc Morano of Climate Depot, Lord Christopher Monkton, Marc Sheppard of American Thinker and above all, the hackers into the e-mails of the East Anglia Climatic Research Unit, the ones who really deserve the Nobel Prize.

What you have in the case of Israel (to borrow from Gabriel Garcia Marquez) is virtual total complicity based on facts in which no one believes. Look at the map. There can be no “contiguous” Arab Palestinian state in Gaza and the “West Bank” (really the East bank of Israel named Judea and Samaria) without cutting into Israel’s belly. There can be no viable state in 2,200 square miles. There can be no peace when such a state is peopled by Jihadists who will control the heights and invasion routes into Israel’s population centers. The plan is obviously for a two state dissolution of Israel.

Yet the few (like those of us at AFSI and FSM) who speak out are still dismissed and the scam retains the status of a universal consensus.

Nonetheless, we cannot give up on our efforts to expose the scam for what it is.

And by the way Virginia, Israel is a critical ally for America in our war against Islamic terror. Israel is, as described by former Israeli diplomat Yoram Ettinger, “a permanent, large and unsinkable air-craft carrier” based in the heart of Arab/Muslim darkness, poised to strike and defend the western democracies.

To endanger such an ally by promoting a vicious scam is unthinkable. Contributing Editor Ruth S. King is a freelance writer who writes a monthly column in OUTPOST, the publication of Americans for a Safe Israel.This column is adapted from the March Outpost seen at

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