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March 2013

The Cyrus Cylinder…A Testimony To What A Human Leader Could Be by Gerald A. Honigman

www.geraldahonigman.com According to whose numbers are used, Iran’s non-Persian population makes up between 40-50% of the nation’s 80 million people…Azeris, Kurds, Arabs, and other ethnic groups. Recent reports have shown ever-increasing torture and executions of Iranian Arabs, Kurds, and others–including freedom-loving Iranians themselves–by the regime of the mad mullahs. In light of the current news […]


Gerstenfeld: Dutch press tries to hide anti-Semitic incident
Link: http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_direct_link.cfm/blog_id/48093
In Gerstenfeld’s Jerusalem Post Op ed he lascerates the Dutch ruling coaltion in the Hague Parliament for not addressing the problem. He notes in conclusion: The Arnhem youths affair is just the tip of the Dutch anti-Semitic iceberg. Any investigator will quickly find that there is widespread anti-Semitism among Dutch Muslims. It is far from limited to what white-washers are wont to say about street youth, because it can also be found among many adults and university students. Anti-Semitism should also be investigated in detail in the native Dutch community. This would include studying how major problems are hidden by the media, deficiencies in appropriate action taken on issues which have been known for many years already and the Dutch authorities’ politically hollow rhetoric. [ . . .] The more Dutch authorities shirk their responsibilities, the worse these problems will become. Time, we believe, for Geert Wilders of the PVV excoriate the myopia of the ruling coalition who have swept Islamic and native Dutch Antisemitism into the dustbin of history prematurely. He and the PVV have brought to the public’s attention Islamic violence towards women. Now it is time for Wilders to expose the rampant disease of Islamic Judenhass festering shamelessly in public. It is a national embarrasment to The Netherlands and the country’s leaders.

Title: Gerstenfeld: Dutch press tries to hide anti-Semitic incident
Link: http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_direct_link.cfm/blog_id/48093


An Awakening…or Just Terror? Over the years I have urged readers to look behind the news. Now, amid relentless socio-political eruption and upheaval taking place across the Middle East and North Africa, there has still been too little serious effort to look for any underlying meanings and explanations. To some extent, perhaps, the reasons for […]

Choose Your Side: The New York Times or Judaism ? Edward Alexander

Choose Your Side: The New York Times or Judaism “How long halt ye between two opinions?” – 1 Kings 18:21 American Jewry is often said to be divided between those who judge Judaism by the principles of the New York Times and those who judge the New York Times by the principles of Judaism. The […]


It is impossible to read this latest UN report, or to listen to its authors and its state sponsors, without knowing that the campaign to rid the world of Israeli settlements is a campaign to rid the world of Israel.


On Monday, March 17 in Geneva, the UN Human Rights Council will hold a first-ever three-hour session devoted to the alleged human rights abomination known as the “Israeli settlement.” In the moral wasteland of the United Nations, a Jew living on Arab-claimed land is a violation of Arab human rights.

There were once an estimated 900,000 Jews across the Arab world, but today there are less than a few thousand. They were given a choice: die, convert or flee.

Now the 22nd Judenrein Arab state is in-the-making: Apartheid Palestine.

Meanwhile, 20 percent of Israel’s population is Arab, and free Arab citizens sit on the highest courts of the land, represent Israel abroad, and hold political office. An Arab living (and thriving) in the Jewish state is fulfilling a human right.

How does this obvious contradiction make it past the human rights geniuses at the UN?