These “leaders” are pushing to eradicate the difference between lawful immigrants and illegal aliens and refuse to accept the fundamental concept that America’s first line of defense and her last line of her defense are the borders and immigration laws of the United States.
The most recent example of this inability to connect the dots would be humorous if it was not so disturbing.
New York City is a “Sanctuary City” where the NYPD is inhibited from notifying immigration authorities about illegal aliens who are encountered by law enforcement.  Our immigration laws were enacted to prevent the entry and presence of aliens who pose a threat to national security, public safety and the jobs of American workers.  These laws are utterly blind as to race, religion and ethnicity.  The only distinction the immigration laws make is between citizens and non-citizens.  The term alien, which has been so vilified is defined by the Immigration and Nationality Act as simply being “Any person, not a citizen or national of the United States.”  There is no insult to be found in that definition- only clarity.  Clarity is something that the open-borders crowd whom I have come to designate as the “Immigration Anarchists,” know that they must avoid at all costs if they are to succeed.
This is the case for politicians of both major political parties.  Any politician who calls for providing unknown millions of illegal aliens is either foolish beyond comprehension or does not care about the well-being of America and Americans.  It is as simple as that.
It is not that the aliens are hiding in the shadows as they often claim, but the truth is being concealed in the “Fog of war” being waged against America and Americans by those who seek to erase America’s borders and obliterate the immigration laws.  In point of fact, a country without secure borders and effective immigration law enforcement cannot stand any more than could a house without walls!

One of the sections of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) is Title 8, United States Code, Section 1182 which enumerates the categories of aliens who are to be excluded. Among these classes are aliens who suffer from dangerous communicable diseases or extreme mental illness. Additionally convicted felons, human rights violators, war criminals, terrorists and spies are excluded as well as aliens who would seek unlawful employment or become public charges.

This afore-noted section of the INA also contains this provision which is of extreme importance to American workers, their families and the American economy:

(A) Labor certification

(i) In general Any alien who seeks to enter the United States for the purpose of performing skilled or unskilled labor is inadmissible, unless the Secretary of Labor has determined and certified to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General that—

(I) there are not sufficient workers who are able, willing, qualified (or equally qualified in the case of an alien described in clause (ii)) and available at the time of application for a visa and admission to the United States and at the place where the alien is to perform such skilled or unskilled labor, and

(II) the employment of such alien will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of workers in the United States similarly employed.

The importance of our borders and our immigration laws cannot be overemphasized. In the war on terror and transnational gangs, they are our first line of defense and our last line of defense. They are equally important to American workers who are facing unfair competition from foreign workers, aided and abetted by the administration and advocates for “Sanctuary Cities” and Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

In his historic speech before the 3rd Army on May 31, 1944, General George S. Patton said, on the strategy of holding a position:

We’re not holding anything, we’ll let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly, and we’re not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy.”

Pushing back against Comprehensive Immigration Reform is the same as holding position. The time has come for us to advance by demanding that our borders be made truly secure and our immigration laws be effectively administered and enforced.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform violates all of the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission but no one is willing to even consider how the lack of real border security and the lack of real integrity to the various components of the immigration system imperil national security and public safety.
Immigration is not a single issue but a singular issue that impacts nearly every challenge and threat confronting the United States today!  Simply stated, the immigration laws were enacted to save lives and protect the jobs of American workers.
It is not “Anti-Immigrant” to be “Pro-American!”
Our armed forces are charged with securing America’s borders externally while the DHS is supposed to secure those same borders from within.  The failures of the DHS to live up to its half of the equation are undermining the efforts, valor and incredible sacrifices of Americas men and women who serve in our military!

If our government’s failures to protect American jobs by securing our nation’s borders and effectively enforcing our immigration laws concerns you or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation!
All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are! We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance. This is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, this is most certainly an AMERICAN issue! You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem! Democracy is not a spectator sport! Lead, follow or get out of the way!

-michael cutler- 


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