David Coleman, one of the architects of Common Core said he believes there is “a massive social injustice in this country” and that education is “the engine of social justice.”
Common Core Literature and Writing books by Zaner-Bloser teach social activism to 6 year old children in first grade. Children are taught how to manipulate others by getting them angry with emotional words. Reading about this I can’t help but think how the Obama administration manipulates Americans with emotional words to get them angry at Republicans. An example that comes to mind is Obama’s accusation against Republicans that they were holding the government hostage when they blocked funding for Obamacare. A similar example of public manipulation was when the Obama administration blocked access to veteran memorials in order to make the public angry at the Republicans.
The Common Core approved book Barack Obama by Jane Sutcliffe indoctrinates children that whites mistreat black people and are racist and therefore didn’t want to vote for ‘Barack’, and only Barack can make the country better. The Common Core approved book, Barack Obama, Son of Promise, Child of Hope, shows Barack glowing with a heavenly aura.
A Common Core lesson plan blames Islamic terrorism on low self esteem. The Common Core approved text book World History devotes an entire chapter to promoting the virtues of Islam and has anti-Israel propaganda spread throughout the book. State Rep. Ritch Workman told Fox News that “kids are going to take this book as gospel and believe that Christians and Jews were murderous barbarians and thank God the Muslims came along and the world is great.”
The Common Core Science Curriculum teaches children that humans are dangerous to the planet, that man made global warming is an accepted incontrovertible fact even though it is not and that government action is required to fix global warming even though the taxes the Obama administration would like to impose on carbon dioxide producers would have a negligible effect on global warming but would have a devastating effect on a crumbling economy.
A February 2013 USDOE report that discusses measuring student attitudes, beliefs, and behavior lists desired competencies or improvement of attitudes such as “appreciation of diversity” and “recognizing bias in sources.” From the perspective of the left wing originators of Common Core conservative view points are biased and of course this is what children will be taught.
The Obama administration has already used the IRS to harass conservative groups, which raises the concern that parents of children who lack sufficient appreciation of diversity might be harassed as well. One can imagine a scenario where a child, who has some reservations about Islam, is labeled racist and his parents are determined to be the source of his racism. Perhaps separation of the child from the negative influence of his parents might be seen as a solution to the problem.
One of the reasons given for collecting data on student attitudes is to help improve their motivation. Studies have shown that students from fatherless parent families are less likely to be motivated to stay in school than those from two parent families. If the government wants to motivate students they are more likely to accomplish their goal if instead of collecting personal data on students, they reconsider welfare policies that have been shown to lead to the proliferation of single parent families and antisocial behavior.
Is a Single Curriculum better than Multiple Curricula?
The final question I will consider here is whether one single common curriculum is a good idea. Students have different abilities. Some thrive in challenging environments while others perform better in more laid back environments.
Problems of a single curriculum become problems for everyone and there is reason to believe that the experimental approaches of Common Core are problematic. Another problem of a single common curriculum is that it enables indoctrination by the Federal government on a massive scale as discussed previously. The focus of a good curriculum should be to teach critical thinking which is the opposite of indoctrination.
How to Really Improve Education
The first and most important step for improving education in the U.S. is reversing legislation that prevents discipline in the classroom. Attempts to level the playing field by bringing down performance of high achievers must be stopped. Legislators should not impose a common curriculum that makes all schools the same. Legislators should not interfere with school choice so that parents can use school vouchers to send children to the best schools for their children. Legislators should reconsider welfare policies that lead to badly behaved youth. Our government should step back and allow the free market of education to work without imposing restrictions on what teachers can teach and without passing laws that make it impossible for teachers and principals to bring peace to the classroom.

Gamaliel Isaac has appeared in online magazines which include The Intellectual Conservative, The American Thinker and FrontPage Magazine. He earned his doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania doing research in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. He is currently employed at the University of Pennsylvania. Gamaleil has young children which is why he is especially concerned about “Common Core.”
Read more: Family Security Matters
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