“The enemy is prepared to meet our advertised assaults on his bases of operations and facilities. He is not cowering or scurrying away. He doesn’t care how many civilians die or how many of their own jihadist number are “martyred,” but he does care greatly about killing as many Americans and Jews as he can in the process. He has also studied Vietnam and learned more from that experience than have we, and he learned how to manipulate the US media to achieve the same results.”
“Loose Lips Sink Ships!” posters warned during WWII. Today, secrecy has no cachet. In 2010, for instance, we heard months of public discussion of detailed plans for the upcoming Kandahar campaign to root out the Taliban. Administration functionaries publicly elaborated, talking heads argued, and retired officers analyzed the strategy, tactics, troop strengths, timelines, munitions, targets, objectives, outcomes, exit strategies of the campaign.
President Barack Hussein Obama is obsessed with exit strategies from Iraq and Afghanistan, regardless of reality on the ground or consequences-and blabs about them into every microphone he can find. Exit strategies, for God’s sake! What kind of insanity is this?
We’ve been barraged with public discussion on Iran, and leaks by the Obama Administration of Israel’s secret plans to stop Iran’s development of nuclear bombs. Do we wonder that the Israelis don’t trust our government and decline to tell us what they plan to do?

Imagine Roosevelt, Churchill, Stimson, Stettinius, Eisenhower, Montgomery and Bradley publicly discussing D-Day plans–every detail of the coming Normandy invasion: weather windows, logistics, obstacles, targets, objectives.but no exit strategies. D’ya think maybe the Germans would have een ready for them? D’ya think maybe that the horrendous casualties we suffered might have been greater to an order of magnitude?
After the NY Times and the leaker suffered no consequences for publishing the Pentagon Papers, all classified information, no matter how sensitive, became fair game to the media. Think Wikileaks. Until Vietnam, it could be assumed that American journalists were on our side. No more. The media howled about Reagan lying to Qaddafi when they learned that the US wasn’t really planing a second attack on Libya. Oh, the perfidy of it! Imagine, scaring an enemy. Tsk. Perhaps it was unfair to the Nazis to deceive them into thinking that the main Allied assault was going to be somewhere else on a different date so they were unprepared for the Normandy landings?
This obsession with revealing all-sitting bare-assed on copier screens, emailing body-part photos, letting it all hang out on Facebook and Twitter -demonstrates an appalling lack of self-respect and cultural debauchment, but does not directly threaten national security or put the lives of our troops in greater danger. Revealing military plans does. If only this government would keep national security strategy and tactics SECRET as well as they keep Obama’s school records and personal history out of the light.
Within minutes of the reported killing of bin Laden by our Special Operators, we witnessed an appalling spectacle of diarrhea of the mouth on the part of the Administration. Everybody associated with the White House who knew anything or thought he knew anything about the raid raced to microphones and cameras to blat some version of what went down that night. It was obscene. It also put at risk the lives of every man and woman, and their families, involved in the operation-just ask Dr. Shakil Afridi, the Pakistani doctor who made the take-down possible–and exposed Special Operators who must operate in secrecy.
We’re not talking about reinforcing dikes, earthquake-proofing structures, plugging an oil well or even exterminating cockroaches. Do our leaders think the enemy is as mindless as the weather, and that he doesn’t get CNN and the NY Times in his caves, palaces and underground installations? Just because our enemy embraces martyrdom with the expectation of 72 virgins greeting each Islamist who dies in jihad against the infidel, don’t assume he is stupid. He just operates from a totally different premise than do we. This enemy has the same media access we have, an equal level of technological skills, lots of money and great resourcefulness. He is cunning, canny and determined. He is unafraid. He has contempt for us. And he hates us very, very much.
The Iranians don’t quake at the threat of sanctions any more than our Soviet enemies quailed at the prospect of President Jimmy Carter’s warning that “we won’t like you any more if you keep doing that.” Nor is Bashar al-Assad intimidated by President Obama’s petulant demands that he stop slaughtering his own people or suffer the disapproval of some in the UN. Did Adolph Hitler go belly up and pee all over himself after his meeting with Anthony Peace-for-our-Time Eden? Maybe, but with uncontrollable laughter at the foolishness and weakness of his intended victim.
The enemy is prepared to meet our advertised assaults on his bases of operations and facilities. He is not cowering or scurrying away. He doesn’t care how many civilians die or how many of their own jihadist number are “martyred,” but he does care greatly about killing as many Americans and Jews as he can in the process. He has also studied Vietnam and learned more from that experience than have we, and he learned how to manipulate the US media to achieve the same results.
Message to the loose lips: SHUT UP! JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!
Save Lives.
Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/too-much-information-just-shut-up#ixzz1x6UlKKIA
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