2nd Amendment
I am deeply committed to the 2nd Amendment and unequivocally opposed to any government attempt to infringe on the right of law abiding Mississippians to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution. My commitment to the 2nd Amendment is personal. My father taught me how to handle a gun as a youngster, at age 20 I carried a .38 as a licensed bails bondsman working my way through Ole Miss, and I’ve been a victim of violent crime. I will fight against each and every attempt by government to require law-abiding citizens to register the firearms they have the right to possess.
Health Care Â
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s health care “reform bill†created $700 billion in new taxes, cut Medicare by $400 billion and made no effort to make it more difficult for illegal aliens to get taxpayer-funded health care. We only have to look at how our veterans are being cared for to know that government run health care does not work. In 2009, I headlined four Tea Party sponsored health care forums throughout the state to discuss with Mississippians what the government can do to provide quality health care without raising taxes. I believe that health care reform that will positively affect Mississippians is possible. I will vote for tax incentives for small businesses that offer health care to their employees, for tort reform and caps on malpractice lawsuits, and for the creation of medical savings accounts.
Last year, I traveled throughout Mississippi and heard time and time again from people who were living paycheck-to-paycheck. They often discussed how difficult it was to get to and from work and run errands for their families due to the high price of gasoline. The United States is depending too heavily on the enemy for fuel. I believe our country should tap into our own resources to decrease its dependency on foreign oil. To that end, I am in favor of offshore drilling and continued exploration of alternative fuel sources. I pledge my support to initiatives that will result in lower gas prices for the hard working people of Mississippi.
National Security
Without a strong, committed national security policy we risk losing the freedoms we have enjoyed these past 225 years. History repeatedly reminds us that weakness equates to vulnerability. Our enemies only respect strength. Ronald Reagan tore down the Iron Curtain by demonstrating brut force and determination, not with appeasement and conciliation. Unfortunately, there are numerous elements in this world that would like nothing more than to destroy our way of life. It’s not necessary for us to be bullies around the world but we need to firmly demonstrate we will do whatever must be done to protect our democracy and values.
Adequate laws are already on the books. It’s a matter of enforcement not reform. Of course, Mississippi, just like Arizona did, will take steps to protect our rights if the federal government fails. Yes, we are a nation made up of immigrants from all over the world. We need to be proud that we are the “melting pot”. However, we are also a society built around laws that need to be respected and enforced.
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