
The Christian Broadcasting Network recently aired an interview with a Frenchman who made a videotape of the occupation-like scene in Paris during Muslim prayer time on Fridays. The video is below, followed by a transcript, which mentions a highly significant book by a Russian author — a book that is entirely unknown to Americans:

‘Islamization’ of Paris a Warning to the West

Friday in Paris. A hidden camera shows streets blocked by huge crowds of Muslim worshippers and enforced by a private security force.

This is all illegal in France: the public worship, the blocked streets, and the private security. But the police have been ordered not to intervene.

It shows that even though some in the French government want to get tough with Muslims and ban the burqa, other parts of the French government continue to give Islam a privileged status.

An ordinary French citizen who has been watching the Islamization of Paris decided that the world needed to see what was happening to his city. He used a hidden camera to start posting videos on YouTube. His life has been threatened and so he uses the alias of “Maxime Lepante. ”

His camera shows that Muslims “are blocking the streets with barriers. They are praying on the ground. And the inhabitants of this district cannot leave their homes, nor go into their homes during those prayers.”

“The Muslims taking over those streets do not have any authorization. They do not go to the police headquarters, so it’s completely illegal,” he says.

The Muslims in the street have been granted unofficial rights that no Christian group is likely to get under France’s Laicite’, or secularism law.

“It says people have the right to share any belief they want, any religion,” Lepante explained. “But they have to practice at home or in the mosque, synagogues, churches and so on.”

Some say Muslims must pray in the street because they need a larger mosque. But Lepante has observed cars coming from other parts of Paris, and he believes it is a weekly display of growing Muslim power.

“They are coming there to show that they can take over some French streets to show that they can conquer a part of the French territory,” he said.

If France faces an Islamic future, a Russian author has already written about it. The novel is called “The Mosque of Notre Dame, 2048,” a bestseller in Russia, not in France.

French publisher Jean Robin said the French media ignored the book because it was politically incorrect.

“Islam is seen as the religion of the poor people, so you can’t say to the poor people, ‘You’re wrong,’ otherwise, you’re a fascist,” Robin explained.

The book lays out a dark future when France has become a Muslim nation, and the famous cathedral has been turned into a mosque.

From the 1980s until recently, criticizing or opposing Islam was considered a social taboo, and so the government and media effectively helped Islam spread throughout France.

“We were expecting Islam to adapt to France and it is France adapting to Islam,” Robin said.

Jean-Francois Cope, president of the Union for a Popular Movement political party, has a warning for the West and for America.

“We cannot accept the development of such practice because it’s not compatible with the life in a modern society, you see,” he said. “And this question is not only a French question. You will all have to face this challenge. “

What the broadcast did not mention about the book The Mosque of Notre Dame, 2048 is the historical event which the author recognized as pivotal for Western civilization and for creating a future in which the Cathedral of Notre Dame is the Mosque of Notre Dame: Kosovo.

It’s certainly understandable that a Russian would ‘get’ what Kosovo was all about. All the more so since Moscow today is 15% Muslim and this was the scene in the capital city earlier this month during the Uraza-Bairam holiday.

Now, it’s my understanding that so far there are only Serbian and French translations of the Russian book, but below is an excerpt which has been translated into English:

Excerpt from “Notre Dame Mosque in Paris: 2048″ by Yelena Chudinova (2005), translated from Russian to Serbian by Ljubinka Milicevic (2006), translated from Serbian to English by Marie-Louis Marti

Chapter 3 – Slobodan [”Sloboda” is Serbian for “freedom.”]

… It was cold standing on the balcony of the twentieth floor but he didn’t feel like going in to the warm, brightly lit rooms. Paris lay below him, silently sleeping, like always except during Ramadan when the fires in the streets flashed and fluctuated: believers admiring the view of the Seine with Al Fraconi Mosque, which was once Notre Dame, sat until dawn in the luxurious Monde Arabe restaurant, in Maxim’s or Procope….Luckily, Ramadan was over. Paris nights were unpopulated.

How pleasant the silence was and what a good thing he had chosen an apartment on a high floor, far above the ones where you couldn’t have a window looking out on the street.

He wasn’t sleepy; the few remaining hours were too precious. Soon the loudspeakers would be filled with the voices of muezzins, and the devil would set out on patrol through Paris to piss in the ears of believers insufficiently devout to get up for early morning prayers.

It’s what you deserve, Frenchmen; good God, didn’t you see it coming? Weren’t you the ones who shaped today with your very own hands? Now you live in what you have created because there is a God.

You didn’t know anything about the history of Serbia; you didn’t know anything about Kosovo. You didn’t know how the Serbs died gloriously on the battlefield of Kosovo Polje when the soldiers of Prince Lazarus, defending their cradle, stood on the path of the foul army of Sultan Murad. You didn’t know that Bayazit arrived like a mortal plague, and that the Muslim Albanians followed in his tracks.

Five hundred years under the Ottoman Empire! You didn’t know what a scourge the Ottoman Empire was; you didn’t know how much Serb blood was shed to vanquish it. And very few years after the Serbs returned to the banks of the Sitnica River, they were again expelled! Adolf Hitler was the new Bayazit; did you humane Europeans forget about him? Who among those of you that applauded the bombing of Belgrade [in 1999] so much as heard in school that it was none other than Hitler who toppled Serb Peter II and pushed Kosovo into the hands of Albanian Zog I as a gift? And the Albanians descended into Serbian lands like new Bayazits, like hyenas trailing the scent of blood, once again occupying the abandoned homes, once again reaping the crops sown in Serbian fields. And how many armies did Hitler and Mussolini have to keep there in order to make Kosovo Albanian? You Europeans, who make such a big deal of the fact that you founded the Second Front after it was long overdue, did you even bother to thank the Serbs because Draza Mihailovic’s Chetniks began their attack on Hitler’s supporters long before you? [Chetniks were the monarchist anti-Nazi and anti-Communist guerrillas.]

What inspired you to help the Albanians establish borders that had been drawn by Hitler; what convinced you to believe so easily the stupidest of lies about Serb bestialities?

Yes, obviously, the question is not “what” but “who”. You were poisoned; you were led around on a leash by the Muslim diaspora – and while you, mere toys in the hands of puppeteers, called yourself fighters for something called “human rights” and enlightened humanists – you were nothing more than traitors of Christian civilization.

Although you could still read Dostoevsky then; you could have remembered his verses. But today you’ve never heard of Dostoevsky. And it serves you right.

Milosevic was a mangy old wolf but you prodded him with red flags, forcing him to retreat over and over again. His soul bears the responsibility for the shameful peace of Dayton but even that was not enough for you. When he finally understood that there was no more room to retreat, war broke out.

Oh, how carefully your “peacekeepers” watched to make sure that no Serb dared raise his head! They saw to that but what they didn’t see in 1997 was what was happening under their very noses. And when the KLA snake hatched in their shadow and began to ethnically cleanse Kosovo, not fictionally this time but for real, you were blind, more than blind. Your television channels ran footage of Kosovo Albanians covering the coffins of their fallen comrades with a red flag with a black eagle, the thunder of the honorary gun salutes, the wild peonies swaying over freshly dug graves. While away from the cameras your “heroes” slaughtered Christian families, murdered teachers and priests. And when Milosevic tried to stop it, the bombs flew at Serbia.

Churches that existed for almost a thousand years were transformed into ruins under your bombs. Of course, they were not your holy shrines. But what makes you different then from the Afghan Talibans that blow up statues?

Milosevic betrayed the Serbs more than once and ultimately, the Serbs betrayed Milosevic. The twentieth century was a brutal one. To our parents who confronted the entire West, Milosevic looked like a paw one could afford to gnaw off in order to escape from bondage. Funny.

But your precious, super-civilized Albanians needed Kosovo for their drug trafficking. The amount of money involved was too big; the Serbs didn’t stand a chance.

And so peace came at last to the hub of European drug trafficking – Kosovo – when the last Serb was expelled or slaughtered, when the last Orthodox church was destroyed or desecrated. And then the peacekeepers left the region because they were no longer needed there.

But the poison was still brewing in the kettle, the filthy foam rose to the surface until it finally boiled over and contaminated the entire region. Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja followed the fate of Kosovo. [Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja are areas in southern Serbia that the Albanians have been eyeing and staging attacks in for some time, and for which a KLA extension exists, UCPMB.]

The Serbs were held back, always held in check. When Belgrade became the capital of Greater Albania, the European Union began to be afraid. And then it continued to grant out of fear what it had earlier given out of stupidity.

So now it is only just that Parisian women dress in [hijabs] – after their grandmothers swooned over roses on the graves of Kosovo Albanians on TV.

Slobodan Vukovic was fifty years old but he remembered the events of his childhood with unbelievable precision.

It was their last Christmas in the house of his birth in Pristina. Later, they celebrated Easter in the same house but it was a war-time Easter, it was without joy. War. If one could even call bombs falling out of the sky and the presence of an unpunishable, invisible, inaccessible enemy a war.

There were other enemies, too, besides those who were sure that the day would come when there would be no more ethnic conflicts in Kosovo – after the last Serb left feet first.

He didn’t know, couldn’t remember, where and when his child’s eyes had seen the scene he remembered in the minutest detail: the nuns dressed in robes red with their own blood, their throats all slit, lying on the white ground among bits of shattered icons and the smashed doors of a church. Was the exact time and place really so important? There were so many such martyrs and such churches!

[Note: Ms. Chudinova’s book is a work of speculative fiction, but it’s based on living history and some very real current events. The fictionalized paragraph above is inspired by events such as the following: Kosovo Albanian Insurgents Shoot at Serb Abbess and Nun; KLA accused of terrorizing Serb monastery in Kosovo (and raping nun); Destroyed and Desecrated Sanctuaries; The Destruction of the Churches of Kosovo; Albanians Killed a Nun; Decapitated body of Serb monk found near Prizren on August 8, 2000; Serb Nuns Attacked in Pec; Testimony of Joseph K. Grieboski, Founder and President, Institute on Religion and Public Policy, Hearing on Kosovo Before the International Relations Committee of the United States House of Representatives; Kosovo Pogrom Coverage, March 19, 2004; Kosovo Pogrom Coverage, March 22, 2004; NATO is a Bad Policeman ; The Literal-ness of Satire in Kosovo ; Orthodox Nuns Under Siege in Kosovo; Behind Kosovo’s Facade; Kosovo in the 1980s: Murders, Rapes, and Expulsions; Kosovo: Key Dates in the Century Long Goal to Create Greater Albania ; Kosovo in the New Yugoslavia; Kosovo’s Nazi Past: The Untold Story; Diary of a Monk: Kosovo, the Serbian Archipelago; KLA Attacks Monasteries (1998)]

And then the flight from Kosovo to Belgrade when he was three, his mother praying for hours as she clutched the child to her breast in dumb fear as the old car rolled down the ravaged road…

Their emigration from Belgrade was less terrifying but even more hopeless. Their departure from Belgrade and their departure from Serbia.

This was followed by his youth in Belgrade-on-the-Amur, a completely new city that grew in height like mushrooms after the rain. What mighty mind had conceived this plan – to offer the 300,000 remaining Serbs autonomy near China?

His youth, in short, was not a pampered one. Nevertheless, many of his peers as they matured fell into the groove of a “Cossack” but peaceful way of life and started their own families, striving to rear the first generation of Serbs after Serbia. Slobodan could not. As a nineteen year-old youth he left for Moscow by train because he did not have enough money for the plane. At that time Serbian young men were not conscripted into the army; they were, however, required to attend regular military exercises from the age of 16 to 25 for one month each year. Young Slobodan excelled as a marksman; he had a good number of parachute jumps behind him, driver’s and pilot’s licenses, sniping and mining skills. He also had an innate knowledge of the Muslims, like something dirty that could not be washed away: partially genetic, partially from the days of his childhood, eagerly absorbed from the stories of old people and read in books. He desired only one thing. To return to Kosovo.

But instead of Kosovo, seven years later they offered him France, one of the three main countries of the Islamic bloc. Moreover, his childish thirst for revenge had already been balanced by the ambitions of an adult intellectual; it was clear to him that the French arena was more interesting and broader in scope…

…[B]y the nature of things he contacted far more often with Muslims who were very different – intellectuals gifted with a large number of quite human qualities…For many, very many of them, he could not suppose in his wildest imagination that they would take pleasure in human agony or be capable of slitting the throat of a living man with their hands! They were too cultured, too normal for that; they were Muslims of the third or fourth generation born in France. Educated in good French or English schools, they did not spend every day of their childhood reminding themselves who they were and what they had brought into this hospitable environment.

The French resistance movement enjoyed neither Slobodan’s sympathies nor his support. He was merely aware of its existence but there is no way he would have worked for them without a very good reason. Let them fend for themselves. He was living the third decade of his life in France for the good of the Christian world. And the personal price that he, Kosovo Serb Slobodan Vukovic, had paid for that good deed was admittedly rather high. Not every Orthodox Christian would have been as generous.

Perhaps in his old age, if he lived to see it, he would succeed in obtaining forgiveness for his sins. It would be best to seek it on the Holy Mountain in one of the most distant cells. Ah, Greeks, you, of course, paid a lower price than the Italians. Greece stayed a Christian country. But what national humiliation you had to endure because of your pride! At the end of the twentieth century, the Greek diaspora blossomed like a flower in all the wealthy countries, and everywhere the Greeks lived according to European customs. A microcosm within a macrocosm, helping each other out but never even thinking of witnessing the truth. The Greeks had grown accustomed to considering Orthodoxy a national privilege they obtained at birth, and other Orthodox people who were not Greeks, an unnecessary, lower class. And see what you have now, Hellenes! The Greek parishes did not upset anyone anywhere – because they were not involved in missionary work. The only thing they managed to do in the end was save themselves. When Euroislam drew close to Greece, Greek millionaires in every country of the world reached an agreement and proposed a ransom. The sum was such that the joint government of France, Germany and England could not refuse. And thus the Greeks were now Islamic subjects, paying for the inviolability of their homeland as the Russians formerly paid the Tatars. With one exception, and there was nothing the Greeks could do about it because they would not accept money. Euroislam wanted to destroy Mt. Athos at any price.

Athos successfully defended itself but Europe didn’t even know it. Television and newspapers had already been censured for a long time; Internet use was limited with the help of information filters first used long ago in China and Korea.

What could be done, Athos was not only Greek; Athos belonged to everyone. The vices of the nation, it turned out, came back to haunt the Greeks in the form of shame but the Poles, on the other hand, actually profited from their shortcomings.

They were always irrational nationalists, those stingy Lachs…After World War II, while humanity still reeled from Hitler and feared accusations of anti-Semitism more than the plague, the Poles were the only nation not subject to such accusations. For over the course of ten years they had slowly pushed all the Jews out of the country; the moment was painfully right, the fascists had already completed a good part of the job. Such a favorable opportunity would not come again.

The Poles have always been loners, and they have always done things their way…In earlier times they had intrigued all of Europe with their desire to profit from their location, which they had deduced, of course, with the help of their former Jews. Unrefined, almost incapable of magnanimity, petty pragmatists but nevertheless very, very deeply religious. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the Poles had set out on their own. They were the first from the former Soviet bloc to comprehend that they did not want rivers of Muslims from the Third World.

During the first years of Polish membership in the EU there were no large influxes because the living standard was lower than in old Europe, which made Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania and Letonia less attractive to the unfortunate migrants. However, as the differences gradually diminished, the migrants piled up at the doors of the former socialist countries. Still disoriented by their newness, most of these countries hesitated out of fear of insufficiently demonstrating their support for the ideals of democracy. But the Poles immediately opposed it. First through silent bureaucratic sabotage but soon that was not enough. And then they made the great horse’s jump: then Polish president Marek Stasinsky explained that his country was withdrawing from the EU and NATO! That it was voluntarily pulling out after making so much effort over the years to get in! And President Stasinsky was celebrated as a national hero.

Since he was now freezing on the balcony, Slobodan returned into the apartment and went to the kitchen. Ah, the Russian habit of drinking cup after cup of tea during sleepless nights and thinking about the fate of humanity! But what could be done. He would have been far more happy to honor another Russian tradition and have a juniper brandy instead of tea…And with it he would nibble on pink wedges of smoked bacon, sliced wafer-thin and interlaced with meat…No, he must not even think of juniper brandy or smoked bacon. Although the Poles ate smoked bacon and pork chops and sausages; what did they care?

They paid dearly for it! The opposition proclaimed Stasinsky insane: to share a border with a Germany whose army was comprised of three-fourths Muslims and not to play by the general European rules! But the people believed in their president and their confidence was not in vain. The second Polish ploy was even madder than the first. The famous pact of May 5, 2034 caused a frenzy among the former socialist camp. In all honesty, not even old Europe could believe it when it awoke one beautiful morning to find the Russian Army on the German border.

Of course, Poland did not suddenly learn to love Russia but had simply acted realistically once more. Without a Russian military presence the armed incursion of Euroislam into Poland was only a question of time. And Russia, for its part, wanted to push the borders of Euroislam as far as possible from its own borders. Better a buffer state between it and them than a common border. Basically, it was a move in the best interests of two countries bound by a thousand years of annexing each other’s territory.

The Poles stayed Catholic. When the ill-fated year of 2031 began and the Roman pope surrendered, exactly one month later white smoke appeared above Holy Trinity Monastery in Krakow. A new papal see was established in Poland, although its borders were, at the same time, the borders of the Catholic world. The Polish clergy began to speak ardently in favor of the old mass; however, it did not go as far as reverting to the use of Latin. No one knew the language anymore nor, strictly speaking, how to serve the Tridentine mass…

That’s how matters stood. Poland was the alpha and omega of modern Catholicism. Who could imagine at the end of the twentieth century that Catholicism would be the religion of a single country! History advanced with unpredictable steps while in Poland, like before, the sides of the streets remained decorated with the simple bulbs of small chapels and statues that looked as if they had been colored by children.

After rejoicing over the Poles’ liberation from halal smoked horsemeat sausage, Slobodan dejectedly opened the refrigerator. Despite everything, he could not bring himself to eat the meat of the livestock they slaughtered according to their practices. He remembered all too well from his childhood that their faces had the same expression whether they were slitting the throat of a ram or a man. They even used the same words, “bismillah allahu akbar.” In the former case they were obligatory but it also happened that they would use them in the latter, too. This disgusted him. He had to excuse himself by claiming his stomach reacted badly to meat…

Some things could be changed. That is what Paris at night whispered through the windows of the luxurious apartment….The status quo could be undermined.

Since the Cathedral of Notre Dame, which in Ms. Chudinova’s apocalyptic future becomes the Mosque of Notre Dame, is a Catholic cathedral, I’ll end with the following news item from January of 2009:

Vatican alarmed by Muslims burning Israeli flags outside cathedrals

The Vatican has expressed alarm over the burning of Israeli flags by Muslims protesting against Israeli actions in Gaza during Muslim prayers staged outside Italian cathedrals.

Cardinal Renato Martino, head of the Vatican Council for Justice and Peace, said he was not disturbed “by prayer as such.” If Muslims wished to come to St Peter’s to pray, he would not object, the cardinal said. “Prayer always does good”.

However prayers held recently outside the Duomo in Milan and the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna, with thousands of prostrate Muslims facing Mecca, had been accompanied by flag burning which was not only anti Israeli but anti Semitic, with protesters carrying banners depicting the Star of David alongside the Nazi swastika. “What matters is the spirit in which one prays – and prayer excludes hate” Cardinal Martino said.

Bishop Ernesto Vecchi, vicar general of the Bologna diocese, said the Muslim prayers were “not just prayers but a challenge, not so much to the basilica itself as to our democratic system and culture”.

Bishop Vecchi suggested the staging of mass prayers outside Christian churches in Italy was a deliberate move “on orders from afar” as part of a strategy of “Islamisation” of Europe.

Monsignor Luigi Manganini, archpriest of Milan cathedral, said he could imagine the Islamic reaction if Christians prayed en masse outside a mosque…Abu Imad, the imam of the main Milan mosque, said the demonstration had ended up on the cathedral square “by chance” at the hour of prayer, “so we prayed. There was no provocation or insult intended.”

He said that as for the flag burning, “You have to understand the deep anger and sadness of Muslims over what is happening in Gaza”. However Mario Borghezio, a Euro MP for the anti immigrant Northern League, which is part of the ruling centre Right coalition led by Silvio Berlusconi, said “The fact that Muslim extremists transformed the cathedral square in Milan into an outdoor mosque constitutes an incredible provocation. The prayer to Allah recited by thousands of fanatical Muslims is an act of intimidation, a slap in the face for the city of Milan, which must remain Christian”. […]

Europe is headed for Muslim future, says Czech Cardinal

…Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, the head of the Czech Roman Catholic Church, is adamant that behind the failure to adopt the euro-treaty is the absence of what Europe feels natural about – Christian values.

“When the Irish said No to the Lisbon Treaty, they said it because the European Union and Lisbon Treaty have dropped the Christian roots,” said Cardinal Vlk in an interview for Aktuálně.cz.

In the interview Vlk links the European Union’s flag to Christian values. The flag consisting of twelve stars on a blue background was admittedly inspired by the Bible. In Vlk’s view the circle of stars refers to the twelve-star halo of the Virgin Mary.

Cardinal Vlk was quick to mention the flag was adopted on December 8, a day which celebrates the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary.

He believes in the dialogue between Christians and Muslims but “in terms of culture and opinions Islam is medieval”.

“I do not want to sound negative… but in Islam a religion assumes the position of the state power and rules the people. Our European Christian experience proved that it is not the right way,” said Cardinal Vlk.

While European Muslims are living their religion, Europeans are “pagans, as they do not respect their religion”. To face the danger of dying out, Europe needs to install a program of spiritual rehabilitation.

“If we do not restore Europe in terms of Christian values, we will surely die out,” Cardinal Vlk said.

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