Mean-Girls Conservatism: How Bitchy, Brainless Blowhards Are Wrecking the Right
We all know how frustrating it is:
Lefties on cable news or on the web (or around the boardroom or dinner table) screaming their faux outrage in fits of what Thomas Sowell calls “moral posturing”:
“Rush Limbaugh called Barack Obama a ‘magic negro!’”
“Jerry Falwell condemned a Teletubby for being gay!!”
“Ann Coulter refused to fly on a plane with a black pilot!!!”
And it’s exhausting, too, having to point out one more time that:
* Rush Limbaugh was commenting on a black journalist’s description of Obama as a “magic negro” — an established literary trope in liberal academia.
* A writer for Jerry Falwell’s newsletter was simply quoting mainstream media stories about gays who’d already embraced that purple, purse-carrying Teletubby as a “gay icon.”
* That Ann Coulter anecdote was a completely made-up article on a satirical website.
Know what’s even more annoying, at least to me?
When conservatives indulge in the same variety of too-good-to-check rumor mongering and mass pass-it-on hysterics every time a liberal celebrity says — or worse, supposedly says — something dumb.
Let’s call it “Mean-Girls Conservatism.”
How fitting that the latest outbreak of unbecoming right-wing blowhardiness occurred during the Oklahoma tornado.
On May 20, Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead tweeted:
This tornado is in Oklahoma so clearly it has been ordered to only target conservatives.
Now, I’m going to plead “menopause brain” here:
I didn’t “get” that joke at first.