Posted By Ruth King on June 16th, 2011
According to a recently-published study, many mosques in the United States do not merely serve as places of worship, but as tools for the promotion of Sharia law and radical Islamic ideology.
The study identified dozens of mosques as breeding grounds for jihad, with over 80% of those examined promoting violence.
When Rep. Peter King (R-NY, 3rd district) held hearings in December on the radicalization of American Muslims, he was met with great criticism and controversy. Yet the findings of this survey make the threats of radicalization much harder to ignore. Perhaps today, when Rep. King holds the second forum on the issue, this time focusing on the threat of Muslim-American radicalization in U.S. prisons, people will pay closer attention.
“There goes that post-9/11 myth — the one that tells us that American Islam is a happily assimilating creed, wholly different from the aggressive Islam transforming Europe.”
My best guess is the sun is hot. I feel its heat. I see by its light. I understand its role in the growth of crops and other living things. If I were to come across scholarly data attesting to its high temperatures, I would probably look at the fiery pictures (if there were any) and turn to something else.
On one level, I approach a new study on violence and Islam in the Middle East Quarterly in much the same way. That is, I’ve lived through 9/11 and the 17,298 Islamic terror attacks since (as tabulated by the website I’ve seen pictures of Muslims rampaging around the world over a cartoon. I also understand Islam’s animating role in the terror and subversion designed to extend Islamic law (Shariah) to a point where an Islamic government, or caliphate, rules the world.

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