
Again and again we see that the primitive Muslim male cannot endure the sight of a woman in authority. Here we have yet more evidence of it from Turkey, where German soldiers are deployed manning patriot missile batteries, supposedly to defend Turkey from the mythical threat from Syria. Recently a German government delegation visited the German troops there.

During the visit of defence minister Thomas de Maizière a Turkish general pushed a German [female] soldier who intended to control the traffic of the delegation vehicles. Afterwards she complained about bruises.

Source: Sueddeutsche.de

N-tv reports that this “must have been more than a soft shove”.

It seems the Turks also shot stray dogs close to the German base and just left them lying there.

The military commissioner described conditions in the medical section of the Turkish barracks as “intolerable”. In addition a soldier reported that “stray dogs” were “shot by the Turkish soldiers, but not cleared away”.

Source: Sueddeutsche.de


Walter Sieruk said…

This is yet further proof of the lie and hoax of the claim that Islam respects the rights of females. What it comes to Islam inspiring Muslim males to act out in a very harsh way to girls and women ir sure gets a lot worse then the news story in the above arlicle. This has been proven by the actions of Muslims males towards females because of Islam many times over.

2 March 2013 15:26

Anonymous said…

Turkey has given up the pretense of trying to align itself with Western norms as a precursor to joining the EU.

3 March 2013 19:32

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