Michel J. Faulkner was born on May 21, 1957 in Baltimore to Queenita Hairston, a 21 year old, working single mom. Michel was a Leader in the Boy Scouts and won numerous awards as a young man, but competitive athletics was his early calling in life. He started playing football at the age of 11 for the local police boys club; and, after starting his Sophomore to Senior years on the Varsity Football team, he went on to become an All-American at Virginia Tech, while obtaining a B.A. in communications and sociology.
Although he suffered a major injury during collegiate competition, Michel tried out and eventually signed with the National Football League, playing a season with the New York Jets in 1981.
While with the Jets, he lived in the Bronx with a family whose head was a Pastor of a house church and ran a drug rehab center. Led in part by the Pastor’s example, in 1983, Michel returned to Virginia Tech and prepared for his future calling by graduating with a master’s degree in education and career counseling.
Upon completion of his master’s degree in 1985, Michel was recruited to Liberty University to become assistant dean of students where he was promoted to Vice President for Urban Ministry in 1987. Here Michel trained, equipped and sent out more than 100 urban missionaries.
In 1988, with a penchant for serving the poor and disadvantaged, and turning hearts toward God, Michel returned to New York City to accept the role of Assistant Pastor and Director of the Lamb’s Church in Times Square.
One year later Michel joined Calvary Baptist Church in Midtown Manhattan as Pastor for Youth and Community Outreach. As he led the ministries to train and develop youth, he also managed the church’s programs serving the homeless, the prison ministry and an HIV/AIDS program. Michel was ordained at Calvary Baptist Church in December 1991.
In 1993, Rev. Faulkner became the Senior Pastor of Central Baptist Church in Manhattan, growing the congregation from an average of 50 weekly attendees to over 500. During his 13-year tenure at Central Baptist Church, Rev. Faulkner played in a leadership role in the creation of numerous city and leadership development programs.
In addition to his involvement with the Church, Michel has served the people of New York City in numerous initiatives including: (1) Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s Task Force on Police Community Relations, (2) Commissioner of the City Charter Review initiative, (3) co-chairman for the New York City Board of Education’s HIV/AIDS Task Force, and (4) Vice President for Community Government Relations at King’s College from 1988 to 1992.
From June 2002 to February 2004, Michel served as World Vision’s Director of U.S. Programs. He developed and implemented all programs. In addition, he oversaw the distribution of over $1 million in faith-based community and youth development grants to eight local churches in New York City. Rev. Faulkner served as Regional Chaplin for NY State Office of Family and Children Services from November 2005 to May 2006.
In 2005, Michel started the Institute for Leadership – a non-profit organization focused on the development of leaders and leadership programs. This institute endeavors to bring transformational leadership principles to all areas and marketplaces such as teachers, business leaders, government officials, other public servants, sports coaches and ministers.
In June 2006, Rev. Faulkner embarked on a new journey when he founded the New Horizon Church of New York in Harlem. New Horizon Church is a Christ-centered community that is empowering a new generation of leaders to worship God in Spirit and in Truth. In describing his vision for the New Horizon Church, Rev. Faulkner states: “we are fellowshipping with each other with Agape Love and we are inspiring that excellence to transform the marketplace through excellence in ministry.â€

Michel’s other current activities include serving as Vice President for Antioch School (a church based theological training institution), Board Member for NYC Department of Youth and Community Assistance, Regional Leader for Christ Covenant Coalition (Clergy Association), Guest Speaker for national and local radio and television broadcasts including ABC and “Live with Regis and Kelly†and he serves as a consultant for New York State Health Foundation’s Statewide Diabetes Campaign.
Michel has been able to balance serving the poor and the walk with power. “I have always believed that the highest calling is to serve the powerless and to speak for the voicelessâ€. Throughout his career Rev. Faulkner used his personal growth opportunities to create opportunities for growth in others.
Michel also relishes a challenge, as his biography demonstrates. In that vein, Michel is preparing to fulfill a lifelong dream of completing his first marathon. He is registered to run in the Richmond Marathon November 14, 2009 to raise money for the “Run for Change Diabetes Awareness Campaign†sponsored by the Institute for Leadership.
Rev. Michel Faulkner and his wife of 26 years, Virginia, have raised three children in New York City – one college graduate, one college Senior and one high school student. |