Climate Change:There are no laws that say that the global warming alarmists can’t feel strongly about their beliefs. There are, however, ethical lines. And they keep crossing them.The history of the Great Global Warming Scare is filled with exaggerations, deceit, unnecessary hype and cover-up.It’s all OK, say the alarmists, because they are concerned with the greater good, and if they have to cheat a bit, well, then the ends justify their means.This attitude was evident in the climate-gate e-mails.

Rather than deal with the truth that man-made global warming is a scam, or simply unproven scientific speculation, researchers discussed hiding “the (temperature) decline” and using a “trick” that would help them make their point that human activity is harming the planet.

There was also the attempt “to make the MWP (medieval warm period) go away in Greenland” in the researchers’ data because they contradicted the swindle they are trying to pull off.

Things were so bad that one researcher expressed concern that “the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it.” It apparently went unheeded by the alarmist community.

The alarmists’ inclination to cheat was also made clear in the screeching defense of the discredited “hockey stick,” the celebrated chart that supposedly shows global temperatures sharply increasing in sync with the industrial age.

Those are but a few of many examples of their duplicitous, at times deceitful, behavior.

And now comes one Peter Gleick, a climate scientist who misrepresented himself — lied — in an effort to trap the Heartland Institute, a think tank on the record as a strong skeptic of the climate change claim.

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