Who could invent a scenario as improbable as a lying, fraudulent, mob-inciting, unelected, race-baiting, black hack sitting in judgment on a blind, black, lying governor who’s pinch-hitting for a whoring white hypocrite who had to resign? New Yorkers will all have vertigo before Albany gets sorted out but I confess that nothing made me sympathetic to David Paterson’s plight until Al Sharpton convened the group of black democrats to consider whether to withdraw their support from him. This took place at a restaurant in Harlem Thursday night and you can bet that the reverend never paid for his own dinner, just as he claimed he never paid for the clothes hanging in his closet which he said were simply on loan to him. David Paterson may be injudicious and on the dole, but so far, none of his sins of omission or commission rival those of the Tawana Brawley defender, the Steven Pagones accuser, the rabble-rouser who officiated at four days of violence and looting in Crown Heights that culminated in the murder of Yankel Rosenbaum, or the man who inflamed a crowd in Harlem until a store (rented by a Jew but owned by a black church) was torched, customers were shot and seven employees died from smoke inhalation.
Sharpton’s self-anointed role of king-maker in the black community is one of the major disgraces in American politics, particularly since so many dignified members of the democratic party have been complicit in his enduring power. Even Ed Koch, a man who never minced words when it came to speaking his mind, forgave the aforementioned crimes of incitement and considered Sharpton a reasonable activist with whom to do business. He has met with every important bigwig in the party and campaigned to be the democratic candidate for president in 2004. Among other paraphernalia, Sharpton’s website offered fitted tee shirts, as inappropriate to the candidate as his ludicrous qualifications for office.

Whatever one thinks of Obama, he is the anti-Sharpton – the educated, articulate, soft-spoken, rational black man who eschews race-baiting and sought crossover approval from whites as well as blacks. With his successful election, it was reasonable to hope that blacks would turn away from the stereotypical ghetto-hawkers who exist mainly to self-aggrandize and accomplish little for their own constituents. Oddly enough, that hasn’t happened and democrats have engaged Sharpton as if his retrograde tactics were still important and here he is, involved in deciding the fate of David Paterson and New York politics. Ask yourself which is more shocking – the behavior of our governor or the behavior of his party, so cowardly that it will continue to prop up an incendiary racist for fear of antagonizing his followers. Paterson may or may not be forced to resign but the fact that Sharpton wielded the power to help determine this will remain the more significant failure for our state.

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