Vive la Resistance: A Call to Arms!
During World War II, in an effort to combat Nazi totalitariansm, men and women of good will in France formed a resistance movement against the Nazis. They came to be known as the Resistance fighters who bravely fought against the tide of the Nazi invasion. Today, once again there is a new growth of totalitarian supremacist ideology in the name of Islam and it is presently receiving protective status under the guise of religion; yet, today its legitamacy is derived on our own soil. The definition of “Islam” is submission and while we may state that we are not at war with Islam, Islam has declared war on us.
Mein Kampf (My Struggle) was the instrumental book that incited Germans to wage war against the Jews and incited millions in surrounding countries to submit to its supremacist totalitarian quest for world domination. Not unlike Mein Kampf, we now have on American soil an Islamic doctrine (Quran) that commands its practioners to wage war against all non-believers until Islam reigns supreme. “Slay the pagans(Christians) wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush” (Surah 9:5) and “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).” (Quran: 8:39) These are just a few of the many passages littered throughout Quranic doctrine with the call for Jihad. Unlike Judeo/Christian doctrine, the violence in Quranic doctrine is instructional violence without a specific time frame. Those of us in today’s Resistance Coalition have been referred to as Islamophobics, bigots, racists, and hatemongers, but in an upside down world it is we who are combatting the hate spewed by a doctrine that places all non-believers in what is referred to in Islam as Dar Al Harb (the House of War). Yes, the Quran segrated the world into Dar Al Islam (the House of Islam) and Dar Al Harb, reserved for all non-Muslims.
For the first time in American history we are providing a sanctuary to a doctrine that seeks our demise. The Quran which commands each Muslim to slay the unbelievers wherever they may find them is housed in every mosque. There are now over 2000 mosques funded by Saudi Arabian oil money throughout the United States. The colonization by the Umma (prosletyzation) is encouraged and financed by oil money and it matters not one iota that not all Muslims are Jihadists. It is a threat and affront to our existence and liberty that we give sanctuary to a dangerous doctrine that calls for our submission at best and slaughter at worst.
We in the West have been relatively safe from Islamic warfare by a distance that seperated us from its practioners. With the current influx of mass immigration from Islamic countries, we too will be impacted not only by Jihad, but a cultural degradation of women, homosexuals, Christians and Jews not unlike those that we witness throughout the globe wherever Muslims reside. If American campuses with active Muslim Brotherhood groups are a glimpse of the future, we only need to cast our eye on them to see how hostile they have become for Jewish students. We should expect nothing less for the general American population when their numbers become sufficiently large in cities throughout the country.
As an American, a Jew, and a woman I now feel threatened. The question I am often asked is how could we have let this happen? Where are our government officials? Where are our clegymen? Where is the media? Where are our intellectual elites and who is looking out for us? Why must we be subjected and expected to tolerate a political doctrine that calls for our demise?