Socialists Have A Washington Rally “Disappointing” Attendance, Divisive Rhetoric, Didn’t Pick Up Trash those who had the stomach to watch, today was the The One Nation, Working Together get out the vote movement led by United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ).United For Peace and Justice, started as an anti-war group, but has expanded its scope into promoting social justice, globalization, the plight of the Palestinian people against the “Apartheid policies of the government of Israel”, justice for the Iraqi people against the US politicians who committed war crimes, and advocating the opinion that there is nothing more evil than American multi-national corporations.The UFPJ’s Steering Committee is composed of people from Marxist, progressive, or communist groups including Code Pink, Institute of Policy Studies, Western States Legal Foundation, Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice, Communist Party USA, Alliance for Community Trainers, American Friends Service Committee, Brooklyn For Peace, National Immigration Solidarity Network, Desis Rising Up and Moving, and US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation just to name a few. At least two of the groups, Solidarity and US Campaign to End The Israeli Occupation, also have a history of Anti-Semitic activity.Working with UFPJ was some of America’s largest labor unions, such as SEIU and the AFL-CIO whose membership was ordered to board the free buses and attend the rally.The Videos below will give you a taste of what went on at the rally. As expected it was filled with pro-Socialism and anti-Israel marchers. (if you can’t see videos below, Click Here)Today’s rally will probably be compared to the Honoring America Rallies held five weeks ago, but there are three apparent differences.
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