Britain: Survivor of 7/7 Bombing Gives Evidence
Construction manager Daniel Biddle was on a west-bound London tube train on the Circle Line, on the morning of July 7, 2005. He was standing next to Mohammed Sidique Khan, the leader of the four-man cell who would kill a total of 52 people that day. Five years later, he gave his evidence at an inquest yesterday. Near Edgware Road station, Mr. Biddle saw Khan reach into his backpack, and then found himself propelled through a window and lying on the track, pinned where he lay by one of the tube train doors. He screamed for help and was assisted by a passenger, Adrian Heili, who used his experience in combat to administer life-saving triage. Heili, who had served in the Austrian army in Kosovo, used his own clothes to apply tourniquets to what remained of Mr. Biddle’s legs.
Daniel Biddle’s survival was miraculous. Other people who were not so close to Khan were killed instantly. In hospital, he needed transfusions of 87 pints of blood, and he still has a coin (a 20 pence coin) embedded in his thigh. He lost both legs and an eye.
His account is found in most UK news sources. The Daily Mail has a photograph of his wedding to Lisa Biddle, which took place two years after he was in the blast. The newspaper reports Mr. Biddle’s account of Mohamed Sidique Khan:
“I saw a young Asian guy get on at King’s Cross and sort of walk along the carriage and sit down, but I didn’t really think anything of it. He looked like a normal guy going to work in London. There was nothing he did that made him stand out from anyone else at that moment in time.”
Mr. Biddle saw Khan tugging at a white cord before the blast took place. From the BBC:
Mr Biddle described how Khan, who got on the westbound train at King’s Cross, sat between 6ft and 10ft away from him before detonating his bomb by pulling a white cord.
Attending the Royal Courts of Justice for the inquest, Mr Biddle said: “The train entered the Tube tunnel, I looked around.
“As I looked around, he looked up and I saw a quick movement. Then there was a big white flash.
“The kind of noise you get when you tune a radio in. It felt like the carriage I was in expanded at a fast rate and then contracted quickly.
“And with that it blew me off my feet and through the carriage doors into the tunnel.”
He also said that Khan “looked up and along the carriage and just looked down” before he set the device off.

The Coroner, Lady Justice Hallett, thanked Adrian Heili for his actions and praised Mr. Biddle for his “inspirational” bravery.
The previous Labour government was not willing to have an inquest, but many of the victims fought for their right to have their say. It has taken five years for their evidence to be heard, and their moving accounts have brought new light and new information to a subject many thought had already been covered. The accounts have also shown that there was initially confusion and some poor communications between transport officials and emergency workers at the scenes of the four bombs.
Netherlands: The Mosque Bomb That Never Was
Yesterday, in our first edition of Eurabia Watch, mention was made of a “home-made bomb” at a Dutch mosque. However, it has transpired that the bomb had no explosives within, and was just a fake. That has not stopped the Khomeinist Press TV, a branch of Iran’s propagandist state media, from still promoting the false news that a bomb was left outside the mosque in Almelo, in the East Netherlands. In the Islam in Europe blog, Esther writes,
since the Iranian Press TV site insists on reporting that a bomb was found by a Dutch mosque, I thought it deserved a clarification. Last week police were called in to deal with a suspicious package (NL) which looked like a bomb. It had wires coming out of it connected to a window. But it had no explosives, and therefore police did not say that it was a “homemade bomb”. Police are investigating the case, and are going to be more watchful around the mosque area.
Press TV has previously attempted to present Neda Soltan – who was shot by Iranian militia – as someone who had tried to fake her own death, and when that lie failed, as a victim of a shooting. It has offices in West London, in the basement of a building at Hanger Lane, though it is banned in America. However, it does have an office at the United Nations in New York to deal with UN news.
Netherlands: Unable to Stop Iranian Abusers of Human Rights
From Expatica, a report that the Netherlands Foreign Minister, Uri Rosenthal, has said he cannot prevent Iranians who are suspected of human rights abuse from entering the country. Additionally he is unable to freeze their bank accounts. He is prevented from taking action both by Dutch law and also by European Union law. The United States has enacted a ban of such Iranian “enforcers” from entering the country.
Netherlands: Geert Wilders Claims Merkel is Copying his Politics.
FSM recently carried an Editorial discussing the way that the German chancellor, Angela Merkel had said that “Multiculturalism has utterly failed.” In the German-language edition of Der Spiegel, Wilders gives an interview (automatic translation here) in which he says that “Merkel is scared” of his ability to gain 20 percent of the vote in his country. The online versions are incomplete, and the printed magazine contains the whole article.
From RNW, via Expatica, Wilders said in this interview that his political popularity “is a threat to the traditional parties: that is why she is trying to copy us; Merkel declared the multicultural society a failure.”
Germany Considers Blacklisting Airports With Poor Security
After the recent air freight incidences of al-Qaeda bombs disguised as parcel packages, Der Spiegel carries a story of the background to the bombs. Chancellor Angela Merkel is quoted as calling for “implementation of stricter controls worldwide to prevent terrorist attacks.” Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière, who previously had tried to play down the risk of threats, is said to be coming round to supporting this policy.
Britain: Sharia-based Schools
In Britain, Tony Blair promised to support the development of “faith schools” in Britain. Most of the new faith schools are Muslim, and a government body called Ofsted exists to inspect all schools to ensure that they are upholding educational standards.
Some Muslim faith schools in Britain are paid for by the state (i.e. taxpayers). Recently, it was discovered that at least three fee-paying Muslim girls’ schools have rules that make it compulsory for girls to wear a burka or niqab (face-veil) while travelling to or from the school. These schools are the Madani school in East London, the Jamea Al Kauthar school in Lancaster and the Jameah Girls’ Academy in Leicester.
Recently, Andrew Gilligan in the Sunday Telegraph wrote that the Madani school proclaims on its website its segregationist philosophy:
“If we oppose the lifestyle of the West, then it does not seem sensible that the teachers and the system which represents that lifestyle should educate our children.”
The Madani school website stated that under Western education, “our children will distance themselves from Islam until there is nothing left but their beautiful names.” Now, a quick look at the school’s website brings up a message that states:
“We are currently updated [sic] our website and hope to be online very soon.”
Are they trying to bury the evidence? Mr. Gilligan draws attention to the fact that the Madani school has been given a good review by an Ofsted inspector who herself is a Muslim. This woman is Michele Messaoudi. She has connections to the annual Global Peace and Unity event, which is described here by the Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report as having items on sale that glorified terrorism and terrorist groups. The Global Peace and Unity Event is sponsored by Islam TV, which we profiled on FSM. The head of Islam TV, Mohamed Ali Harrath, was on an Interpol red warrant issued by Tunisia on charges of terrorism, but the Interpol warrant appears to now be waived.
Michele Messaoudi is listed as a judge at the Global Peace and Unity Event, as is Mohammed Akram Khan-Cheema who is also an Ofsted schools inspector. He is the CEO of IBERR (International Board of Educational Research and Resources), a group which Andrew Gilligan describes as “a radical Muslim educational foundation.”
In her Ofsted report, Messaoudi has praised the Madani school as raising girls who were “aware of their future role as proactive young British Muslim women” and left them “well-prepared for life in a multicultural society” even though it forces them to cover their faces while on the street.
In January 2008, despite warning about the segregation that could ensue within a Muslim school, private Muslim schools won the right to set up their own examining body, a group called the Bridge School’s Inspectorate. That body is now in operation, allowing Muslim schools to do their own inspections and assessments. Ofsted will still make its own reviews of the inspectorate’s performance, but it seems that by allowing Muslim inspectors to inspect Muslim schools, the segregation of education is already in place.
The indoctrination of children will have a future influence upon the society as a whole. And Islamists know this…
Family Security Matters Eurabia Watch will be appearing from now on as a regular feature on these pages.
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