Vin’s Notes on Islamism: Part Eleven Documenting Islamist incursions around the globe.Vin Ienco
Remembering Javed
Last week, the eyes of the world were fixed on Pakistan and the events surrounding the death of Bin Laden. While the media presented every possible angle of his death, other news went under the radar.
Last week was also the anniversary of the death of Javed Masih, a 19 year-old Pakistani Christian boy that was brutally tortured at the hands of Muslims in late April 2004.
Javed had stopped at a Madrassa (Muslim seminary) to get a drink of water when he was set upon by a gang of Muslims.
Once they had found out that Javed was a Christian, he was kidnapped and tortured for five days. His attackers had pulled out his fingernails, broken his right arm and some of his fingers. They had also used electric shocks in an attempt to convert him. His captors had beaten and tortured him to no avail; he would not convert to Islam.
Javed, now barely alive, was taken to the local Police station where his attackers accused him of blasphemy. He was then transported by Police to the local hospital and the staff there were shocked at the extent of his injuries.
Despite their efforts, on May 2nd, 2004, Javed died in Falsabad state hospital, almost two weeks after being admitted. The report submitted by the hospital on his death stated:
‘Javed had died as a result of 26 serious injuries to his body, from sustained torture.’
During his time in hospital, Javed gave a video-taped death-bed testimony to his family, identifying one of his attackers and his daily torture.
Ghulam Rasool was named by Javed and was quickly caught and interrogated by police. In his confession, Rasool named Muhammad Tayab and Umar Hayat, an Islamic cleric from the Madrassa where Javed was first kidnapped. Hayat was now on the run and it took another 22 months before he was arrested and the trial was underway.
Muslims are commanded per the Koran, to convert, subjugate or kill unbelievers until all religion is for Allah. This is clear in Qur’an (9:5):
“But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them…”
It continues with Qur’an (9:11):
“But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion”
There are also many verses in the Hadith like: Bukhari (53:392):
“While we were in the Mosque, the Prophet came out and said, “Let us go to the Jews” We went out till we reached Bait-ul-Midras. He said to them, “If you embrace Islam, you will be safe. You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle, and I want to expel you from this land. So, if anyone amongst you owns some property, he is permitted to sell it, otherwise you should know that the Earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle.”
At the opening of the trial, an armed Muslim mob of 300 people, mostly from the Madrassa attended the hearing. Javed’s father Pervez, was ordered from the courtroom in an attempt to appease the angry mob. This was despite the presence of 45 security personnel. The prosecution and Pervez were now forced to attend the hearings under heavily armed escort, due to death threats and physical and verbal abuse.
The death-bed video testimony was rejected by the Punjab High Court though the testimony Javed had given to police was allowed. The prosecution was seeking the death penalty, thought it was barely audible over the screams and threats by the students of the Madrassa. They were now attending every hearing in the case, packing the courtroom gallery.
On the 3rd of June 2006, Javed Iqbal Warraich, the district judge of Toba Tek Sing, was ready to pronounce sentence. Pervez was removed from the courtroom beforehand for security reasons. Judge Warraich sentenced the men to 25 years imprisonment. The students of the Jamia Hassan Bin Ali Almurtaza Madrassa were livid.
Javeds lawyer, Khalil Tahir Sindhu, described the sentencing as ‘significant, but not satisfactory’. ‘I am convinced Javed was targeted by the three men because of the solidity of his faith’, said Sindhu. ‘Mgr Coutts, bishop of Falsabad, told me that only a cross and a prayer book were found in his pockets when he died.’ Sindhu was instructed by Pervez Masih to file an appeal. Almost 5 years on, that appeal is yet to be heard.
Vin Ienco.
Countries/ topics in order are:
The Fallen, Must Read, Bin Laden, Video, USA, Canada, Argentina, Israel, Britain, Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, Norway, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Ivory Coast, Somalia, Nigeria, Tunisia, Guinea, Uganda.
The Fallen
Cpl. Kevin W. White, 22, of Westfield, New York, died May 2, 2011.
Pfc. Robert M. Friese, 21, of Chesterfield, Michigan, died April 29, 2011.
Must Read
Israel and the Palestinian Authority: Two Ships Passing in the Night, by Gadi Adelman

Special Operations/Covert Operations to the Rescue by Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, US Army
The Mosab Yousef Saga: Did Hamas ‘Defector’ Dupe All of Us? By Walid Shoebat
The Scourge of Islamic Gender Apartheid: An Infidel Task Force Interview by Phyllis Chesler
Competing Visions of ‘Never Again’ by Caroline Glick
Islamists Slaughter Christians in Nigeria, Obama Looks the Other Way

Sharia and moderate Muslims
America’s Worst Ally
Muslim terror leaders send anyone but their own family members to murder infidels
Six Suicidal Assumptions about Islam
The Muslim Brotherhood and Spring Time for Sharia in Araby

They hanged her for preaching love
“The Struggle between Truth [Islam] and Falsehood [Non-Islam] Transcends Time”
Palestinians once again prove they are not interested in peace
No Mercy: Iraqi Security Forces Attack Iranian Opposition
Carter wants world to back Palestinian unity
A Month in the Life of Islam in Europe
Temporary marriage: Its illegitimacy in Islam
As al Qaeda Adapts Its Tactics, Threat from Splinter Groups Persists
Pakistan: Public Enemy Number One
Homeland Security Hearing Casts Doubts on U.S. Relations with Pakistan
Playing Politics with Islamic Terrorism
Europe’s day of shame
Who Oversees Foreign Aid to the Palestinians?
Conference sounds alarm over imperiled Mideast Christians
Why we’re No Safer Today
Osama Killed but Hezbollah Increasing its Power in Lebanon
Jewish Studies and Muslim Sympathy
Asylum claims from North Africa rise

What is the Future of Religion around the World?
After a Palestinian Unilateral Declaration of Statehood
A Hate-Israel Spring
Bin Laden
Osama Bin Laden Killed in Firefight with U.S. Special Ops Team in Pakistan
Transcript of Obama’s speech on Bin Ladens death
Osama Bin Laden Body Headed for Burial at Sea, Officials Say
Al Azhar: Sea burial is a sin
DNA fingerprinting helped identify Osama bin Laden
Bin Laden’s body ‘identified by sister’s brain’
In Islamic world, joy, grief eclipsed by official silence
Statement by former President George W. Bush
Expert: Bin Laden’s death to prompt terror waves
Pakistan’s bin Laden Connection Is Probed
Courier who led US to bin Laden was involved in 9/11
Pakistan Criticizes U.S. Raid on bin Laden
Pakistan’s Zardari claims his country ‘did their part’ in killing Osama
Obama Will Not Release Photo of Bin Laden
Bin Laden death reminds Kenya of bombing horrors
Osama family members under arrest
Al Qaeda, in Web message, confirms bin Laden’s death
Muslims protest worldwide over bin Ladens death
Excerpts from Al Qaeda statement on bin Ladens death
Stakelbeck on Terror: May 3, 2011 (28:35)
Inside Story: US-Pak relations after bin Laden’s death (25:24)
Inside Story – Al-Qaeda decapitated? (24:48)
Inside Story – The end of Osama bin Laden (24:38)
Frost over the World – What next for Syria? (23:57)
Obama’s Bin Laden Photo Decision: Move on or More Proof? (12:41)
Obama- Osama bin Laden is Dead – Full Video (9:46)
Revealing new footage of the Muslim march and demo at the US Embassy (9:19)
In Misrata Port, Ship Braves Shelling to Save Migrant Workers (8:20)
Details Released on Raid in Which Bin Laden Was Killed (7:12)
Clinton speaks about Osama Bin Laden’s death (6:36)
Gaddafi’s youngest son ‘killed in NATO air strike’ (6:11)
Rumsfeld on Bin Ladens death (4:59)
Radical Islamic Threat Grips Denmark (4:20)
Lahore, Pakistan, JuD Chief Prayers for Osama (3:28)
Analyzing al-Qaeda arrests in Germany (3:10)
Inside Navy SEALs Team (2:53)
Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 20 at Iraqi Police Station (2:35)
Bahrain opposition crackdown continues (2:14)
Raw Video: Pakistan, Karachi Protest over Bin Laden Raid (00:57)

Muslim American Society Official Calls bin Laden a “Visionary”
U.S. Is on Alert for Hastened Plots
Will America Survive the Threat of Islam?
Superman gets his tights in a twist
Pushing ‘Islamophobia’ at UCLA
Hiker Sarah Shourd refuses to return for Iran spy trial
US Seeks to Unlock Frozen Assets for Libyan Rebels
U.S. officials: Al-Qaeda plotted rail attack on 9/11 anniversary
COLORADO: Palin and terrorism expert to speak in Lakewood
CONNECTICUT: Man sentenced to 18 months for buying body armor
FLORIDA: Tampa mosque quarrel drawing national attention
GEORGIA: Muslim cap keeps man out of courtroom
ILLINOIS: Man sentenced to life for killing 5 family members
IOWA: New Islamic center plans open house on Saturday
MICHIGAN: Man accused of killing stepdaughter for leaving home, not following Islam
Feds tell local Muslims today: We’re not going to profile you
NEW YORK: NY judge nixes attorney request in terror case
OHIO: Area Muslims speak out in Parma about airport and border security
OKLAHOMA: Schools’ backers say Islamic ties pose no threat
PENNSYLVANIA: Court upholds Sharia Law
May Christians Preach Outside a Philadelphia Mosque?
TENNESSEE: Islamic center going up in Chattanooga
Muslim Leaders Say They Were Taken Off US Flight
UTAH: Quran giveaway fortifies Christian, Muslim bond
WASHINGTON: Confronting Islamphobia – NY Imam to speak here
Muslim group: Community college speaker spreads hate
Political leader Geert Wilders comes to Canada
Controversial anti-Islamic group plans rally in Toronto
Court dismisses appeal to have Abdullah Khadr extradited to U.S
Argentina to air Islamic program
Police raises alert level following Bin Laden death
PM heads to Paris, UK to discuss Palestinian state, Hamas
Jerusalem imam: Obama will soon hang
Netanyahu Condemns Palestinian Unity Pact
Netanyahu, Obama to discuss Palestinian statehood
IDF nabs senior Islamic Jihad member in Jenin
Sellafield nuclear site terror arrests made
Four houses raided in east London by counter-terror detectives
UK Police Release Terror Suspects
Jeremy Bowen lectures Queen Mary students in Islam & the West
74% of Brits believe airports are vulnerable to terrorist attacks
Manchester: Jury sworn in as trial of four men accused of terrorism gets underway
Britain wins – for the most anti-Semitic attacks in 2010
‘I will lead a funeral prayer for Bin Laden’: Anjem Choudary
Poison in holy water from Mecca: Illegal bottles on sale in London contain arsenic
‘PA must renounce violence before UK recognizes state’
U.K. Expels 2 Libyan Diplomats
Verdicts due on London bombings inquests
Ex-Taliban fighter in ‘jihad recruitment bid’
7/7 inquest: plot leader Mohammed Sidique Khan ‘was raised a liberal Muslim’
MI5 could have run more thorough investigation into July 7 bomber
Bin Laden supporters clash with EDL
Pro-Bin Laden Muslims Clash with Cops at U.S. Embassy in London
Retired Brit tourists fought off Somali pirates with deckchairs
Islamic Group ‘Disgusted’ by US Celebrations
Guilty father Ramazan ‘Ramzy’ Acar’s chilling Facebook updates
Man convicted of plotting a terrorist attack delivers court outburst
Detainees charged over Villawood centre riot
Minister in dark about homemade ‘bomb’ found at the Villawood detention centre
Minister buys into debate on burqas
Malaysia set to trade asylum seekers in detention centre deal with Australia
Police arrests another suspect in mosque bombing
Police to guard Islamist prayer recital for Al-Qaeda’s late leader
Police find six unexploded bombs
‘We will die to avenge Bin Laden’
Gunman kills praying city mayor
Four Mindanao regions at risk of terrorist attacks: Palace
U.S. spy agencies, Philippine military target local terrorists
Western Mindanao Command hunting for Malaysian terrorist
Manila Muslim community to hold memorial service for Bin Laden
Muslims to protest bin Laden’s sea burial at US embassy
Militants shoot four dead in tea shop
Bomb kills 7 in South
Hundreds of Islamic activists clash with police, 200 detained
Eleven sentenced to life for gang rape
Cleric says: Bin Laden not a terrorist
Geelani leads ‘martyr’ Osama’s absentia funeral prayer
Father-in-law, brother-in-law of woman arrested
Hunt on for fourth accused
Third night of anti-government protests
Security forces accused of ‘excessive force’
Release of alleged blasphemers sparks riots in Gujranwala
Bullet sprayed on Pastor’s family on refusal to convert to Islam
Punjab: Muslim extremists attack, forcing Christian families to flee
Lahore High Court moved for permanent ban on Facebook
Terror being transported to Karachi under the nose of security establishment
Woman who went to court for protection is killed by husband
TIMELINE-Pakistan’s troubled history
Pakistan prepares for anti-US protests
Hundreds rally for bin Laden
Pakistan Defends Intelligence Service, Counterterrorism Record
3 activists among 7 killed in Karachi
Six killed in Quetta blast
US drones kill 17 in NW Pakistan; protests over bin Laden
Twelve-year-old suicide bomber kills four
Taliban say bin Laden death will revive Afghan insurgency
Gunmen attack Kandahar governor’s compound
Missionary detained for possessing prohibited Christian materials
Azerbaijan Sentences Young Opposition Activist to Prison
Italy’s alarm ends dream of borderless Europe
EU open borders scaled back after influx of migrants
Brother of Iranian dissident leader in U.S. abducted in Paris
Senate rejects bill calling to punish deniers of Armenian holocaust
Police arrest Tunisia migrants, influx grows
Is France dithering over burqa ban?
Authorities Intensify Search for Terrorist Suspects
Suspected al Qaeda terrorist pleads guilty in Frankfurt
Germany Clears Train over ‘Allah Will Kill Us All’ CD
Lars Hedegaard guilty of racism
Denmark debates the cost of immigrants
Politicians Urge Muslim Holiday
Police pounce on Islamic ‘terrorist’ gang
Swiss freeze $1bn in Gaddafi, Mubarak, Ben Ali assets
Beheading for those who don’t observe Ramadan
Gaddafi’s Ukrainian nurse seeks asylum
Somali pirates sentenced to 439 years’ jail each
Spain Boosts Embassy Security Following Bin Laden Death
African migrants missing in sea off southern Spain
Chechnya says Turkish citizen killed in operation
Police search for terrorist leader Umarov in North Caucasus and abroad
Man released after allegedly stabbing ex-wife five times with a screwdriver
Violence against women reaches level of “gendercide.”
Turkey Raids Offices of Opposition Leader, Seizes Documents, Makes Arrests
Terror targeting the prime minister
Turkey press freedom under fire
Compassion – Islamic Republic Style
Missing Iran leader Ahmadinejad under pressure from MPs
Ahmadinejad allies charged with sorcery
Analysis: Deep echoes of Iran political tremors
Reactions in Iran to Osama Bin Laden’s Assassination
Iran: U.S. plots to divide Syrians
Iran: US should leave region
Deadly Car Bomb Blast at Baghdad Cafe
Car bomb kills over 20 policemen in southern Iraq
Six killed and 10 wounded in attack in Baquba
Muslim Brotherhood Outlines Political Ambitions
Al-Qaeda’s New Battle Hardened, Difficult Leader
Mubarak’s Security Boss Is Jailed
Thousands of Copts protest in front of Abbasiya Cathedral
300 angry Egypt Islamists rally over bin Laden death
Egypt Front-Runner Seeks Israel Reset
Protest at Cairo embassy calls for intifada
Protest groups plan election strategy
EU will give 85m. Euros to PA to make up for frozen funds
Palestinians Prepare to Sign Unity Deal, Israel Voices Opposition
Hamas Leader Condemns Killing of Osama Bin Laden
Hamas, Fatah Coordinate May 15 assault on Israel
Advisor to Abbas: Hamas Has No Need to Recognize Israel
Zahar: Hamas will never recognize Israel
Israel Imposes Sanctions after Palestinian Unity Deal
Hamas, Fatah sign truce deal
Hamas executes Palestinian for Israeli collaboration
Saudi Arabia
Royal decree issued to amend Saudi media law
Saudi Arabia keeps female voting ban
Three men held for cross-dressing in Fujairah
Divorce cases rise due to forced marriages
Protester jailed for five years
Bahrain’s Crackdown
Bahrain to charge medics with acting against the state
Bahrain on the brink
UN Criticizes Bahrain about Treatment of Dissenters
The West Can Shorten Syrian Regime’s Deadly Campaign
More Tanks and Troops sent Into Southern City
Protesters Plan Week ‘to Break the Siege’
Army in Deraa arrests 500 men
Army ‘surrounds Baniyas’ days after Deraa siege
Member of Extremist Terrorist Group Distributed Arms, Ammunition
‘Hundred tanks, troop transports’ on highway
President: Military Operation in Daraa Will End ‘Soon’
Troops start withdrawal from besieged city
Raid in Damascus suburb as crackdown defied
Thousands Protest in Syria on ‘Friday of Defiance’
30 killed in Syria protests, activist says
Christians Under Attack From Anti-Government Protesters
Blast kills 9 in Yemen, including 5 soldiers
U.S. drone attack kills two Al-Qaeda members
Al-Qaeda head Anwar al-Awlaki ‘targeted by drone’
Youth protest leaders want Gulf plan withdrawn
Allies Plan Fund for Libyan Rebels
ICC prosecutor says grounds to charge Libyan forces
UN Asks West for Help with Libyan Refugee Crisis
Gadhafi Survives NATO Missile Strike That Killed Son
We will take the war to Italy: Gadhafi
Fighting rages in Libya’s Western Mountains
Gadhafi Strikes Port after Kin Killed
UN leaves Tripoli amid mob attacks
Aid ship comes under fire in Misrata
Suspects arrested over Marrakesh bombing
Cafe bomb suspect posed as a hippie
Marrakesh café bombers linked to al-Qaeda
Fears for tourism as country admits there could be more terror attacks
New proof that kidnapped Italian women may still be alive
Reporter shot dead in militant stronghold
Ivory Coast
Troops Kill Powerful Warlord
Forces Fight Remnants of Militia
60 Bodies Found in Ivory Coast’s Main City
Al Shabaab bans locals from following Bin Laden death related news
Report: Pirates Seize Ship with Chinese Crew
Al Shabaab executes two alleged spies in southern Somalia
NATO Navy Captures Armament-Filled Ship, Bound For Eritrea
The mandate of blood
4 churches burned down in Nigeria
Church Leaders Call for Probe into Election Violence
Muslim sect suspected of killing 5 in Nigeria
Boko Haram attacks Sheriff’s security aide
Amnesty for Boko Haram members
The days ahead will be darker
2 Killed, 7 Injured in Attack in N Nigeria
16 killed in Christian village in northern Nigeria: police
Ousted President Charged With Plotting Against State
Ben Ali to face charges over deaths
Tunisian ex-minister sees coup if Islamists elected
Police battle anti-government protesters
At least 25 dead in Guinea ethnic clashes -sources
If Guinea can..
Muslims told to stop riots
African strongmen crush attempts to emulate pro-democracy uprisings
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