Not a day goes by when I venture out to any local shopping or recreational area when I am not confronted by many Muslim women in their traditional hijabs or on occasion full burkas. Sometimes they are alone, but more often than not they are in groups and totally oblivious to the non-Muslims within their midst. Deliberately, they avoid eye contact as they gaze past us.
A dozen years after 19 Muslims murdered 3000 of our American mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters in the name of Islam, we find our American landscape transformed with the practioners of the very ideology responsible for 9/11 and the nearly 22,000 murders committed worldwide by Islamists since that infamous day. Reason dictates that the welcome mat should have been removed, but instead their numbers have greatly increased and as their numbers rise so does the threat from a civilizational jihad as outlined in the Muslim Brotherhood’s Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America. ( )
As the daughter of Holocaust survivors, I lost too many family members to another supremacist totalitarian ideology, Nazism. It is frightening to see a new present form of Nazism within Islamic doctrine with the same mission of world dominion, the destruction of the state of Israel, and the ethnic cleansing of world Jewry. Cloaked in religion to avoid scrutiny and criticism, Islamic doctrine is far more menacing. While our Judeo-Christian doctrine teaches “thou shall not murder”,,Islamic doctrine states that to die while waging jihad ensures the jihadist entry into heaven. (Bukhari 1,2, 35 Mohammed said “”The man who joins jihad, compelled by nothing except sincere belief in Allah and His Prophet, and survives, will be rewarded by Allah either in the afterlife or with the spoils of war. If he is killed in battle and dies a martyr, he will be admitted into Paradise….”) Islam’s command “to kill” vs. Judeo-Christian’s command “thou shall not murder” are two diametrically opposed doctrines that cannot co-exist. It is threatening and offensive to millions of Americans that the descendents and subscribers of Mohammed, a murderous barbaric warlord, who pillaged vast continents with his sword are given a home in the land of the free.
Yet, our elected officials continue to give them entry at our expense. We now have over 2000 Islamic command centers officially known as mosques throughout the United States. A recent study, Mapping the Shari’a Project, by the Center for Security Policy found that over 80% of mosques in this country were preaching hatred of Christians and Jews in their quest to impose Shari’a law upon all of us. ( Additionally, there are frequent demands for accomodations, special prayer time in schools, prayer rooms at private and public institutions, Halal meat only in schools, segregation between the sexes in public pools, Muslim Capitol Days throughout the country, requests for Shari’a application in our judicial courts, and the list goes on.
And as a woman the nearly total cover up and head gear of Muslim women is an affront to Western women’s hard fought battle for equality. We drive, vote, work, dress freely, and express ourselves without male supervision, consent, or fear. As American women we enjoy equal protection under the law; yet, our right to be free will be jeopardized if we continue to import a culture that forbids what American women take for granted. Islamic practices of honor killings, female genital mutulation, child marriages, and polygamy have now made their way into cities across our land. The Women’s Movement born to secure women’s rights and equality remains eerily silent. They should be outraged, but instead their silence is deafening. Perhaps the Women’s Movement was never about aiding women as much as it was about tearing down traditional American institutions.
The question remains: Why are we allowing a hostile population with a culture of jihad and Dawah (proselytizing Islam) entry into our home? They are not here to assimilate, integrate, or adopt our traditions, values, or culture. They are here to colonize, and we are permitting it. A quick glimpse of Europe is a window to what awaits us here at home if we do not stop the colonization. Sweden, a bedrock of civilization and a rescuer of Danish Jews during World War II is now the rape capitol of Europe where Muslim gangs commit nearly 77.6% of the rape crimes of young White Swedish females. (http://the muslim Malmo, a city in Sweden, once home to many Jews, is now practically devoid of Jews after the many threats and acts of violence from Malmo’s Muslim population. So threatening were the Muslims, that Malmo’s mayor, Itmar Reepalu, declared that he could not protect Malmo’s Jews and suggested for them to leave Sweden. Instead of ousting the Muslims, the morally bankrupt Leftist mayor added insult to injury by asking the victims of Muslim aggression to leave. In nearby France, cities are rocked by Muslim rioting, and England’s no go zones such as Hamlet Towers are not safe for non-Muslims. The beheadings commonly witnessed in Muslim countries have made their way to England, and instead of protecting its citizens, British authorities are protecting the Muslims by threatening to arrest those who criticize Islam. Unless Europe musters the courage to forgo their policies of appeasement, Europeans will lose their national identity and their once rich culture. Without the motivation or courage to defend their continent Dhimmitude (servitude) awaits them. Europe as we know it will be lost.
In September of 2012, Obama stated that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” before a U.N. General Assembly. ( His administration is in support of U.N. Resolution 16/18 which would criminalize any criticism of Islam. Not only would such a resolution be a violation of our First Amendment as guaranteed by our Constitution, but instead it would lend support to the Muslim Brotherhood’s mission of imposing Islamic Shari’a law upon our land. Much like Europe, we too stand at a precipice. We can continue to disregard the danger from importing a hostile Muslim population whose religion and culture are the antithesis of ours or we can close down the mosques, ban the Muslim Brotherhood within our shores, and boot out those who refuse to conform to our values and culture. The choice is ours. The future must not belong to those who support a Jihadist doctrine.

Shari Goodman is an educator and a chapter leader for ACT! For America. Her views are her own and are not necessarily representative of ACT! For America. Her columns have appeared in Family Security Matters, Israel Today, and the Los Angeles Times.
Read more: Family Security Matters
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