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Robert Avrech is an Emmy Award winning screenwriter, also an observant Jew, a religious Zionist, a conservative Republican, and a member of the NRA who has been writing and producing in Hollywood for over twenty-five years.
I am republishing my three-part series about the Los Angeles Riots of 1992 in which Karen and I and the children were trapped for several frightening hours. We were unarmed, helpless save for our wits. The police were conspicuously absent and the bad guys, frequently armed with heavy weapons, owned the streets. It was a defining moment in my life.
I’m reposting this series as a cautionary tale because the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre has sharpened the claws of the statist utopians, whose ultimate aim is to disarm law-abiding American citizens.
Just as Obamacare has nothing to do with health, and cap and trade has nothing to do with so-called global warming, anti-gun laws have nothing to do with saving children’s lives.
It’s just another opportunity for the left to centralize power.
Part One: Hollywood Is Burning
Part II: The Getaway
Part III: The Gauntlet