This is a dangerous companion program to Common Core and CSCOPE designed to indoctrinate your children and grandchildren about Islam. As part of a National Endowment for the Humanities program funded by $150 million of our taxpayer dollars, 25 books and a DVD are being provided to 800 public libraries. No books are included on Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.
Islam is a totalitarian, misogynistic, supremacist doctrine that teaches Muslims to deceive and kill non-believers. There is NO feature of this hate ideology that teaches brotherly love, compassion, tolerance or service to mankind. The goal of Islam is complete submission with three options for non-Muslims: conversion, dhimmitude or death.
Circulate the information about this dangerous, subversive program throughout your communities and organizations. We MUST stop the stealth jihad to subvert Western laws and values and eliminate ALL human rights.
Janet Levy
Colorado: American Library Association teaching librarians how to push Islam
Larry Grieco, Librarian
Gilpin County
Having just returned from a two-day workshop on our new “Let’s Talk About It:Muslim Journeys theme, Literary Reflections,” I’m enthusiastic about getting the word out, as well as introducing you to the five books in the series. Dr. Nancy Ciccone, chair of the English Department at the University of Colorado, Denver, and I are working together for the third time on a “Let’s Talk about It” series.
Nancy and I didn’t have to travel far, this time — just to the Grand Hyatt in downtown Denver — to hear project scholars develop the content, andcoordinators from the American Library Association recommend effective ways to implement the project. We joined more than 75 representatives from other libraries around the country who received this “Let’s Talk About It” grant, many of whom were accompanied by their local scholars.
The series here at the Gilpin County Library will be offered beginning January 11, 2014, with the first book, “The Arabian Nights,” as the topic of discussion. This book is also known as “The Thousand and One Nights,” and was compiled during the Abbasid caliphate (750-1258), “regarded as one of the glorious periods of Muslim civilization because of its significant contributions to scientific knowledge, cultural arts, engineering and architecture, and general intellectual innovation.”
The fourth session in the “Let’s Talk About It” series, to be presented on Feb. 22, is “Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood,” written by Fatima Mernissi. This is a coming-of-age memoir “depicting traditional life in a harem in Fez (Morocco)…which explores the social boundaries that become fault lines in the debates over the borders between childhood and adulthood, public and private, and male and female.”
What every young American girl needs to learn about – life in a Muslim harem .
The propaganda is being pushed in more than 800 taxpayer funded libraries across the United States.
Federal agency brings Muslim propaganda to 800 libraries across U.S.
Posted on April 30, 2013 by creeping
As we noted yesterday, this is in conjunction with the American Library Association and is aimed at indoctrinating Americans, often unsuspecting youth whose parents may have no idea what is being pushed at the local taxpayer funded library. No doubt cleansed of any realistic discussion of what Islam is and how it has spread.
Not only is the Islamic propaganda infiltrating libraries, but there are
dozens, possibly hundreds, of articles in newspapers across the U.S. announcing the arrival of these books, often under the guise of op-eds or user submitted articles. It is a well-coordinated and funded effort.
The Muslim Journeys Bookshelf, a set of twenty-five books and three films about Muslim cultures and history, arrived in 800 libraries across the United States last month, serving as the centerpiece for discussion programs and talks in every state and dozens of communities.
“What we hear in the media about Muslims and their faith and culture is incomplete,” said Paula McGrew, a librarian at West Virginia Wesleyan College. “This could potentially change that perception.” Amanda Mohl, a Glen Carbon Centennial librarian in Illinois, said that library programs have the potential to emphasize common human experiences: “Through shared personal stories, we are able to see the world through someone else’s eyes, making the often abstract concept of the Muslim world less foreign and, in some cases, frightening.”
The National Endowment for the Humanities, using grants from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and others, enlisted scholars and librarians in a collaboration to select books and films that introduce the diverse cultures of the Muslim world to interested library patrons. The bookshelf, which was offered free to interested libraries and humanities councils, has been delivered to rural and urban communities from Hawaii to Maine. The bookshelf is part of NEH’s Bridging Cultures initiative.
Recipient libraries are hosting local events with film screenings, lectures and panels aimed at engaging people in learning something new about Muslims around the globe and in America. One of the scholars who helped choose the books for the project, Reed College professor Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, told an audience at Portland State University that “our goal was to emphasize the pluralities of Islam, including the histories, the perspectives, the peoples, places and journeys of Islam.”
Retired US Army Colonel Lawrence H. Saul, invited to give a talk about the role of Islam in today’s world at the Oconee County Library in Watkinsville, Georgia, spoke about his interactions with Muslim communities during his years of military service. “The attendees at the program were engaged and ready with intelligent questions,” said Jessica Jenkins, Adult Services Coordinator at Oconee.
After the event, she said, patrons checked out nearly all twenty-five books in the Muslim Journeys set.
Hannah Schell, facilitating an “Islam 101” program at Monmouth College in Illinois, noted that “at one level the program was a very basic introduction to the five pillars of Islam. But the stories and anecdotes shared by the panelists were the highlight of the evening – the real life stories and struggles, poignant and sometimes humorous, of Muslims negotiating their identities in Cairo, Stuttgart, and Lahore, offered an element of rich, human detail to the basic outline.”
Alameda Free Library in California kicked off a four-part cultural event series, “Muslim Journeys: An exploration and celebration of the intertwined histories of Islam and the West” with a screening of “Koran by Heart,” one of the bookshelf films. Afterwards, librarian Cosette Ratliff said, “Many people, customers and staff, told me how happy they were that the Library would present an event of this type” which was co-sponsored by the Alameda Multicultural Community Center and the Islamic Center of Alameda. “They have asked for more programming that focuses on the different cultural groups that make up our Alameda community.”
Visit your local library today and see what you find. Request some of Robert Spencer, Nonie Darwish, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Oriana Fallaci and other books be carried and on display as well.
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is an independent federal agency created in 1965. It is one of the largest funders of humanities programs in the United States.
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