Battling pro-Jihadists & Sharia Law

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 6:30-8 P.M., people of conscience are asked to gather at the JCC in Manhattan. 334 Amsterdam Avenue at 76th Street, to protest the anti-American program: Combating Islamophobia: an evening with Rabbi Marc Schneier and Russel Simmons, moderated by Chelsea Clinton. Rabbi Schneier, famous for his ill conceived Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, which supports twinning between synagogues and mosques, may truly believe that peace is possible with those sworn to our destruction. We don’t believe it, and we do believe that there is good reason to fear Islam, based on the threats and oft-repeated goals of Islamism. Quoting Dr.Qanta Ahmed, “Political Islamism – variously called radical Islam, jihadism or Islamic fundamentalism…is a modern political project that seeks to return any society to a supposed “scriptural foundation” of the Muslim community, removing existing forms of government and laws.”

Please join with AFSI, HRCARI, NCJA and other grass roots organizations to participate in this critically important event. Call 212-828-2424 with questions.


In line with this stated effort on the part of Islamists to “remove existing forms of government and laws, we have the distressing report from Florida about the failure of a critically important law that would have “barred application of foreign laws from Islamic countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.” Shariah law can now trump Florida law in the state courts. How did this happen? The Florida regional executive director of ADL, Andrew Rosenkranz, along with National Executive Director of ADL, Abe Foxman, have sabotaged the bill that would have provided constitutional protections against the adoption of foreign laws by domestic State courts. We are dismayed and disgusted by Jews who aid and abet the jihadists who seek the destruction of Jews, Israel, and America.

Please read the enclosed in-depth report. Write to the ADL, expressing your anger at their betrayal of our values: click onto: Click ‘contact us’ and write your comment in the box provided. Snail mail: 605 3rd Ave., NY, NY 10158; 212-490-2525

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