
Friday Afternoon Roundup – Put Some Teeth In It
Forget all the worrying and fussing over Muslim immigration and terrorism. The future looks bright for Britain. We’re probably only days away from the first female Imam and drive through abortion clinics in local mosques. Mecca is going to host its first swimsuit competition on its black rock and Ramadan will unite with Gay Pride Day for a parade that no one will ever be able to forget.
At least that’s Islam according to Tony Blair
“Good women are obedient,” says the Koran. “They guard their unseen parts.” Which in the Muslim world often includes their faces, their voices and themselves, until the whole woman becomes one unseen part. “As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them.”
The liberal Britain which long since disavowed, “A woman, a dog and a walnut tree; the harder they are beaten, the better they be”, has welcomed it back in as, “A woman, a dog and a palm tree.”
But there’s good sound reasons for all that
Jews and Christians tended to court their wives, rather than abduct them and rape them in front of their husbands.
When your wedding canopy is a knife at her throat, and your “meet-cute” was burning her village, there’s good reason to fear her disobedience. And when your relationship is based on being the first man to grab her as she made a run for it, there is good reason to keep her inside or cover her from head to toe.
You may be her first rapist, but your cousins and friends will have no objection to being her second and third. When rape is legal, and every adult male around you is a potential rapist, then purdah and headbags are a natural way for fathers and husbands to protect their investment.
There is nothing spiritual about Muslim modesty. It is, as Blair said, “Practical”. In a society of rapists…
Read the rest of it in my Front Page Magazine article, “Don’t Worry, Be Muslim”.
It’s shocking and outrageous that Bachmann could confuse a Democrat like John Wayne Gacy with a Republican like John Wayne.
In other gaffe news, Bachmann was unable to fully recite the periodic table, had trouble naming all the dogs who played Lassie and once accepted a tax refund from the government. How can anyone possibly say she’s qualified?
Meanwhile Obama will be headed off to his 57th state to continue his crusade against ATM’s.
Venezuela’s Chavez says surgery removed small cancerous tumor, larger cancerous tumor to return to work ruling Venezuela.
Remember when Ari Fleischer criticizing Maher’s comments about the 9/11 terrorists was trumpeted as a horrible violation of human freedom by a ruthless administration?
New York Times bemoaned the presidential assault on free speech and the thuggish attacks on the freedom of public figures to say what they wanted.
And then Mark Halperin accurately called Obama a dick on MSNBC and Jay Carney, Obama’s Fleischer, called MSNBC to denounce it and now Halperin is indefinitely suspended.
Where’s the outrage from Paul Krugman and Frank Rich? Absent.
Endorsing the ruthless thuggish suppression of any criticism by the administration was Media Matters
MSNBC rightly placed its senior political analyst Mark Halperin on indefinite suspension Thursday after the Time editor-at-large inexcusably called President Obama a “dick.” This is how responsible news organizations behave.
While Halperin has apologized for his comments, it is simply unacceptable to call the president of the United States — or any president — a dick.
I bet that sounded even better in the original Russian.
Freedom of Speech? That was something we had under the old regime. You know the one with George W. Bush. Under the new regime, Limbaugh and FOX News were targeted by the administration, and a political analyst who accurately described Obama’s obnoxious behavior gets sent to the media Gulag… with the eager endorsement of an organization that claims to analyze the media, but actually suppresses criticism of The One.
The media responses have not been altogether approving of the Media Matters Pravda line. Jonathan Chait at the New Republic said it best
Halperin acknowledged in his apology that he was ‘disrespectful.” Since when do political commentators owe the president respect? He works for the American people, not vice versa. This is not a monarchy, and we aren’t supposed to speak of the president as if he’s the national father. If Halperin thinks Obama is a dick, he should go ahead and say so.
Put another way: Would Halperin be apologizing and facing suspension if he called, say, Donald Trump a dick? If not — and I’m pretty sure he would not
Obviously not. Then he’d be daring. If he called Bush a dick, he’d get a book deal. But call Obama a dick and you commit Lèse majesté. Which is another reason why the Obama era can never be allowed to happen again. This is not a monarchy and we are not the cult of some lazy political hack with a teleprompter and a tan enough skin to appropriate the sufferings of African-Americans for his own political benefit.
The 4th of July is coming up. The worst way to celebrate it is with obeisance to a new monarchy.
The New York Daily News cover proclaims “Le Perv May Walk Free”. Why because the accuser loses credibility. But their source for calling Kahn “Le Perv” is that same accuser. Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say that The Daily News loses credibility?
But of course the media never loses credibility. Just their targets. Their target may now shift from Dominique Kahn to the Muslim maid, who shockingly appears to be part of some drug ring and a compulsive liar, but they will never admit fault.
The Bronx chambermaid’s credibility crumbled as investigators linked her to a network of crooks and found that she had multiple bank accounts stuffed with a total of almost $100,000 in dirty cash, sources said Thursday night.
Prosecutors now believe there was little truth in anything the native of Guinea native told them since the NYPD yanked the one-time contender for the French presidency off a plane at Kennedy Airport on May 14, the sources said.
It’s too early to make any definitive statements yet, but if the case against Kahn does fall apart, then the French criticisms of an American justice system where the accused are gleefully lynched in the press need to be addressed.
If this had been done to an American presidential candidate in France, we would certainly expect it.
The French are not immune to asking some serious questions about their system as well. In the months leading up to the campaign, Kahn reportedly feared being set up in a rape charge. If the case falls apart, then some questions should be asked of whether that actually did happen.
In the happy multicultural paradise of BrooklynTown, a dispute between neighbors over noisy kids transformed immediately into ISLAMOPHOBIA (evil laugh).
Islamophobia, as we know, has killed more people than Gingivitis, Snoopy and Rice Cakes combined. And we must all be vigilant to hunt after it, and beat it to death mercilessly whenever possible. Or perhaps the next suicide bomber will feel unwelcome in our country.
This week’s tale of horrifying Islamophobia was trumpeted on the front page of the Daily News as ‘HATE GROWS IN BROOKLYN’. Growth implies a progression of something, but don’t ask liberal tabloids for headlines that make sense.
The official story was that Simchon Schwartz, a Hassidic Jew had poured beer on a Muslim neighbor and called her an Arab terrorist. This actually isn’t even Islamophobia, as even in his neighbor’s allegation, he never mentioned Muslims. But again when you’re making up crimes, then factual inaccuracies don’t matter.
Anti-Arab statements are now also treated as Islamophobia. Even when the neighbor is actually a Turk.
The actual story? The police responded to an altercation between two neighbors, both of whom claimed the other had struck first and made racist comments about them. The police chose to believe one side. The Muslim side. The newspapers chose to believe one side. The Muslim side.
It was widely and apparently inaccurately reported that Simchon Schwartz was a Hassidic Jew, which added spice to the story. Then his daughter came forward, looking like a Jersey Shore reject, to state that she was dating a Muslim and that her father never had a problem with that.
That makes it blatantly obvious that the Hassidic Jew part is also untrue. And it makes the whole thing look even more ridiculous.
No one involved seems to know the difference between Turks, Arabs and Muslims. The infinitely extensible doctrine of Islamophobia now says it’s a hate crime to call a Turk, an “Arab Terrorist”. Simchon Schwartz is likely an Israeli expat with a troubled family who lives around a Hassidic neighborhood. Crown Heights has no shortage of them.
A Turk living next door got into an argument with him. There was alcohol involved. One or the other man struck first. Schwartz clearly hit harder. This is a common enough dispute in New York City and around the country. And around the world. The result would normally be an arrest and a fine. But the media and the Islamophobia Scam has turned this into a major story.
Much like when a 12 year old Muslim boy, Osman Darawy pulled off the headbag of a Muslim girl, the media shrieked ISLAMOPHOBIA and spent days denouncing him, while refusing to report that he is from a Muslim family.
Yesterday it was Osman Darawy. Today it’s Simchon Schwartz. Tomorrow it will be some other Joe dragged into a political and media firestorm by the enablers of Islamic thuggery, who are always on the lookout for new cases of ISLAMOPHOBIA that they can use to bolster their scam.
When Gaddafi might possibly kill people, we went into an illegal war. When Assad is killing people, we’re urging negotiations (via Dan Friedman).
So who does Assad have pictures of Obama with anyway? A children’s choir, a cheeseburger, a goat?
It would be kind of like this. Soros Forging a Closer Alliance with Muslim Brotherhood.
What’s next? A Hitler-Stalin pact.
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