Go to www.ClimateDepot.com for latest on how Gore is lavishing praise on Romney while the Sun may be about to go into a deep sleep and may give us global Cooling! (See: While The Sun Sleeps: ‘Earth may be headed into a mini Ice Age within a decade’ — ‘May be the science story of the century…This is highly unusual and unexpected’) Wave Bye, Bye to Nomination?! Gore Praises Romney for Belief in Man-Made Global Warming

Gore: ‘Good for Mitt Romney – While other Republicans are running from the truth, he is sticking to his guns in the face of the anti-science wing of the Republican Party’

Climate Depot Note: Gore appears happier with Romney’s climate views than President Obama’s views! See: Flashback 2010: Gore Takes swipe at Obama for climate failure? ‘The government as a whole has failed us… although the House did its job’

Background on Romney’s climate beilef:


Watch Now: Warmist Romney Sings: ‘Romney wants political/media establishment to know he isn’t some wild-eyed conservative, but a member of power structure who won’t rock the boat’


Rush Limbaugh Slams Warmist Romney Again: ‘Romney Wins Over Media by Opposing Rush on Global Warming’

Limbaugh: ‘Belief in manmade global warming is a lot like believing in Santa Claus. It’s fun. It’s fun to believe in it for a while when you’re a kid, but it’s a costly myth to continue believing in as you grow older — and it’s certainly not the kind of thing any serious political candidate ought to believe in’


Bye, Bye Mitt Romney! It Gets Worse! New Book touts his Gore like warmist views: Romney: ‘Scientists are nearly unanimous in laying the blame for rising temperatures on GHG emissions’

Romney: ‘I believe that climate change is occurring – the reduction in size of global ice caps is hard to ignore. I also believe that human activity is a contributing factor’

Climate Depot Response: ‘We now have Gingrich, Christie, Huntsman and Romney unable to grasp the basics of the climate con. We must not tolerate the same pathetic GW Bush strategy of accepting the alleged AGW science but rejecting so-called solutions’


Romney draws fire from conservatives over views on climate change: ‘If [voters] get past Romneycare, then this [AGW] will be a ‘do not pass go’-type issue’


Warmists ‘applaud’ Romney for swallowing AGW claims whole: He ‘believes global warming is a very significant national problem…& govt action is needed’


Rick Santorum Doesn’t Drink AGW Koolaid


Romney: No apologies for pro-warmist climate beliefs: He’s ‘broken with his party’s conservative ranks to declare global warming a real threat that merits some sort of action’

Hell No! We Won’t Go Back to Bush! ‘Romney’s initial global warming stance sounds a lot like that of fmr. Pres. G.W. Bush, who reluctantly accepted climate science while fighting Dems over what to do about it’


Romney-ObamaScare: Their ‘Global Warming’ Hysteria Is Wrong, Per Latest NOAA Data – U.S. Cooling Last 15 Years


Rush Limbaugh on impact of Romney’s man-made global warming belief: ‘Bye-bye, nomination. Bye-bye nomination. Another one down’

Limbaugh: ‘The last year has established that the whole premise of manmade global warming is a hoax, and we still have presidential candidates who want to buy into it!’


Romney’s Scarlet Letter: ‘So we must allow for our candidates to fall for obvious frauds? Aren’t we allowed just one tiny little ‘litmus test?’


Romney Embraces California’s Destructive Environmental Regulations To Conquer The Feared ‘Global Warming’


Mitt Romney Still Loves His Ethanol


Warmist Doug Craig: ‘Ethanol is a scam’ — ‘I have written it before but just in case some are unaware, ethanol is a scam, has nothing to do with climate change or global warming and is an example of ‘government/corporation business as usual’


Wash. Times Features Climate Depot: ‘Sharp-eyed critics at ClimateDepot.com already have labeled Gingrich, Christie and Hunstman Jr. as global-warming sympathizers’


Analysis: Romney ‘has a weird knack for reaching into the icebox to pull out the conventional wisdom when it’s 5 years past its sell-by date’

‘Romney’s come out in favor of global warming not when it was actually happening (over a decade ago) but two years after the peer-review hit the fan in East Anglia, Copenhagen, and at the IPCC. This is like watching your parents do the Macarena: It’s embarrassing and it’s dated’


Romney ‘made an unforced error over ‘global warming,’ as if he hasn’t read a thing on the subject since the Climategate e-mail scandals broke’


Romney’s CarbonTax: Obama Made Energy Prices ‘Skyrocket’ & Romney Wants To Boost Them Into Orbit


Analysis: ‘It is inconceivable the GOP would select nominee who is so wrong on the issue of climate change as are Gingrich, Christie, Huntsman and Romney’


Romney Can’t Resist Temptation: Another Big Govt Republican Sniffs The AGW Glue


Conservatives at FreeRepublic.com Throw Romney Overboard Over Warmist Views: ‘Romney just wants to beat Newt’s record for a short candidacy’


‘So long, Mitt. Now you & Newt can take that vacation you’ve been talking about’


‘If given the choice between Romney and Obama I’ll take Obama. There is no difference in policy and at least with Obama conservatives are united and don’t get blamed for the disaster’


Romney the warmist: ‘I believe world is getting warmer, and I believe humans have contributed to that. It’s important to reduce our emissions of pollutants’

Analysis: ‘This statement obviously doesn’t bode well for the prospect that Romney would rein in the EPA and its endangerment finding and economy-killing greenhouse gas regulations’



Marc Morano
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Washington, D.C. 20006

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