For more go to:

Heartland documents: what’s the big deal? ‘These [skeptical] sums are loose change compared to the billions that are funneled to green groups, alarmist research establishments…’‘…smear blogs, propaganda organizations and the like. For alarmists to complain about such tiny sums is simply laughable’

‘With tiny budgets like $310 million, $100 million, & $95 million respectively, how can Greenpeace, Sierra Club, & NRDC *ever* hope to compete with mighty Heartland’s $6.5 million?’Revealed: The ‘heart of the climate denial machine’ allegedly relies on $200k per year donated from Koch to Heartland

‘How did Heartland allegedly win climate debate by buying scientists for $300k, while warmists lost it while splitting up $79 billion in US govt money?

Heartland Institute bad – DeSmogBlog says so! ‘Did you know the Heartland Institute employs skeptics?’ ‘And it’s ‘suggested’ they get money from people who agree with them and have interests in carbon dense energy!’


Warmist Kelly Rigg is outraged that a ‘well-funded’ organization should dare to spend a dollar to counter every 47 dollars spent by an organization she’s run campaigns for’


Flashback: Read Climate Depot’s report on the warmist funding vs. skeptical funding — Warmists funding massive compared to paltry skeptical funding


Warmist Tobis: ‘Is Turnabout Fair Play?’ — ‘The bit about ‘dissuading teachers from teaching science’ was presumably just a sloppy edit, right?’


Heartland Institute documents leaked: ‘Documents published on Desmog blog & elsewhere, which appear to detail US think-tank’s budget and anti-climate-change strategy’


Aussie Skeptical scientist denies he is mouthpiece of US climate-skeptic think tank


‘UK Greenie George Monbiot claims it’s ‘deeply sinister’ for one dollar in private money to be used to counter $100 in public money that NASA is using to promote the climate hoax’


‘According to the most recent data on, Joe Romm’s Center for American Progress spends 10 times as much money as Morano’s CFACT’ — ‘And Greenpeace spends one hundred times as much money annually as Morano’s CFACT’


Warmists Declare: ‘Heartland Institute Exposed: Internal Documents Unmask Heart of Climate Denial Machine’ — Warmists giddy: ‘Stay tuned for more details as DeSmogBlog and others dig through this trove of Heartland Institute documents’


Warmist headbangers go ape over Heartland finance leak: Warmists ‘think this is some kind of equivalent to Climategate (v1 and v2), which demonstrated widespread scientific fraud, manipulation of data, destruction of emails and avoidance of FOI requests on the part of the consensus boys’


Hooray, staunch privacy advocate Andy Revkin of NYT has once again been replaced by heroic whistle-blowing Andy!!! ‘Remember during ClimateGate, when Andy was all about privacy and not sharing documents not intended for the public eye? Now that he thinks he sees a ‘confidential’ Heartland memo, he’s already tweeted about it four times in an hour’


‘Internal documents acquired by ThinkProgress Green reveal that Heartland Institute, a right-wing think tank funded by the Koch brothers, Microsoft, and other top corporations…’‘…is planning to develop a ‘global warming curriculum’ for elementary schoolchildren that presents climate science as ‘a major scientific controversy’

Rebuttal: ‘Heartland is a great group. Dave Wojick is a great guy. K-12 students would be lucky to have a curriculum designed by the pair’


Marc Morano
1875 Eye Street, NW
Fifth Floor
Washington, D.C. 20006

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