
Allen West: Lightning rod for liberal activists West never disappoints…..must be re-elected
At a crowded panel at the liberal Ne…

Occupy Wall Street obit written by originator Just delicious!!!
The Occupy Wall Street movement was …
Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1xTjIguMz
Obama profited from 1995 class-action housing suit

Barack Obama profited from work in a 1995 housing-discrimination class action lawsuit that provided him with legal fees, greased his political donations and boosted his role in Chicago politics while the lead client went bankrupt. Read more…
Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1xTjjeMRy
Burma declares emergency to stem religious riots…..The long tentacles of Islam…..

Burma declared a state of emergency in an eastern border region to prevent clashes between Muslims and Buddhists from spreading or threatening the country’s democratic transition. Read more…
Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1xTjtTmuj
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