“Educating Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly (Rajendra… who?)”
“PBS NewsHour: Climate Central a “research organization”; Sorry, no. They advocate solving man-caused global warming” http://junkscience.com/2012/03/23/pbs-newshour-climate-central-a-research-organization-sorry-no-they-advocate-solving-man-caused-global-warming/
The big irony is that I actually do not want to do this, but like any person with a conscience who sees a blatant wrong that needs to be righted, I need to do my best to see this through until I can find professional reporters (Fox News, the WSJ, somebody…) who can take over this overall story about the baseless and highly questionable origins of the smear of skeptic scientists. My uphill struggle has been convincing more people of how this is no untraceable ‘urban legend accusation’, but instead has every appearance of being a deliberate action taken by a small number of people way back in the early ’90s to marginalize skeptics out of existence. Imagine if those sceintists had been acknowledged by the media as IPCC whistleblowers back then, we wouldn’t even be talking about global warming now!
– Russell Cook
Phoenix, AZ
Links to all of my articles/blogs on this narrow topic here: “The ’96-to-present smear of skeptic scientists” http://climategatecountryclub.com/profiles/blogs/the-96topresent-smear-of