
Friday Afternoon Roundup – One Leader, Three Branches of Government


Strip away the year and it’s hard for the listener to tell whether he’s listening to a cut from the 2008, 2011 or 2014 SOTU album. Clip all the static about competing with China by building bridges so that babies with Asthma can attend free pre-K with Google and you catch snippets of the new stuff.

The Justin Bieber of politics cannot change and before long he’s back to threatening a unilateral campaign against the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights and invoking Marx’s hoary old specter of class warfare sleeping under a bench in Zuccotti Park after a long day of wandering ominously around Wall Street.

Michelle Obama’s starvation lunches for schools and jazzercise tour have lowered obesity levels, according to her husband, and ObamaCare is a huge success, according to the guy it’s named after.

Afghanistan is a success. The economy is a success. Unemployment is a success. Democrats loyally clap sweaty palms at how wonderful everything is, but for some reason much of the country is out of work.


The “The Port Hills Groper” who cannot speak English put the offending down to a “cultural” misunderstanding, saying he was trying to be “friendly” around Christmas time.

On one occasion he called out to a woman jogging on the Rapaki Track and, when she slowed down to listen, grabbed her buttocks and said “lovely lovely”.

The Middle Eastern refugee who grabbed, groped and licked female joggers on a popular running route in Christchurch has today avoided jail and been granted permanent name suppression. The family of the man accused of being  fears he’ll be ostracised by their Muslim community if his identity is revealed.

Muslim Refugee Gropes Women, Blames Cultural Differences, Avoids Jail


The United States has been taking in a million immigrants a year since 2004. Are a million immigrants a year really inadequate for the needs of businesses in a country with less than one hundred million private sector employees and over ninety million people out of the workforce?

Black and Latino unemployment rates are already far higher than white unemployment rates. The Mexican-American unemployment rate is between 10 and 12 percent. If American companies can’t employ the millions of Mexican-Americans already in this country, why do they insist on displacing minority workers born in this country, including Mexican-Americans, by legalizing 12 million more?

From 2000 to 2009, nearly 2 million Mexican immigrants obtained permanent legal status in the United States.

Where are the 12 million jobs supposed to come from for the suddenly legal illegals whose employers never wanted to hire legal workers?

In the bleak grey skyscraper towering precariously over Eight Avenue, the filing cabinets bulge with back issues of the New York Times full of optimistic speculations about the future. But now the Old Grey Lady hardly mentions the Arab Spring except when she’s talking about insurgencies and riot casualty counts.

Only a few years ago, she fell head over heels for the bad boys of the Muslim Brotherhood. Now, despite the best efforts of her procurers of Islamism like David Kilpatrick and Robert Mackey, she has stopped taking their phone calls and has settled down to placidly chronicling the daily urban disorders of Egypt.

The old argument that the region was unstable and that we were hated because of the dictators no longer holds water. The United States pushed out the dictators; their own people brought them back.

The Arab Spring Killed the Left’s Foreign Policy


“I actually think there’s a subset of black women who really do get off on white women being prostrate,” Cooper says. Brittney Cooper, an assistant professor at Rutgers, is one of the black women who participated in #Femfuture.

Sarah Milstein, co-author of a guide to Twitter, published a piece on the Huffington Post titled “5 Ways White Feminists Can Address Our Own Racism.”

At one point, Milstein argued that if a person of color says something that makes you uncomfortable, “assume your discomfort is telling you something about you, not about the other person.” After Rule No. 3, “Look for ways that you are racist, rather than ways to prove you’re not.”

Also if he’s hitting you, assume that it’s something you did wrong. Look for things you did wrong, not things you do right. This is the pathetic disgusting mess that feminism has become in the grubby hands of the race-obsessed left.

Feminism’s Insane Leftist Race War

…from the comments

Tina Trent

Feminist theory is sado-masochism, with white women policing themselves to vigorously enjoy the pummeling black and hispanic and asian (and all those East Asian Brahmin exchange students with their own servants back home playing oppressed-grrl here) love to deliver. It’s a world so sick that it has birthed naught but generations of white women hellbent on inventing ornate proxy sexualities in order to climb up to the position of piling on whitey via alleged sexuality oppression.

It is also a great lesson in the current politics.

I once offered a perfectly ordinary critique of an impressively awful poem by a famous black-lesbian-handicapped poetess who subsequently died (of unrelated causes). The class held an enraged moment of silence, and as we sat there, the whitest woman in the room glared at me with uncontrollable anger. She told me afterwards that she couldn’t stand being in the same room with me as they memorialized the dead poet. She felt I should leave the class because my mere presence was repulsive to her. She felt utterly justified saying this.

Everything I needed to know about Obama I learned in grad school.

Sheila Jackson Lee: “American People Crying Out for… Climate Change”

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