In a press conference on April 30th U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that Egypt is not at peace with Israel.

In response to reporter’s question Kerry said:

“This is literally a statement by the Arab world that they are prepared to make peace providing the Palestinians and Israelis reach a final status agreement. I don’t think you can underestimate the – I don’t underestimate the significance of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, [United] Arab Emirates, the Egyptians, the Jordanians, and others coming to the table and saying, “We are prepared to make peace now in 2013,” …”

A simple question: If Egypt and Jordan are already “at peace” with Israel than how can they be “saying, “We are prepared to make peace now in 2013,” …”

Kerry said what everyone really knows. That is, Egypt may not be in a state of war with Israel right at this moment. And Egypt may have not taken overt military action against Israel since the 1970s but that is a far cry from peace.

Egypt’s stance towards Israel is now and was throughout the Mubarak era one that can only be categorized as adversarial.

The United States and Canada are at peace. Israel and Egypt?

It should also be mentioned that Egypt’s mass media is notoriously anti-Semitic and has always been.

This was not a mere slip of the tongue for Kerry. The State Department expects Israel to continue to negotiate away the strategic depth that it won in battle to neighbors that have never shown even the slightest interest in being neighborly. What’s more, over the last two years especially these nations have shown remarkable instability. Kerry has admitted what average Israelis have always known: their peace agreement with Egypt is a piece of paper that means nothing to average Egyptians.

The territory that Israel gained in 1967 provide it with strategic depth that proved to be vital to Israel’s ability to defend itself.

Israel’s standing army is a small percentage of its military strength. The territory that Kerry would have Israel swap takes time for enemy forces to cross and allows the army reserve to be called up and enter combat. This is something the Arab world learned in 1973.

See the full State Department transcript of Kerry’s April 30th remarks here:

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