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Ukrainian Muslim Brotherhood
Indoctrinates New Muslims over Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report
A report from the Federation of Islamic Organizations In Europe (FIOE) on its Ukrainian member organization provides unique insight into how the Global Muslim Brotherhood attempts to indoctrinate new Muslims. According to the FIOE report, lectures for new Muslims in the Ukraine emphasized the centrality of Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa mosque, referring to the Israelis as the “oppressorsâ€:
The Federation of Social Organizations “Al Raed†and the Religious Department for Muslims of the Ukraine “Ummah†organized a number of cultural and Shari’ah programs for new Muslims in all regions of the Ukraine from April 1st 2010 to May 5th 2010. The programs – 24 in total – aimed at strengthening the bond of new Muslims with their faith, and instructing them on the current Islamic trends and guiding them in how to deal with them. The programs were attended by almost 500 Muslim men and women, most of whom were from the Ukraine and had become Muslims during the last year or the beginning of the current year. The programs included discussions and lectures on many of the important issues. Many of the lectures stressed the importance of the spiritual relation between the Muslim and his Maker, which should be strengthened at all times and elevated through commitment to worship and the adherence to the rules of Islam in daily dealings; the Muslim should always be a good representative of his faith through his actions and dealings. Other lectures tackled the nature and status of Islamic trends in the world today, and stressed the importance of keeping aloof of the disputes and controversies between them. This is because these disputes serve to derail Muslims from the major issues, and destroys their unity and increases their weakness and frailty. The lectures encouraged Muslims to adhere to the values of self respect and respect for others, and to steer clear from throwing allegations against others and doubting their faith, which is one of the greatest diseases that the Muslim Ummah suffers from in our modern world. Some of the lectures tackled the standing of the city of Jerusalem and Al Aqsa Mosque in Islam and to Muslims, illustrating that they are sacred and cannot under any circumstances be compromised. They showed that aiding and supporting them is the duty of every Muslim, each to a different degree, and that the least that the Muslims of the Ukraine could do was to pray for their safety and protection and salvation from the oppressors.
Previous posts have discussed the campaign conducted by the GMB to foment unrest over the Al-Aqsa mosque.
ARRAID, otherwise known as the Ukrainian Association of Social Organizations, is the Ukrainian member organization of the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE), the EU-level umbrella group for the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe. A Canadian scholar has reported that an ARRAID fundraising brochure stated that the organization:
… aims at the increase of ‘the cultural, social and educational level of Ukraine’s Muslims,’ the spread of Islamic culture among, and financial assistance for them, and Islamic proselytism (da’wa) in the country, …. ‘By this, Ar-Raid will become an important breach (thughra) in confronting Christian missionary attacks and Jewish expansion, so assist and help it to be able to follow the way it began..’
The organization claims anywhere from nine to 13 chapters throughout Ukraine.
Reprinted with permission by the Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report.
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