Long-standing Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion will appear on Huckabee, Mike Huckabee’s Fox News talk show, on Saturday evening. At first blush, it’s a weird pairing — a 90-year-old Canadian mayor, 11 times re-elected, and a 55-year-old former Southern Baptist minister-cum-presidential candidate-cum-Fox News host. The Post’s Michael Fraiman tries to find their similarities, and is more successful in some cases than others.
Welcome to Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, a debt free city, $750Million in reserve, its mayor, 90 year only [Hurricane] Hazel McCallion, former professional ice hockey player, who won 11 elections, in office for 31 years, and in last elections 76% of voters put her back in City Hall against 16 other runners and she does not even campaign… Mississauga was Toronto’s bedroom town, people traveled to Toronto to work and returned home at night, now people come to Mississauga to work…and during McCallion’s mayorship the town of 200,000 people grew to a town of 750,000 happy residents…
Mayor Hazel McCallion, whose tireless optimism has earned her the nickname ‘Hurricane Hazel’, has cultivated a reputation for her skill at governing, shown by Mississauga’s dynamic evolution into one of Canada’s most successful cities. During her over 40 years of public service, she has led the transformation of a few small towns into the sixth largest city in Canada, and at 84 years of age she symbolizes the vitality of her city.

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