Exclusive: Bonny Prince Charles Shills for Islam in the Name of ‘Environmentalism’
Last week, Britain’s Prince Charles gave yet another one of his tedious speeches about environmentalism at Oxford University. The man who owns six cars while urging others to walk when running their errands and who travels by private jet when promoting “enviromnental issues†throughout Europe is still yammering on about “carbon footprints†and “global warming.†Yawn.
Normally, we’d just give the old two fingered salute to this privileged man who insists on telling the rest of us how to live while he lives it up. But as he decided to bring Islam into the mix, well, we sat up and took more notice than usual.
Good old Charlie told the Islamic Studies students to whom he was speaking that if Westerners want to save the environment, we should follow Islamic “spiritual principles.†He went on to say, “The inconvenient truth is that we share this planet with the rest of creation for a very good reason – and that is, we cannot exist on our own without the intricately balanced web of life around us. Islam has always taught this and to ignore that lesson is to default on our contract with creation.â€
Islam teaches that if we ignore the intricately balanced web of life we will default on our contract with creation?
Perhaps Charles would have been better off speaking about some of the outrages perpetrated in the name of Islam, such as the 7-year-old boy who was hanged by the Taliban last week for being a spy. Nothing says “intricately balanced web of life†than putting a noose around the neck of a little boy. According to the spokesman for the governor of Helmand province, where the hanging is thought to have happened, “The innocent boy was not a spy, but he may have informed the police or soldiers about planted explosives.†In Western countries like Britain and America, children are encouraged to talk to police if they think there is danger. In Afghanistan, such behavior is apparently a call for the death sentence.
Just three years ago, the Taliban also hanged a 70-year-old woman and a child on trumped up spying charges. The religion of peace sure has been busy.
Then there was the suicide bomb that went off in the middle of a wedding party, killing 40 and injuring 74, including children. Bored with the usual bouquet toss and garter throw? Strap on an explosive vest the next time you’re invited to a wedding and see how exciting things can get.
This is not the first time Charles has given Islam two thumbs up in public. In 1997, he explained how the Muslim critique of materialism helped him to rediscover the sacred spirituality of Islam and explain the decline of the West:
“I start from the belief that Islamic civilization at its best… has an important message for the West in the way it has retained an integrated and integral view of the sanctity of the world around us. I feel that we in the West could be helped to rediscover the roots of our own understanding by an appreciation of the Islamic tradition’s deep respect for the timeless traditions of the natural order.â€
Daniel Pipes speculates that Charles is a secret convert to Islam – which is a sticky wicket, considering he is next in line to the throne and would thus succeed his mother, Queen Elizabeth, as the head of the Church of England. While Pipes says there is no definitive proof there are worriesome signs, such as his being chosen to receive a $50,000 prize in 2004 from the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei for his contributions to understanding Islam in the West. In 2005, the Archbishop of Canterbury (at that time George Carey, not Islam apologist Dr. Rowan Williams, who believes Sharia law in Britain is “inevitableâ€), was concerned that upon succeeding his mother as head of the Church of England, Charles intended to change the title “defender of the faith†to “defender of faith†and “defender of the Divine.†Charles also apparently thought the U.S., under the leadership of George W. Bush, was too intolerant of Islam, and planned to lecture the president on his folly.
The list can go on and on. See the Pipes link above for many other examples.
Prince Charles has led a life of luxury and privilege. In an effort to keep busy, aside from the usual involvement with charities, he’s latched on to various fads such as the environment and organic food. Ironically, while suggesting that McDonalds be banned from the UK, it was discovered that a Cornish pasty churned out by his organic food company, Duchy Originals, had more calories, fat and salt than a Big Mac. Good thing he has such a big mouth – he needs it for that large foot he keeps putting into it.
It seems that Charles’ attempt to keep busy and leading a useful life may have also led him into becoming a dangerous shill for Islam, if not an actual convert. With Islamic radicals continuing their takeover of the UK, the last thing that nation needs is its spoiled brat Crown Prince giving said radicals more encouragement. What a prat.
If the Queen can’t actually put a muzzle on her eldest son, perhaps the next best thing would be for her to arrange for grandson William to bypass Charles in the line of succession – before it’s too late. Contributing Editor Pam Meister also writes for other websites, including Pajamas Media and Big Hollywood.
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