

Hi Gang:

My commentary today focuses on my most recent article for the CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization) website which I have attached below.  This time we will consider the statements made by none other than Janet Napolitano, the Secretary of the DHS, the agency I have come to refer to as the Department of Homeland Surrender.

If we were to prioritize the most important reasons that a government exists, protecting the lives and well being of the citizens of the country that is under the jurisdiction of that government would have to rate as the number one purpose for a government.  In order to achieve that critical goal most countries have assembled military forces that are supposed to keep the enemies of those nations as far from the borders of those countries as possible, thereby preventing their respective countries from being invaded and/or attacked by their enemies.

From a military perspective, the borders of the nation it defends are the last line of defense while for law enforcement agencies within those countries, the borders are the first line of defense.  Clearly the borders of a nation are of extreme importance and go to the very issue of sovereignty!  When we studied geography back in school, whether it was in elementary school or at the university level, borders defined the nations that we studied and, throughout history, conflicts that resulted in wars often began over the issue of the placement of borders.

Our nation’s well being obviously depends on its security.  Security, however, cannot be achieved when our borders only exist on maps and where unknown millions of illegal aliens who have evaded the vetting process that being inspected by CBP (Customs and Border Protection) inspectors provides.  Yet the President and many of our nation’s politicians have declared that it would be appropriate to provide a “pathway to citizenship” or at the very least, a “pathway to legal status” to unknown millions of illegal aliens whose true identities including their countries of citizenship and criminal backgrounds and possible association with criminal or terrorist organizations is unknown and unknowable.

When politicians state that they would require these millions of illegal aliens to undergo a “background check” in an effort to provide the illusion of security, they are actually proposing a system that would increase and not decrease our risk of attack by terrorists or further infiltration by transnational gangs and drug trafficking organizations!

As I have often noted, the only thing worse than no security is false security!  When an alien is able to easily game a system to obtain an officially issued identity document in a false name, that alien acquires a level of credibility that can enable him (her) to move freely around our country without raising and suspicions.  A background check must never be confused with a background investigation- there is a world of difference between the two and the difference can literally be a matter of life and death!

All that a background check requires is that the applicant who is undergoing a background check has his fingerprints and name he claims is his name checked against a database.  Our fingerprint system does not link with most fingerprint databases around the world and, in fact, many other countries do not have reliable fingerprint records for their citizens.  Therefore if an applicant’s fingerprints come back as not relating to any known criminal history, it may mean that the person has never been arrested in the United States and a few other countries, but this does not preclude the possibility that he was arrested in another country.  As for the name check- if a terrorist or criminal provides a false name, of necessity that name will come back as a “no hit” because it is a false name.

A background check is usually accomplished in a matter of minutes.  A background investigation is time consuming and may take weeks and require that investigators actually knock on doors and interview neighbors and colleagues at work, showing the photo of the person being investigated to attempt to determine if other names may relate to that person.  Comparing a background check with a background investigation is the equivalent of comparing  a parent taking the temperature of a child with a doctor in a hospital doing a complete medical workup of a child who is suspected of being ill.  Simply stated, there is no comparison!

Recently the TSA has come under criticism for invasively searching 85 year old wheelchair bound women who sought to board airliners.  The attitude of the TSA has been that even old people could pose a threat to airline security.  Airliners are obviously a source of potential threat as we saw on September 11, 2001.  However, there are many other ways that our nation could be attacked that would have nothing to do with airliners whatsoever.  The point is that our government is failing abysmally to truly protect our nation and our citizens.

It is not only national security that suffers under the current circumstances where our borders and immigration system are concerned.  While every politician running for just about any and every elected position in America talks about how they would create new jobs, not one of them has talked about the need to liberate jobs!  If there are millions of illegal aliens who are working in the United States, those aliens have, in a manner of speaking, stolen the jobs that should go to American workers!  This is not a about bigotry but commonsense!  Unemployed Americans are of every race, religion and ethnicity and, in fact, America’s minority workers are faring the worst where unemployment is concerned!

When Americans lose their jobs, they often lose their homes to foreclosure.  This creates a glut of vacant houses which, under the fundamental principles of economics means that the supply outstrips the demand for houses, thereby driving down the value of most people’s homes across the country.  This causes increasing numbers of homes to wind up “underwater” meaning that the mortgages are greater than the value of the homes.  Furthermore, as more homes are left vacant, the property value of surrounding houses also declines further exacerbating the problem in a sort of never ending vicious cycle!  The best way to end this downward spiral is to get American workers back to work!

By enforcing our nation’s immigration laws millions of jobs could be freed up overnight!

This is not rocket science- just good old fashioned, COMMONSENSE!
Show me a politician who refuses to enforce the immigration laws or attempts to trivialize these laws, and I will show you a politician who needs to find out what it is like to stand on the unemployment line!

Benjamin Franklin, in discussing our then fledgeling nation. said that they had given us a republic if we could keep it!

What he was making clear was that this democratic republic required that its citizens take their citizenship seriously and keep the political leaders accountable.

It is time for the citizens of our nation to make certain that our nation’s leaders, on all levels, to come to terms with the fundamental fact that the purpose of our immigration laws is to protect our nation and our citizens from aliens whose presence has the potential to have a serious adverse impact.  Ignoring those laws exposes our nation and our citizens to a variety of serious threats and challenges ranging from national security and criminal justice and public safety to the economy, the environment, healthcare and education!

A country without secure borders can no more stand than can a house without walls!

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