Displaying posts published in

August 2013



But even by George Galloway standards this is looney tunes stuff…

Quick apology and quick credit where credit is due. The apology being that this is the silly season for the media and this is late; but heck, if it’s news to me, it’s, er, news…..; the quick credit where credit is due belongs to Alex Massie at The Spectator for pointing out that if sheer, mad conspiracy theories were not running and sprinting rife enough in the MidEast over Syria, we got another one for you.

Yes indeedy, the Syria chemical attack is all Israel’s fault. Well I never.

Please read Massie’s posting, here. But in the spirit of fair use, get your little heads (none of us could compare to Galloway’s; he even uses the word “theory”!) around this extract quoting said Mr. Galloway:

“If there has been a use of chemical weapons it was al-Qaeda who used chemical weapons. Who gave al-Qaeda chemical weapons? Here’s my theory: Israel gave them the chemical weapons so that they would use them so that they would bring the international community into the final destruction of Syria.”

Well my little head is non-plussed. But that’s probably because I’m not a member of parliament for a far-Left political party with a heavily Muslim constituency in Yorkshire. Yes, they do call me “Yorker”, so I know what I’m talking about…

Is this the kind of BS we should ignore? Or does it portend darker times?

Credit again to Alex Massie at the Speccie. As we put this all together, It does just add something, doesn’t it…? To the unending madness in the MidEast, I mean. Speaking of which, check out the latest loon-level stuff from Egypt.

Daniel Henninger: ObamaCare for Everything First health, Then Finance and Now Higher Ed Gets a Federal Fix.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324009304579040822709807800.html?mod=opinion_newsreel Thousands of American higher-education administrators will spend part of Labor Day weekend trying to plumb the meaning of the ideas President Obama dropped on them last week to “reform” the American college and university system. Given the political genome of college administrators nowadays, they’ll try to make the Obama plan work. But for the […]


http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324591204579037880644807254.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_MIDDLESecond Barack Obama entered the White House with the promise of restoring our nation’s standing in the world. Suffering from war fatigue and concerned with the demands of being the sole superpower in an increasingly dangerous world, many Americans found it tempting to believe that promise. As a candidate, Mr. Obama had been cheered by […]


Whipping boy no more “If Damascus is attacked, Tel Aviv will burn,” a Syrian higher-up bristled this week. Israel, therefore, cannot watch the escalating cliffhanger with detached equanimity from the sidelines. There can be no passivity when potent threats are hurled at Israel from a coterie of evil powers in the context of a struggle in […]

Are We Willing to Defend Ourselves? by Peter Huessy

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3949/us-missile-defense The U.S. Air Force has just completed a review of the ballistic missile threats to the U.S.: China is building more ballistic missiles than anyone – and faster. By 2015, Iran’s and North Korea’s long-range missiles will be able to reach the United States. The Israeli Air Force, on June 7, 1981, carried out […]