Muslim law permits parents to remove uteruses of mentally ill girls to protect family from shame
More “honor” coming from the most radical, intolerant ideology in the world, Muslim law (the sharia). Watch the media ignore this story. Watch the phony feminazis ignore this story. Watch the left ignore this story. Watch the international community ignore this story. Watch the apologists ignore this story.
These girls, these poor dear girls ……… we must find a way to save them.
Palestinian mental patients get hysterectomies
Muslim law permits parents to remove uteruses of mentally ill girls to protect family from shame Ali Waked, INN
A debate held by a Palestinian radio station has revisited the issue of female mutilation, with interviewed parents saying they prefer to perform hysterectomies on mentally ill girls in order to prevent them from becoming impregnated.
But the procedure is known to be performed in order to allay fears of embarrassment by a similarly ill offspring, and has been sanctioned to this end by both Sharia and the Palestinian Authority.
“We can’t follow the girls around 24 hours a day, and we worry that they will be sexually assaulted, so we prefer to cut out their wombs,” one parent told a radio station belonging to the Ma’an news agency.
The station held a debate on the matter over the past few days, uncovering a phenomenon not uncommon in the West Bank.
Parents who were interviewed anonymously cited protecting their daughters from rape as the reason behind the procedure, and the mufti of Nablus issued a decree approving hysterectomies “if they can put an end to a mental condition or social problem”.
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