The University of Chicago Law School should revoke Professor Geoffrey Stone’s tenure

By Alexham Posted in

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in Gonzales v. Carhart, Professor Geoffrey Stone made the following statement on the law school’s faculty blog in a post entitled “Our Faith-Based Justices”:

What, then, explains this decision? Here is a painfully awkward observation: All five justices in the majority in Gonzales are Catholic. The four justices who are either Protestant or Jewish all voted in accord with settled precedent. It is mortifying to have to point this out. But it is too obvious, and too telling, to ignore . . . . By making this judgment, these justices have failed to respect the fundamental difference between religious belief and morality . . . .

Please continue reading below the fold

Now, the purpose of this post is not to offer a rejoinder to Professor Stone’s patently bigoted remarks. This has already been taken care of thanks to good folks like Professor Rick Garnett, Jan Crawford Greenburg, Ed Whelan, Hugh Hewitt, and Patterico. What concerns me is that the MSM has completely ignored this story. And we all know why that is, now don’t we?

You see folks, while the MSM rightly (and swiftly) condemns each and every racist remark uttered by a public figure, they are perfectly willing to allow Christians to be slandered at will without a peep.

So, while Don Imus is forced to face the consequences of his disgusting remarks, Professor Stone is left to spew his venomous anti-Catholicism from the “ivy tower” provided to him by the University of Chicago Law School.

Indeed, it would appear that Professor Stone routinely engages in Catholic bashing in the classroom. Consider the following comment (purportedly from one of his students):

I am in Professor Stone’s Con Law III class and am a Catholic.

His bigotry against Catholics is not limited to this board. I and two other Catholic students have filed complaints (really, one complaint with all of us signing) with Dean of Students Michele Baker Richardson.

We do not really expect to see any response or vindication, but we do have audio tape of comments he has made in class to the effect that Catholics are incapable of rendering decisions unless the Pope directs and specifically names the 5 Justices mentioned above. He specifically mentioned his clerkship to Justice Brennan, who he described as “the only thinking Catholic I ever knew”, the implication being most or all Catholics do not think and, in keeping with his other comments, simply do what the Pope directs.

Please do not let the media bury our story.

Here’s hoping that the student who left this comment is willing to provide a blogger (like me), or even someone in the MSM, with a copy of the audio recording in question. Perhaps then, the MSM will get off its hindquarters and expose Professor Stone’s disgusting anti-Catholic bigotry, and thereby force Chicago to revoke his tenure.


Charlotte Adelman, Co-Author of Prairie Directory of North America
& Adelman-Schwartz Mola Prairie

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