The most impressive thing about RNC 2012 was the smoothness of the entire thing. If the 2008 RNC stumbled, but ran on enthusiasm, the 2012 edition was a polished frictionless machine, except for one awkward moment with Eastwood, and even that seemed geared to give the critics something petty to pick apart that would not reflect badly on Mitt Romney and the Republican Party.
Mitt Romney is a machine politician, but not a politician of the political machine. He appears to excel at building a smoothly running machine around him. It’s not high praise and yet it’s not counter to the impression that he gives. It reflects his message that he takes charge and builds things that work.
Behind all the speeches and showpieces, RNC 2012 is a reflection of Romney’s whole campaign, it is the precisely calculated work of people who know what they are doing, who don’t always get it right, but have ability, ambition and even some guts.
Romney’s people went into this understanding that Obama and his allies would run on destroying him as a man, on making him into an ugly caricature, a running joke, a bad human being. And they worked to make that pitch as hard as possible to sell. They knew that the Democrats would focus on the white female vote, so they beat them to it. It’s not a new game, Reagan played it too, but it’s gone up to a new level.
Some wanted this event to hit Obama much harder. But it hit him hard enough. What it really did was make Romney much harder to hit. Romney’s people understand that common sense is on their side and that their mission is to defang the negative attacks from the media that will make people feel bad or guilty about following their common sense. And they did a pretty good job of that tonight.
And the guts kicked in when they picked their battles. It would have made sense for Romney to dodge Bain and for Ryan to avoid Medicare, instead they turned around, picked up both issues and ran on them, and rammed them back into Obama’s teeth. It’s gutsy, but there’s also a common sense element to it. If you’re going to get attacked remorselessly on an issue, then you might as well own the issue and use it to send a message to your opponent that the attacks will hurt him as much as you.
That’s what RNC 2012 did.
Romney ran in the primaries as the most electable candidate, not by virtue of any special ability, but on determination and competence. RNC 2012 reflected that. It’s the work of people who are determined to win and who play hard. That may not be enough, but it’s a harder run for his money than Obama got last time around.