A couple of stories from Venezuela bring home the reality that the country is falling apart and freedoms are disappearing.

President Maduro has just announced that the government launched a news network to tell the public the truth about the situation in the country:

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced on Tuesday at a public event that the Government would launch a “Truth News Broadcast” via mandatory radio and television broadcasts to air his Administration performance.  The newscast will be broadcasted at noon and in prime time.   


Venezuelan opposition denounces that mandatory radio and television broadcasts constitute misuse of power by the Government, in addition to using state-run media for propaganda.  For its part, the Venezuelan Government argues that mandatory radio and television broadcasts are a necessary tool to broadcast its messages, in order to counteract the alleged “censorship” the private media apply against government events and achievements.” 


A government news channel to tell the truth?  like Granma in Cuba or Pravda in the old USSR?  Mandatory broadcasts?

The second story is a statement by Mario Vargas-Llosa:

Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa is “very concerned” over the direction Venezuela has taken over the last years, and remarked that the country “is a total disaster, a real chaos; where demagogy, corruption, and violence abound.”  


“(Venezuela) is a country that, instead of moving forward, is going backwards; it features the highest inflation rate in Latin America,” Vargas Llosa remarked in an interview with news agency Efe apropos the publication of his new novel “El héroe discreto (The discreet hero)” in Spain, Latin America, and the United States. As usual, the writer seized the opportunity to give his opinion about current issues. 


He asserted that, unlike his country, Peru, and other Latin American countries, whose economic situation have improved; Venezuela is “a negative exception” to that outlook. 


“Venezuela’s case is rather tragic,” the writer asserted. He is also worried about Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro maintaining “the messianic ideas” of his predecessor (late President Hugo Chávez) to turn Venezuela “into a headlight, an example” for other countries.


“However, I’m afraid that Venezuela is rather the exception to the rule. Nowadays, there are more countries in Latin America where democracy is developing, featuring modern economic policies which are leading to progress and development,” Vargas Llosa remarked.”    

Mr Vargas-Llosa’s comments will hurt the regime.  He is very well respected author and spokesman.


These two stories confirm that Venezuela is on unsustainable path and there are some very bad days ahead.  

Regime change in Syria?  How about Venezuela?  

The US needs to consider sanctions against Venezuela, specially given the real evidence that the country is eliminating freedoms and its economy is falling apart. 



P.S. Check out our interview with Comandante Cazorla in Venezuela.  He is outspoken member of the opposition.



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