Displaying posts published in

December 2012


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ FACTS ARE THE STUBBORNEST OF THINGS Of the 5 worst shooting rampages, only one happened in America, and none were carried out by Americans. Of the 5 worst massacres, two were carried out by Asians and one by an African constable. Only two were carried out by white men. The next man on the […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: The Fiscal Cliff and the Middle East

http://www.nationalreview.com/blogs/print/336356 When your dissolute political establishment sinks to the point of being fit for lectures from Chinese Communists on spending restraint, and from erstwhile Soviet revanchists on foreign-affairs modesty, you are at rock bottom. Welcome to Washington. Remember two summers ago, the depths of the last Beltway debacle on out-of-control borrowing that charted the course […]