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The old paradigm that a country has the right to decide who enters it has been decisively overturned in Europe, it’s under siege in such first world countries as America, Canada, Australia and Israel by the creed that says it’s the human rights obligation of every nation to accept every refugee.

Given a chance a sizable portion of the third world would move to the first, a minority because of oppression and a majority because the opportunities and freebies are much better there. Even low ranked first world nations still find themselves swamped with refugees looking to move in.

International law does not assign any priority to a nation’s citizens over any person who happens to stray across the border. At the ground level that means the end of borders and the end of citizenship which is why immigration isn’t just a touchy issue in Arizona, it’s a touchy issue in Sydney, Tel Aviv and Birmingham. You can hardly open a newspaper of the liberal persuasion without being treated to another group of refugees in some troubled part of the world walled up behind fences and trying to get over to London, Sydney or New York.

This sort of thing can’t be called immigration anymore, it’s a straightforward migration and it has no apparent limits. However many you take in, there will be more waiting and always burdening you with an unsolvable crisis.

One approach is to try and stabilize whatever crisis they are supposedly escaping from. Too many Libyans running away to Italy? Just bomb their dictator and they’ll go home again. At least that’s the theory, it doesn’t work too well in practice. For one thing Libya is more dangerous and unstable than it was under Gaddafi. Stabilizing it would require an Iraq level investment of money and manpower, and Iraq isn’t stable either. And London is still full of Iraqi refugees dating back to the 1980’s.

The disparities that make migration aren’t fixable, but nor is mass migration a viable option. There’s a reason that the refugees are running away and they are often part of the problem. Every nation is troubled in its own way and mass migration imports those troubles. It’s why beheadings have come north of the border and the Jihad has set up shop in countless Western cities.

The melting pot myth was that people leave their identities behind to join in a mass identity. That worked only marginally back in the day, it doesn’t work at all today when the refugees are immersed in their Little Mogadishus, which have popped up in a frightening amount of American cities foretelling the day when those cities will become as violent and broken as the original Mogadishu.

In place of the melting pot is the No Go Zone, which is the inverse of integration, it sets up tribal encampments in major cities which run on the laws of the tribe. That sort of thing has always been around in one form or another and it is survivable in limited numbers so long as those zones don’t also become factories of violence. That’s the difference between Amish Country and a Muslim banlieue, it’s also the difference between separatism and supremacism.


http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=3693 The 13th annual Herzliya Conference kicked off on Monday afternoon with the usual PowerPoint presentations illustrating that we Israelis feel more confident about the state of our nation than is commonly perceived. This, according to graphs and charts, is an internal strength which will stand us in good stead when confronting the many external […]


http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/sharpe/130312 Britain’s Prince Charles is currently on an official visit to Jordan, Oman and Qatar. But stepping foot in nearby Israel by any member of the British royal family is officially banned by the British Foreign Office. Prince Charles’ latest trip is one more of the many routine visits by various members of the royal […]



“Now, I just want to ask you, would Sally Quinn or Carl Bernstein or any two other American liberals ever go on television and say that Islam has to recognize people of other color and homosexuals if it’s to remain relevant? Would they ever say that? Would they ever go on TV and warn these militant Islamists, “Hey, look, you guys, unless you start recognizing women, tell ’em to get rid of the burqa and people of other color and homosexuals, you are going to become irrelevant.”

RUSH: The College of Cardinals is now entering the Sistine Chapel to begin the conclave to elect the next Vicar of Christ. For those of you in Rio Linda, that would be the next pope. For those of you who are Italian, it would be Il Papa.

You may not know this. Yesterday on CBS, Slay the Nation, they had a roundtable. Bob Schieffer had Washington Post columnist Sally Quinn and Carl Bernstein on from Vanity Fair. Bernstein of Woodward and Bernstein fame. And they were talking about the church, the Catholic Church, and the selection of the new pope. Listen to this.

QUINN: It’s on the way to irrelevancy if they don’t start including women, and certainly people of other color, and ultimately homosexuals. And so, I mean, they’re all against homosexuality, even though so many priests are gay, that it seems…

SCHIEFFER: Now you can’t say that as a fact. I mean…

BERNSTEIN: Well, if you have friends in the priesthood…


Cross-posted from National Review Online, The Corner http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2013/03/excluding-jews-and-others-from-juries Comes the news that Frederick Cohn, the Jewish defense lawyer for Abdel Hameed Shehadeh, asked Brooklyn-based federal judge Eric Vitaliano to exclude Jews from the jury. Shehadeh is charged with three counts of making false statements in connection with his attempts to join jihadis in Pakistan. “Your […]

Courage? The State Department? by Nonie Darwish

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3622/state-department-courage If the U.S. government is truly serious about honoring those who want reform in the Muslim world, why is it not honoring those people who are sticking their necks out in stating their love for America and peace for Israel? America has been pursuing a policy ever since 9/11 to honor what it perceives […]


Arab Americans who met with Obama said he blamed the Israeli government for refusing to make concessions, blamed the U.S. congress for providing cover to the Israeli government, and he planned to bring an additional $500 million in aid for the PA. US Arabs: Obama Blames Israel, Congress for Slacking Peace Progress Most reports about […]

Muslim Brotherhood Propaganda Comes to Tallahassee, Florida

http://publicpolicyalliance.org/2013/03/muslim-brotherhood-propaganda-comes-to-tallahassee-florida/ Muslim Brotherhood Propaganda Comes to Tallahassee, FloridaWith great fanfare, in mid-2012 the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) embarked upon a $3 million public relations campaign to promote Shariah (Islamic law) in America.For obvious reasons, this campaign raised eye brows across the country, especially since $3 million was more than the annual budget for […]


http://pjmedia.com/rogerkimball/ It’s that time of year again. Like millions of Americans — some 50 percent of tax filers, in fact — I am spending many hours assembling various forms and bits of paper that I will turn over to my accountant, who will then go away to add, subtract, depreciate, amortize, deduct, allow, and expense, […]

JAMIE GLAZOV’S INTERVIEW OF D.C. WATSON AUTHOR OF “Through These Blues. A View From Inside the Political Jihad Arena.” (Also by Robert Spencer and Kevin Montavon)

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/jamie-glazov/through-these-blues-2/ FP: D.C. Watson, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Watson: Thanks very much. FP: let’s begin with you telling us what the book is about and its main argument. Watson: For a long time, I’ve paid close attention to who has been saying and doing what. Why so many of our politicians and journalists are as […]