‘Lady of the cells’ Nobel winner dies at 103

Italy’s “Lady of the Cells,” Rita Levi-Montalcini has passed away aged 103. She was a joint Nobel Prize for Medicine winner in 1986, owing to her work unlocking the mysteries of how cells develop. Read more…
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Catalan president calls for secession from Spain : ADIOS!….YOUR CASA NOT MI CASA ANYMORE?…RSK

The president of Spain’s Catalonia region, Artur Mas, has signaled his determination to hold a referendum on independence, in a New Year message. Read more…
Congressional report slams Benghazi security

A congressional report on the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi is highly critical of the handling of security at the mission in the Libyan city, where four Americans were killed on Sept. 11. Read more…
Militia behind Benghazi attack operates unimpeded

Ansar al-Sharia, the Islamist militia linked to the deadly terror attack against the United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, continues to operate Facebook pages and conduct fundraising and proselytize in Libya, according to U.S. officials. Read more…
Rasmussen poll: 5% say Congress doing good job

With the nation teetering on the brink of the “fiscal cliff,” Congress’ job approval ratings have fallen back to the lowest level of the year. Just 5% of likely U.S. voters now rate Congress’ performance as good or excellent. Read more…
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Al Qaeda allies ‘own northern Mali’

Northern Mali is now the biggest territory held by al-Qaida and its allies. “Al-Qaida never owned Afghanistan,” said former United Nations diplomat Robert Fowler. “They do own northern Mali.” Read more…
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