USH: Barack Hussein Obama, the Pharaoh of Chicago. Has a nice ring to it out there, doesn’t it? Pharaoh of Chicago, telling us everything is cool. Hey, look, folks, if the industry of talk radio was responsible for Tucson, how about blaming Obama’s Cairo speech for this? Yeah, have you seen, folks, the liberals, the Democrats, the media seem to be more embracing of the Muslim Brotherhood than the Tea Party movement. Have you noticed that? I have. And I’m gonna tell you something else. I don’t care who you talk to and what they say. Right now nobody understands yet whether any of this is good or bad for the United States, and that’s what’s missing in all this, and that is, what’s good for the United States and our interests in this, nobody knows. I don’t care what expert you listen to, there’s not a soul that can tell you. We could be looking at one of two things —
By the way, hi, Rush Limbaugh back. Thanks to Mark Steyn for sitting in on Friday and doing a wonderful job as always. We’re happy to be back here in our Southern Command bunker, South Florida. Telephone number, 800-282-2882, and the e-mail address,
There was an uprising in Iran in 2009. It didn’t amount to much because the regime here didn’t support it. You may have forgotten that. Just two years ago there was some average, ordinary citizens in Iran who wanted to get rid of the mullahs and wanted to get rid of Ahmadinejad, and the regime here didn’t support it. A lot of people are hoping that’s what this is. It is the Muslim Brotherhood, but what’s really known about ’em? They claim they’re for democracy and all that, but that could be a smoke screen. On the other hand, we have said from the get-go that if you wanted the second term of Jimmy Carter, elect Barack Obama, and here we are, and what happened in the first term of Jimmy Carter? We lost Iran to a bunch of radical Islamist extremists. Are we looking at the second term of Jimmy Carter here, losing Egypt to a bunch of radicalized Islamist extremists?
You can see when you scour various Drive-By State-Controlled Media sites, they’re desperately invested in the fact that this is all good, get Mubarak out of there, we finally got democracy. The problem with that is, for them, that they have to somehow include George Bush in praise. It was George Bush who said if we go into Iraq with a democracy agenda, then the wildfire of freedom will spread to other areas. Well, if we’re gonna say that this is the wildfire of freedom being spread, where did it start? You can’t leave Bush out of this equation, which, of course, the media and the Democrats don’t want to do. They want to find some way to credit Obama for this but Obama on Saturday night, Saturday night, Linda Douglass, that well known objective journalist who used to work at ABC and some other places and then she quit the media because she admitted she just couldn’t get as much done. She went to work for the Obama regime. She was the health care legislation spokesbabe. In other words, Linda Douglass was responsible for spinning the lies of health care in the media. She quit that and went back to the media, working for I think it’s the outfit Atlantic Media, Atlantic Monthly and so forth. So Saturday night, in the midst of all of this, Linda Douglass hosts a party at her house for administration officials and certain elements of the State-Controlled Media.
F. Chuck Todd was there from NBC/Comcast. We had Jake Tapper there from ABC. We had a couple other media people. We had high administration, high regime officials. And the whole point was a going-away party for David Axelrod, who Obama saw the next day. Axelrod is just leaving the regime’s White House offices to head back to the Chicago offices of Pharaoh Obama and his reelection bid. But yet he goes to this going-away party as though, “Hey, Dave, been great to know you, hope we see you down the line. See you next Tuesday, Dave,” wink wink. I want you to imagine something. Imagine that Karl Rove had decided to leave the White House, and I threw a bye-bye bash for him in my house that Bush 43 attended while something like this was going on in Egypt. Do you think you woulda heard about that party the moment it was taking place? Yeah. And do you think any media people would have been invited? No. But it’s fascinating here, folks, all these experts, and nobody really knows — you’ve got Biden misspeaking, and you’ve got Andrea Mitchell admitting that’s the typical Joe Biden misspeak, just what we here in the regime have to deal with. Old Joe, “Hey, Chuck, stand up, man, oh, oh, God love ya, Chuck’s in a wheelchair and can’t stand up and he even told me that but I forgot. Oh, let’s all stand up for Chuck.” Meanwhile, Chuck is saying, “Please, can everybody stop paying attention to me, I’m in a wheelchair.”
So there’s an element of this, ladies and gentlemen, that I want to introduce — well, I’m not the one introducing it. I’m gonna pass it on to you because I don’t think that very many people are talking about it. The media would have had a cow if the White House was having a party while the Middle East was in flames. I don’t care if it was Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, if 43 had gone to any kind of a party on a Saturday night when Egypt was in flames, ha! Instead this media was running around pulling its hair out wondering how the hell it didn’t get invited. What’s so special about F. Chuck Todd and Jake Tapper? How come they got invited and we didn’t?