J.CHRISTIAN ADAMS: Alabama Politicians Team Up with Racist Anti-Semite
Later this month, the Supreme Court will decide whether 15 states must continue to submit every election law change to the Justice Department or a federal court for approval. To send a message, a notorious racist and anti-Semite is teaming up with otherwise respectable Alabama elected officials to deliver a loud message to the Supreme Court to preserve federal oversight of state elections.
Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-white racist and anti-Semite, is launching a cross state tour.
Joining the Jew-hating Farrakhan on the Supreme Court shakedown tour is state Sen. Hank Sanders.
Sanders, who said he personally knows Farrakhan, said he does not consider Farrakhan divisive and said “almost every time I have seen him he asks folks to stand together.”
Hank Sanders
Also joining Farrakhan’s Tour For Section 5 is state Senator Bobby Singleton. Singleton hails from Alabama counties infested with racially charged voter fraud, fraud which the Justice Department has long turned a blind eye toward. From my book Injustice:
Even before the indictments, Judge Wiggins had tampered with the investigation of his sister—which also touched upon his brother-in-law Bobby Singleton as well as his cousin Carrie Reaves—by quashing a search warrant and grand jury subpoena without even being assigned to the case or giving the attorney general a chance to respond. The Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals ultimately reversed Judge Wiggins and ordered him off the voter fraud cases. Wiggins, however, ignored the order for almost a month and refused to step aside.
When this pattern of voter fraud in Singleton’s district was brought to the attention of DOJ attorney Avner Shapio, the following happened — again from Injustice.
“I am not here to help you,” he dismissively told her during one interview in 2000. “I’m here to help the minorities only.” Stunned, Cochran interjected that whites constituted a 39 percent minority. Shapiro was unmoved. “I’m not interested in helping the minority here,” he declared contemptuously. “I’m here to help the national racial minority—blacks.”
Perhaps members of the Court will take note of the character of some of the people who now defend federal oversight of state elections.
Article printed from The PJ Tatler: http://pjmedia.com/tatler
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