African Americans are urgently in need of helpful solutions rather than having their leaders exploiting their plight for votes. So to keep the black vote, the party [Democrat] and its supporters use racism as a tool to portray Republicans and other opponents of Democrats, such as the tea-party movement, as racists. This is not what the civil rights movement was about.
The highly sensationalized George Zimmerman case, which ended in his acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin in the Florida state court, is far from over and could end up in federal court. The NAACP has announced that it will pursue civil rights charges with the department of Justice. The Association’s President, Benjamin Jealous, said the group will not rest until racial profiling in all its forms is outlawed. The justice department is now evaluating whether it has enough evidence to support a prosecution of Zimmerman. Although racism and stereotypes exist in America and need to be opposed, the Zimmerman case is not the battleground for this cause, nor is Zimmerman’s acquittal a civil rights issue. Instead the emotions of the public have been riled up by the politicization of the case.
Even Al Jazeera joined in the fray of feeding into the politics of race by highlighting the demonstrations in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York, while quoting its reporter, Andy Gallacher, from Miami:
“This case has raised a lot of issues for people, not just about race but also about gun control….. You’ve heard a lot of people talking about this case and saying race wasn’t an issue, but that isn’t the case, it is all about race.”
A subtle characteristic has been interwoven in the Zimmerman case from the onset, one that intrinsically portrayed the tragedy of Trayvon Martin’s death as the fight for black equality, for which Martin Luther King fought for during the Civil Rights Movement. Yet young Trayvon Martin — although flagrantly brandished as an icon for civil rights — was an ordinary youth, evidently troubled and in need of care and guidance, like many other youths. Here is some of what was revealed about Martin: a photo in which he shows his gold teeth to the camera while pointing upwards his middle fingers; suspension from his school less than a month before his encounter with Zimmerman; texts and photos of firearms associated to Martin and a “U gotta gun?” text sent from his phone eight days before his death; texts referring to marijuana and photos that show him blowing smoke; texts and a video that suggest his involvement in organized fights.