Texas Police Officers are Members of Mahmoudberg Jihadist Compound

On Aug. 6, 2007, Paul Williams reported for Atlas Shrugs that an Islamic terrorist organization had established over 45 jihadists compounds in rural areas throughout America.

The organization, Jamaat ul-Fuqra, is headquartered in Pakistan. Its U.S. compounds provide paramilitary training to new recruits for the great jihad against the USA. Most of the recruits are African-Americans who converted to Islam while doing hard time in federal prison.

More recently, on Feb. 18, 2014, PJ Media reported that Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) documents have detailed a 22-site network of terrorist training villages sprawled across the United States. The FBI has been concerned about these facilities for about 12 years, but cannot act against them because the U.S. State Department has not yet declared their umbrella group, MOA [Muslims of the Americas]/Jamaat ul-Fuqra, to be a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

Now, Pamela Geller of Freedom Outpost writes that a jihadist compound in Texas has placed members on local police forces, thereby ensuring that nothing is done to stop or even monitor the jihadists’ activities.

The Texas compound is called Mahmoudberg, near the town of Sweeny in south Texas’ Brazoria County on County Road 3. According to an informed source, one of journalist Daniel Pearl’s murderers now lives at Mahmoudberg. Jamaat ul-Fuqra was the terrorist organization that had murdered Pearl when he tried to interview its leader.

Another member of the MOA compound in Sweeny is Hussein Jones, a police officer for the nearby city of Freeport.

Informed and well-placed sources told Geller that a few years ago, there was a shooting on the compound. County officers and EMS were called. But when they arrived, they faced hostile members of the compound who would not allow them inside.

A police officer who was at the scene said that as this confrontation was going on, a constable of the neighboring Fort Bend County came speeding up in his car and began angrily rebuking the police officers who were there. He also tried to prevent the officers and EMS technicians and paramedics from gaining access to the compound. This constable also turned out to be a member of the MOA compound. However, as a result of his behavior during this incident, he was fired from his position as constable, and county officials were ultimately able to get inside the compound, although Brazoria County police are still not allowed in.

The Mahmoudberg compound is made up of mobile buildings that are regularly rearranged, always positioned in such a way that if law enforcement had to storm the compound, they would be sitting ducks with a sure tactical disadvantage.

Police officials say there are no laws to stop Mahmoudberg from what they are doing; only if the Islamists break some kind of law.

These jihadist compounds across America are essentially no-go Shariah zones, where even the police maintain a hands-off policy. Mahmoudberg’s sister terror compound in New York, Islamberg, contains a campus of the International Quranic Open University, where students are taught by manuals written by Jamaat ul-Fuqra leader Mubarak al-Gilani, that the Muslim’s “foremost duty” is to “wage jihad” against the “enemies” of Islam.

Gilani boosts: “We give [students] specialized training in guerrilla warfare. We are at present establishing training camps. You can easily reach us at Open Quranic offices in upstate New York or in Canada or in South Carolina or in Pakistan.”


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