Freedom of Speech on trial in the Netherlands is a hint of things to come in America
By: Mark Tapscott
Editorial Page Editor
10/07/10 7:43 AM EDT
Dutch political leader Geert Wilder is on trial for exercising a right most Americans take for granted – the right to speak our minds on any topic whatsoever and to say whatever you and I choose to say on that topic, regardless of how inflammatory, idiotic, or brilliant it might seem to anybody else.
Others, too, have the right to point out how inflammatory, idiotic or brilliant they might find any of our comments. In America, we have confidence that when everybody gets to speak their mind, the truth will ultimately prevail. It is a cornerstone constitutional right of the American republic, along with freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press. These rights are the essence of the Western tradition of individual liberty, freedom of thought, and conscience.
But there are no such rights in Islamic countries. And radical Jihadists are pushing to extinguish rights like freedom of speech that are intrinsic to Western civilization in outposts they’ve established in places like Europe. In the Netherlands, for example, the specter of political correctness being used to silence all criticism of Islam heralds the repression in store for every person who comes under such rule.
Dutch political leader Geert Wilders has fought this Islamified PC and is now on trial for doing so, accused of committing a “hate crime” by speaking these lines:
“We must stop the tsunami of the Islamization. This hits us in the heart, in our identity, in our culture.”
Speaking such words can be construed as putting Islam in a negative light, which under Islamic Sharia law is a criminal offense. Under the current PC repression embedded in Dutch law, Wilders could be sent to prison for a year for speaking those words.
Examiner columnist Diana West has been closely following the Wilders trial and the steady march of Islamic-manipulation of PC law to spread repression across Europe. Check out her analyses here and here.
Then watch the following clip from Wilders’ trial. I hate subtitled movies but this clip is a chilling preview of what is ahead for America if we continue to be apathetic, naive or stupid about what is happening across the pond in Europe. It’s also happening right here in places like our college campuses:
By the way, if you doubt my statement that this kind of PC madness is happening here in America right now, check out the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). They can tell you all about it. And what you can do to join the fight to defend American constitutional liberty.
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
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