Gerstenfeld: Dutch press tries to hide anti-Semitic incident
In Gerstenfeld’s Jerusalem Post Op ed he lascerates the Dutch ruling coaltion in the Hague Parliament for not addressing the problem. He notes in conclusion: The Arnhem youths affair is just the tip of the Dutch anti-Semitic iceberg. Any investigator will quickly find that there is widespread anti-Semitism among Dutch Muslims. It is far from limited to what white-washers are wont to say about street youth, because it can also be found among many adults and university students. Anti-Semitism should also be investigated in detail in the native Dutch community. This would include studying how major problems are hidden by the media, deficiencies in appropriate action taken on issues which have been known for many years already and the Dutch authorities’ politically hollow rhetoric. [ . . .] The more Dutch authorities shirk their responsibilities, the worse these problems will become. Time, we believe, for Geert Wilders of the PVV excoriate the myopia of the ruling coalition who have swept Islamic and native Dutch Antisemitism into the dustbin of history prematurely. He and the PVV have brought to the public’s attention Islamic violence towards women. Now it is time for Wilders to expose the rampant disease of Islamic Judenhass festering shamelessly in public. It is a national embarrasment to The Netherlands and the country’s leaders.

Title: Gerstenfeld: Dutch press tries to hide anti-Semitic incident

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