The default setting of American society is ever more liberal and statist. Amid the ruin and rubble of the grey morning after, it may seem in poor taste to do anything so vulgar as plug the new and stunningly topical paperback edition of my book, After America — or, as Dennis Miller retitled it […] The key to understanding the 2012 election is simple: A huge slice of the electorate stayed home. The punditocracy — which is more of the ruling class than an eye on the ruling class — has naturally decided that this is because Republicans are not enough like Democrats: They need to play more identity […] A friend sends along this e-mail. I post it, not as an endorsement but to encourage discussion: It’s clear from Tuesday night that Republicans have a long-term demographic problem. I’m not going to litigate messaging or policy, but I do have one idea that could immediately help: “dump the winner take all by state […]
An Open Letter to My Contacts and Friends
On November 6, 2012, America decided on the course they desire this country to take. They have opted to enable this president to achieve his seminal goal to transform America into a European social democracy. The nation of our Founding Fathers will cease to exist. Our constitutional system will be replaced by a corporatist superstate based on arbitrary, centralized power and the fusion of big government, big business, and big labor. Obama’s re-election represents the final victory of the progressive movement – the creation of a liberal, socialist regime. Once Obamacare is fully implemented in 2014, it will be impossible to repeal. Government healthcare will become interwoven into the fabric of society as millions lose their employer-based coverage in exchange for public subsidies. Moreover, like in Europe, socialized medicine will fundamentally alter the relationship between the state and its citizens. The government essentially nationalizes your body.
Obama has, and will continue to forge a new redistributionist order. Tax consumers are devouring the wealth of taxpaying producers. In the process, he is breeding an army – a vast electoral pool – of government dependents. Soon, America will reach the tipping point at which the productive classes are outnumbered – and outvoted – by the nonproductive ones. Our decline will be inexorable and inevitable. We are a country on the verge of fiscal bankruptcy. We are the most indebted nation ever. Obama’s soak-the-rich tax proposals are nothing more than cheap demagoguery. The most they can raise is $90 billion annually – a fraction of the mountain of debt slowly crushing us.
It is difficult to conceive of anything more imbecilic than the debate raging over whether Mahmoud Abbas’s recent declarations are sincere.
Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties [and] nations. It is the rule. At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid.
Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies. – Friedrich Nietzsche (1844- 1900) These excerpts convey much of the dysfunctional and directionless condition into which Israel’s political system has descended. This was vividly underscored by the maelstrom of mindless chatter from a gamut of politicians and pundits across the spectrum of political opinion in Israel, which last Friday’s Channel 2 interview with the nominal head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen), unleashed.
Pavlovian predictability
For the Israeli public it was (or, at least, should have been) a distressing indication of how shallow and shortsighted the discourse on issues of crucial national import has become, and a disturbing display of the predictably facile, almost Pavlovian responses of the country’s leadership to them – on both sides of the political divide.
The debate that raged in the wake of the interview centered on divergent assessments of Abbas’s sincerity as to whether he had genuinely forsaken the sacred Palestinian tenet of the “right of return” and forsworn violence as a means to achieve Palestinian goals.
Unsurprisingly, on the so-called political Left, his words were greeted with coos of rapture. Both Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni enthusiastically embraced his declarations as proof that Israel has a credible “peace partner,” and excoriated Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for not seizing the alleged “opportunity” to restart the “peace process.” Shimon Peres, who as president should refrain from any contentious politically partisan issues, gushed with effusive praise, proclaiming: “His brave words prove that Abu Mazen is a real partner for peace. We need to bravely extend our hand out in peace to a leader like Abbas.”
Levy Distorts, Haaretz Supports How absurd for Haaretz to be so named for the Land of Israel when it is quite unworthy of the title. Through the years, Haaretz has been known to produce “news” that has been called “unconscionable,” “unacceptable,” and “slanderous,” yet the editors fail to properly correct serious factual errors. They employ […] Obama was “fired up” and so were the voters, and so now, the mass firings begin. Here’s a collection of today’s headlines. Please say a prayer for the families who will be suffering. Had Romney won, many of these companies would now be hiring. Teco Coal officials announce layoffs Momentive Inc plans temporary layoffs […]
Mitt Romney wasn’t a bad candidate. He ran a fairly strong race. He made a few errors. And he made many good moves.
Certainly he was adequate. And he was probably the strongest Republican candidate among the primary field of contenders. That is, he was the best man available to run against Barack Obama.
And he did a pretty good job.
Obama, on the other hand, was a horrible candidate. He was mean and vindictive. He was contemptuous and superficial. He ran on irrelevancies like abortion and a fictitious Republican war against women. He didn’t give his supporters any reason to feel good about themselves.
Instead, he used class warfare to stir them to hatred of their countrymen.
Yet Obama won. And Romney lost.
In retrospect it is possible that the race was over before it began. A strong case can be made that Obama secured his reelection in 2009 when he bailed out the US auto industry and so temporarily stanched the hemorrhage of jobs in Ohio and Michigan. And maybe, with the youth of the 1960s now the Medicare recipients of the 2010s and ’20s, there are simply too many Americans dependent on government handouts to care about what happens in the future. Next to the American people themselves, Israel is no doubt the biggest immediate loser in the U.S. presidential election. President Obama’s foreign policy is predicated on the false notion that the U.S. and Israel themselves are the principal causes of the Islamic world’s antipathy toward them. Consequently, Obama has cultivated the anti-American, genocidally anti-Jewish […]
I went to a meeting Wednesday of Jewish grandees. I was horrified to hear them blame Prime Minister Netanayhu for the total collapse of Amerca/Israel relations.
Long before Netanyahu was Prime Minister, President Obama embraced the anti Israel and pro Arab Moslem agenda of his radical friends- Edward Said, Rashid Khalidi, Rev. Wright and a host of other radical friends and cohorts.
In 2003 when Obama dined and wined with Said and Kahlidi, his anti Israel bias was already ingrained and the Prime Minister was Ariel Sharon. The fact is that Mr. Obama does not like Israel regardless of who would be Prime Minister, and, as evidenced by the loud booing at Israel during the Democratic Convention, neither does the party.