The primary was held on March 18, 2014. This is the final slate of incumbents and challengers from the major parties for the election in November. 


AND THE YALLAH VOTE Their goal is to promote Arab American Candidates and to rate how incumbents voted on key issues  like civil liberties, Israel-Palestine, and US-Arab relations.

To see the actual voting records of all incumbents on other issues such as Foreign Policy, Second Amendment Issues, Homeland Security,  and other issues as well as their rankings by special interest groups please use the links followed by two stars (**). 


The primary was held on March 18, 2014. This is the final slate of incumbents and challengers from the major parties for the election in November.Filing Deadline for Third Party Candidates is June 23, 2014.



Mark Kirk (R )Next election 2016

Richard (Dick) Durbin (D) Incumbent **

Rated +5 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)

Keynote speaker at CAIR gala, on March 15, 2014…..




Alaa Mukahhal, the “Dreamer” who has been praised on the floor of the Senate by Dick Durbin (D-IL) as an activist “in the finest American tradition,” wrote a short and obscene assessment of Israel and its supporters on her Facebook page



The Illinois health insurance marketplace is open and ready to help get you and your family covered. This marketplace was created by the Affordable Care Act and will expand coverage to more than 1.4 million in Illinois who currently are uninsured while adding important consumer protections to those already have insurance.Because of this law, insurance companies can no longer discriminate against you and your family for a pre-existing condition. They can’t drop you from coverage when you or someone in your family gets sick. And they can no longer place caps what they’ll cover for your care. Practices like these have caused millions of families to fall deep into debt and helped push the cost of health care higher and higher.So we said enough and worked to rein in costs while expanding coverage and protections for all Americans.





Jim Oberweiss(R ) Challenger




District 1

Bobby Rush (D)   Incumbent                                   **

Rated +2 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



Reforming our health care system is a historic opportunity to make health care more affordable for millions of uninsured Americans. The Affordable Care Act will also bring the kind of change to the health care system that the American people have demanded for so long.  As a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, one of the committees with primary jurisdiction over health issues, it was an honor to work with my colleagues to secure affordable health care for individuals, families and small businesses across our country and for my constituents.  Nothing could be more important, which is why I now want to educate the people of the First Congressional District about the new law, help to implement it, and strengthen the hands of those who have worked for this historic reform.


As the Ranking Democratic Member of the House Subcommittee on Energy and Power, I will continue to fight to protect the US Environmental Protection Agency from being dismantled through Republican-led funding cuts.  Recent budget proposals seek to cut $3 billion dollars, 1/3rd of the EPA’s budget.  The same people who want to dismantle EPA are fighting to allow oil companies to keep $3.6 billion dollars in tax credits at a time when those companies are making record profits. 

Opposed Keystone XL Pipeline


Illinois Congressman Bobby Rush, a former Black Panther and hoodie enthusiast, wants U.S. lawmakers to refrain from using the word “illegal” when discussing immigration reform.

In a petition posted to, the Democrat congressman asks that members of Congress say “undocumented immigrants” instead of “illegal immigrants.”

Jimmie Lee Tillman II (R) – Challenger


District 2

Robin Kelly (D) Incumbent

Democratic incumbent Robin Kelly, who has represented the 2nd district after being elected in a special election in April 2013, is running for re-election.



1. Pass a comprehensive ban on assault weapons.

2. Eliminate the gun show loophole.

3. Pledge never to receive support from groups that oppose reasonable gun safety legislation.

4. Ban high capacity ammunition magazines.

5. Support laws that prohibit conceal and carry permits.


I believe in a woman’s right to choose and in her right to make her own decisions about her body and her healthcare.

As your Congresswoman, I will work to preserve abortion rights and expand access to birth control as these are essential components of women’s reproductive health. It’s one reason I support the Affordable Care Act, especially the expansion of women’s preventive healthcare services.

I believe that women are more than capable of making our own choices about their healthcare. And as your Congresswoman, I will work to protect our right to do so.


Small businesses are the backbone of our nation’s economy and the engines of our recovery. As your next Congresswoman, I will work to make the business climate in the 2nd District one that nurtures and supports the entrepreneurial spirit.

Whether it’s a small family grocery store like the one my grandparents owned or a budding tech firm, I want our community to be a thriving hub for small businesses, one that supports existing businesses and encourages new businesses to set up shop in the 2nd District.

I will work to help small business owners through programs to assist with access to capital, training, research and development and other initiatives to encourage innovation and job creation. Success for small business is success for us all.




Eric Wallace (R ) Challenger



Wallace supports a strong military and strong ties with our allies. One of the main responsibilities of the federal government is to protect the nation and the American people. This requires a strong and effective military, capable intelligence services, and a vigorous law enforcement and homeland security capacity. It also mandates an effective and proactive foreign policy that looks after American interests in conjunction with our allies yet stands resolute against our enemies.


Wallace believes that the United States of America should do all that it can to develop alternative fuel sources. Wind, solar, nuclear and bio-fuels need to be enhanced and utilized while at the same time we drill for oil on our own soil and off shore. Clean coal technology, oil shale are other alternatives for energy production.


Wallace supports individual Medical Savings Accounts whose deposits are completely tax free, and whose contents transfer to the owner’s estate at death. He also supports other creative measures that lower health care cost such as concierge physicians. Obamacare will be a impediment to job growth and drive up health care costs. Therefore it should be repealed.



District 3:

Dan Lipinsky(D ) Incumbent **





Voted against Obamacare- but also voted against repeal

 “More than two years have passed since I voted against the health care law because it is unaffordable, cuts Medicare, does not do enough to lower the soaring cost of health care, and would allow federal funding for abortion,” Rep. Lipinski said. “The details about the law that have emerged in the meantime have only added to my concerns, and I have continued to work to fix the many problems with it. The Supreme Court’s decision does not change my opposition to the law or my dedication to changing the law. As I said at the time of my vote, there can be no doubt that our health care system is in serious need of reform. Today, that remains the case. The soaring cost of health care is a very serious problem, and is among the biggest contributors to the budget deficits our nation faces. Amid the partisan reactions to this news, we should remember the real problems with our health care system and the need to address them in a sensible and fiscally sustainable manner. The court’s decision may divide us, but the need for high-quality, affordable medical care unites us all.”



Roskam, Lipinski Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Academic Freedom by Preventing Academic Boycott of Israel

Feb 6, 2014

Today, Reps. Peter Roskam (R-IL) and Dan Lipinski (D-IL) introduced the bipartisan Protect Academic Freedom Act (H.R. 4009) to address the growing threat of unjustified boycotts against the Jewish State of Israel.


Opposed construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.

Sharon Brannigan (R ) Challenger


Like you, in recent years, we have worked hard to keep and maintain investments, like our home, and find it increasingly difficult to grow our business under an administration that seeks to punish businesses across the nation. Year by year, it becomes increasingly difficult for middle class families to hang on to what they have and keep what they earn because of out-of-control spending, over taxation and over regulation by this administration. I will work hard to reverse our high state unemployment and damage to the economy that has been brought upon by our current District Congressman.

And like you, “ObamaCare” (ACA) was forced upon me and my family and now it’s unfortunately the law of the land. This law is an intrusion into our personal and professional lives, has caused the reduction of healthcare services and has led to the increase in premiums – this is not what was promised to the American people. If elected, I will work tirelessly to reduce the negative effects of this job-killing legislation. Other means of taming our healthcare issues should be tort reform, health savings accounts and the ability for people to purchase insurance across state lines. Capitalism and the free market are the proven keys to solving our cumulative financial woes.


  • Opposes the relentless pursuit of avenues to neutralize and strip away our 2nd Amendment rights.


  • Opposed to  the instituting of the Common Core curriculum across the entire public education system.



District 4

Luis Gutierrez (D ) Incumbent  **


Rated +2 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



We need a 21st century immigration system to regulate a 21st century labor force. We need to have a system of legal immigration that employers and immigrants actually use so that we have control over who comes and who is here. We ought to have an immigration system that honors families and keeps them together. People should come to this country with a visa, not a smuggler and we should have a system that allows them to do so within reasonable limits tied to our economic and societal needs and that is adjusted over time. We don’t have that now.

Gutiérrez: Women Will Get Raped Unless We Pass Immigration Reform

By Andrew Johnson

AUGUST 27, 2013At a town-hall event in Chantilly, Va., yesterday, Gutiérrez told attendees that while he has objections to the immigration bill passed by the Senate earlier this year, he would “vote for that proposal today . . . even under those harsh conditions” rather than not pass anything. He went on to list a series of cautionary tales about the tragedy that would result should Congress fail to pass an immigration bill:

“Today, someone is going to die in that desert, trying to return to their families, women and men are going to die in that desert; someone’s going to lose a finger, a hand, an eye, a life today because an unscrupulous employer is going to put them in harm’s way, someone’s going to die; there’s a woman that’s going to be raped in a field somewhere in America today because she has no rights in this country, and we need to end that; there are children who are going to cry and there are marriages that are going to be destroyed because someone is going to be deported, and there are going to be children that are going to be left orphaned in this country.”


I had many concerns about voting for the Senate passed healthcare reform bill.  In particular, I am opposed to a provision that would not allow undocumented immigrants to use their own money to buy health insurance in the exchanges.  I believe this is counter to public health and to justice.

After many conversations with the President, I feel confident that he understands that germs don’t respond to borders, germs respond to medicine and good preventative care.  I believe he agrees that if we are going to have health care that works, we need to enact comprehensive immigration reform legislation to ensure that everyone has access to coverage and preventative care.


For this reason, I voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or H.R. 3590, a historic piece of legislation which was passed in the House of Representatives on March 21, 2010.  This bill was signed by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 and is now Public Law 111-148 (P.L. 111-148).


Opposed construction of Keystone XLPipeline

Hector Concepcion (R) Challenger




District 5

Mike Quigley (D ) Incumbent **

Rated -1 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



Voted for Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and against repeal.



An innovative environmental and energy policy is necessary to combat the increasing carbon emissions that endanger our planet’s environmental health. Mike has worked tirelessly to advocate for environmentally-conscious government. Renewable energy can be a cornerstone of sustainable economic growth by creating competitive, green jobs of the future, and the long term cost of inaction for our environment far outweighs today’s price tag. Mike spoke on the House floor in defense of the Clean Air Act, opposing amendments meant to strip its power. Allowing further environmental degradation is not only irresponsible policy for the present day but will cause incalculable damage to the world our children inhabit. Mike continues to be a stalwart supporter of the environment in Congress as a member of the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition.

Members Raise Climate Change Threats to Outdoor Recreations


WASHINGTON – Today, Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) and members of the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC) offered an amendment to H.R. 3590, the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act, to ensure the Secretary of the Interior maintains the authority to consider climate change when making decisions regarding conservation and recreational activities on public lands.

Voted against construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.

March 14, 2014

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representatives Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), Mike Quigley (IL-05), Rush Holt (NJ-12) and two dozen of their colleagues sent a letter urging Secretary of State John Kerry to oppose the Keystone XL pipeline, arguing that approval of the pipeline is not in the national interest and would be extremely detrimental to the climate.

The Keystone XL pipeline is essential for the full development of the Alberta tar sands.  Full development of those tar sands would emit approximately 240 gigatons of carbon pollution.  That is roughly half the carbon pollution the world can allow before we experience a 2 degree increase in global temperature, the level that the United States and 167 other nations have said the world must avoid to prevent catastrophic, irreversible damage to our climate.


Mike is committed to providing the resources our soldiers need, and ensuring that our servicemen and women are not in harm’s way one day more than necessary. Mike has taken trips to Iraq and Israel and Gaza reemphasizing his goals to establish sound Middle East policy. He believes that Congress and the Obama Administration should work together towards responsible, pragmatic, and thoughtful foreign policy. Mike has spoken numerous times in support of the state of Israel, and has written to Secretary of State Clinton opposing U.N. action against Israeli settlements.  He has also introduced legislation to extend and ultimately make permanent the Visa Waiver Program, including Poland as a participant country, so that Polish citizens can travel visa-free to the United States.   


As globalization shrinks our world, establishing a fair system to account for the movement of people across and within our borders becomes increasingly important. Mike supports comprehensive immigration reform that is right, just, and fair for all – working towards concrete and pragmatic solutions for environmentally-sensitive border security. Mike was a strong supporter of the DREAM Act, giving everyone born in the United States an opportunity to attend college or serve in the military. Mike believes we must document the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants currently in the United States.

Fred White (R ) Challenger



District 6

Peter Roskam (R ) Incumbent **

Rated -3 by AAI, indicating a anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



Voted for repeal of Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)


We can do better than the president’s healthcare law, which has brought skyrocketing out of pocket costs and fewer options. President Obama consistently says, “if you’ve got good ideas, bring them to me, …[if] you still think this law is a bad idea then you’ve got to tell us specifically what you’d do differently.” That’s exactly what House Republicans have done. For years, Republicans have been putting forward healthcare reforms centered on preserving the patient-doctor relationship and offering quality, low-cost healthcare through increased competition. Republican alternatives ensure that healthcare is more affordable, more available and more responsive to the American people’s needs without imposing a one-size-fits-all big-government approach.

Access to high-quality, low-cost health insurance is attainable by opening healthcare markets across state lines, allowing Americans to purchase health care in a competitive, nationwide system. The free market should be able to work within guide posts set up by the government, not micromanaged through Washington’s ineffective bureaucracy. This way, insurance companies and hospitals must produce high quality, affordable coverage options to make insurance companies work hard to get and keep your business. This is in contrast to Obamacare forcing everyone into the healthcare market where young, healthy people pay more so that older, sicker individuals pay less. The administration is already having serious problems convincing young people to sign up for insurance – dooming this cost-shifting model for failure. 


Roskam, Lipinski Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Academic Freedom by Preventing Academic Boycott of Israel

Feb 6, 2014

Today, Reps. Peter Roskam (R-IL) and Dan Lipinski (D-IL) introduced the bipartisan Protect Academic Freedom Act (H.R. 4009) to address the growing threat of unjustified boycotts against the Jewish State of Israel.

Roskam: First Step Agreement Continues Dangerously Weak Foreign Policy

Jan 13, 2014

EXCERPT: ““Today’s announcement of a White House-backed interim nuclear agreement with Iran is just the latest example of a weak foreign policy that provides critical economic sanctions relief without first requiring Iran to dismantle its nuclear architecture or stop enriching uranium in its quest for a nuclear weapons capability.”


ASK PETER: President is Out of Excuses on Keystone

Feb 7, 2014

In this segment, Congressman Roskam answers an email from Steve Romanelli, the owner of Core Pipe in Carol Stream, who strongly encourages the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline because of the vital role energy plays in our manufacturing workforce and job creation.

We Shouldn’t Wait Another Day on Keystone

Sep 19, 2013

Press Release:

Exerpt: “What America needs is a vision for an energy future that will jumpstart domestic energy production and put thousands of Americans back to work. The place to start would be immediately approving the Keystone XL Pipeline.”

Ask Peter: Five Years of Stalling on Keystone

Sep 19, 2013

Press Release:

Excerpt: “It’s been five years since the Obama Administration received the paperwork and the application for the expansion of this pipeline. Now, think about that, that’s half a decade that they’ve been sitting on this. And there’s been no activity forthcoming.”


Michael Mason (D )Challenger





District 7

Danny Davis (D ) Incumbent**

Rated +2 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



Voted for Obamacare and against repeal


African American/Health Reform Q+A:

Q:  Even with responsibility, there are some who are uninsured.  There are disparities in health care delivery.  How do you deal with disparities in African American communities?
A:  Disparities are managed primarily by reducing costs and ensuring access to preventive care.  A little over 19% of African Americans are uninsured compared to 11% of Whites.  The President sees that as part of the moral imperative; that it’s not okay to say that we have millions who don’t have health insurance, who don’t have access to the system.  We’ve solved the problem for older Americans; everybody over 65 can rely on the fact that they will be eligible for Medicare because Medicare will be there.  And this plan will do nothing to change that.  But we now need to take care of the rest of the population and make sure that we no longer have this huge gap between people who get good care, get primary care, have a healthy home, stay in good shape, and people who have to come in through the doors of an emergency room to access a doctor or the health care their families need.  It’s time for a change.

Q:  How will the Obama plan affect inner city and rural African American communities?
A:  The health care disparities that exist in the African American community are prevalent whether you live in the cities, the suburbs or in rural areas.  So reducing the overall costs of health care over time and expanding access will result in more African Americans receiving the medical care they need no matter where they reside.  This will be done either through their employer or through the health care exchange, and both situations will reap lower premiums for the insured.  Individuals and businesses who cannot afford to purchase health insurance on their own will be helped with a tax credits. 


Voted against construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline

Robert Bumpers (R)..Challenger

No website available


District 8



Tammy Duckworth (D ) Incumbent**





Congress must pass comprehensive immigration reform that is practical, fair and humane. We need a long-term plan that will secure our borders and include a responsible path to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented individuals who are living in the shadows. It is also a priority of mine that we make sure that our immigration system allows families to stay together. If an immigrant meets a strict set of requirements and is deemed eligible, he or she should be able to pursue legal status. Comprehensive immigration reform is right for our families, our businesses, and for our future global competitiveness.


While far from perfect, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) made many significant improvements to our health care system by giving patients more control over their health care coverage and by holding insurance companies accountable. Because of this legislation, people with pre-existing conditions are no longer denied health care, insurance companies are prevented from dropping or rescinding coverage when a person gets sick or injured, parents are able to keep their children on their health plans until a child’s 26th birthday, and families are protected from medical bankruptcy by placing a limit on yearly out-of-pocket costs.  

It is a priority of mine to make sure that my constituents understand all the benefits of the ACA and are able to easily navigate the registration process.  That is why my office holds ACA information sessions throughout the 8th district. If you are having issues signing up for health insurance or difficulties with any of its provisions you should contact my office for assistance.

NOV, 13 2013  voted for GOP-sponsored legislationthat would allow insurers to keep offering health plans even if they do not meet certain minimum requirements of the Affordable Care Act.


Opposes construction of Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.


Larry Kaifesh (R ) Challenger

Larry Kaifesh holds a B.A. in Psychology from Indiana University and a M.A. in National Security and Strategic Studies from the United States Naval War College. His military awards include the Bronze Star, Navy Commendation Medal with “V” for Valor in combat, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, and Navy Achievement Medal.

Larry Kaifesh has spent the majority of the last 23 years serving our country in the United States Marine Corps as an Infantry Officer. Since the September 11 terrorist attacks, Larry has deployed five different times to Iraq and Afghanistan – leading Marines, Sailors and Coalition partners against those who wish to do us harm. Larry had tremendous success in Iraq and Afghanistan based not only on his ability to lead, fight, and win, but to listen and understand the complex problems presented by a multitude of tribes, political factions, and interest groups. His pragmatic approach, honest and direct communication style, and his personal ability to bring diverse groups of people together on critical issues, became instrumental to progress and installing peace in some of the most dangerous areas of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Larry is committed to many of the same beliefs promoted by our Founding Fathers. He believes in individual liberty and freedom of choice, limited government, and free markets where all can benefit, not just those at the top. Traditional American values of self-reliance and hard work mark Larry. He believes that a strong National Defense is the first job of the federal government and is dedicated to peace through strength. Larry believes as our Founding Fathers did that the greatest threat to our republic will come from within and we see it today in the crushing burden of our national debt, unemployment, weak economy and the promotion of “Big Government” responsible for it. Throughout Larry’s life, he has been a selfless, compassionate leader able to bring people together in order to reach the highest levels of achievement. He is driven to ensure our children and grandchildren are given the United States of America stronger and more prosperous than it is today.


District 9

Jan Schakowsky (D ) Incumbent **

Rated +3 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)




Rep. Schakowsky responds to State Department Keystone XL SEIS

January 31, 2014

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky released the following statement in response to the State Department’s Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement:

“The State Department’s Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement significantly underestimates the emissions and climate impacts of the pipeline, mistakenly assuming that without Keystone XL, the Alberta Tar Sands would be produced at the same rate. 

“Without the pipeline, the amount of toxic tar sands refined in the United States would be significantly less, and much of the oil might stay in the ground.  A little over a year ago, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce found that ‘Canada needs pipe – and lots of it – to avoid the opportunity cost of stranding over a million barrels a day of potential crude oil growth.’  The State Department seemingly ignored that determination – and many similar findings – in its analysis. 

Schakowsky, Quigley, and Holt Urge Secretary Kerry to Oppose Harmful Keystone XL Pipeline

March 14, 2014

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representatives Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), Mike Quigley (IL-05), Rush Holt (NJ-12) and two dozen of their colleagues sent a letter urging Secretary of State John Kerry to oppose the Keystone XL pipeline, arguing that approval of the pipeline is not in the national interest and would be extremely detrimental to the climate.

The Keystone XL pipeline is essential for the full development of the Alberta tar sands.  Full development of those tar sands would emit approximately 240 gigatons of carbon pollution.  That is roughly half the carbon pollution the world can allow before we experience a 2 degree increase in global temperature, the level that the United States and 167 other nations have said the world must avoid to prevent catastrophic, irreversible damage to our climate.  


House Dem Women Release Statement In Support of Amb. Susan Rice


November 16, 2012

Washington, DC (November 16, 2012) – Today, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) joined a group of House Democratic women Members, including Reps. Gwen Moore (D-WI), Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH), Karen Bass (D-CA), Eleanor Holmes Norton (Del-District of Columbia) and Terri Sewell (D-AL), to release the following statement in support of U.N. Ambassador Susan E. Rice following what they deemed unfair attacks from various Senate and House Republicans:


Voted for Obamacare and against repeal

As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health, I am committed to building a health care system that works for everyone. We have made major strides in recent years, and I am especially proud of the passage of the historic Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. It is already benefiting millions of Americans, and it lays a strong foundation to make even more improvements.

We have more to do to achieve breakthroughs in medical research and to eliminate disparities in access to care. We must expand the health care workforce. We must ensure that everyone has affordable access to the health care they need, including prescription drugs, mental health services and the full range of reproductive health services.

I believe we can create the best health care system in the world and Obamacare is an excellent start.


Susanne Atanus (R ) Challenger

2010 Candidate




District 10

Brad Schneider (D ) Incumbent





Nov 24, 2013

Press Release

U.S. Congressman Brad Schneider (IL-10) released the following statement in reaction to the announcement that a temporary deal has been reached with Iran:

“History will judge our efforts in regard to Iran with one simple question: Did we prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability?

While full details of the interim agreement are still emerging, my position remains the same—Iran must completely abandon its nuclear weapons programs before receiving sanctions relief.

This initial agreement does include some positive steps, including freezing some of Iran’s current activities, opening some facilities to daily inspections and maintaining the core of major sanctions in place. Still there is more that must be done, as the deal does not stop all of Iran’s enrichment activity, does not completely halt construction of the Arak plutonium reactor site and does not force Iran to fully disclose the full extent of its nuclear program.

It remains my hope that the Senate will soon complete its work on the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act, which we passed in the House last July, linking implementation of increased sanctions to progress on a full and final agreement, permanently ending Iran’s nuclear programs.”

Rep. Schneider, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has been active in working to help prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. He has coauthored new, broader sanctions against Iran and in October was joined by 77 of his colleagues in urging the Obama Administration to authorize additional sanctions on Iran.



It is essential that we enact comprehensive immigration reform.  I am dedicated to finding a solution that addresses the multifaceted problems threatening our immigration system.  Any effort at reform must secure our border and include a responsible means of transitioning undocumented immigrants currently residing in America into legal residents, especially young people brought here as children.  We must stop unjustly penalizing these children for the mistakes of politicians. 


While we seek alternatives to replace our demand for oil and gas, we need to continue exploring domestic sources in a way that minimizes its environmental impact.  We must expand investments in green energy technologies with a focus on both conservation and alternative energies.  Furthermore, by responsibly pursuing energy independence, we can promote economic growth, create jobs and preserve our global leadership in industries such as agriculture, energy, manufacturing and transportation.

I am committed to urgently addressing the impending threat of climate change.  By being responsible, strategic stewards of our environment and natural resources, I know we can ensure a healthy, clean and dynamic natural world—not just for today, but for generations to come.  

Opposed construction of the KeystoneXL Pipeline without limiting amendments.


Bob Dold (R ) Challenger

Bob Dold is  former Congressman in District 10 who lost to Brad Schneider in 2012. **

Rated -4 by AAI, indicating a anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



My position on the Affordable Care Act that was passed by Congress in 2010 has been consistent. I support parts of what was signed into law, but unfortunately I do not support aspects of the law that are having, and will continue to have, a severe adverse impact on jobs, businesses, and families in our district. I have heard time and again from families, employers and medical providers that this legislation is overly burdensome and will not address the real problems associated with healthcare — namely access to quality care, affordable insurance and cost. – See more at:

Dold Statement on ACA CBO Report February 5th, CBO Report: ACA Will Cut Work Hours Equal to 2 Million People Libertyville, IL – Bob Dold, Illinois 10th District Congressional candidate, released the following statement after a new report by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) shows the new health law will cut work hours for millions of Americans. “Yesterday’s CBO report confirmed what many of us have been warning of for several years. The healthcare law is a product of a deeply flawed, partisan process that ignored the real-world implications of its requirements, and its impact on our economy and families will be significant,” said Dold. “Families in the 10th District are concerned about finding good paying jobs, putting food on their table, and obtaining a quality education for their children, but now they are being forced to make the difficult choice between how they will support their families and securing healthcare. Rep. Brad Schneider has relentlessly attacked me for sounding these warnings, and it is time for him to step up and own the fact that his unwavering support for the law means fewer hours of work and less income for millions of families, ultimately hurting the very people the Affordable Care Act was intended to help.”


Invest in Domestic Energy – I believe we can protect our cherished national resources and lands in a sensible way that is consistent with our need to produce more energy domestically. I support an all-of-the-above approach to energy production that combines the conventional sources of today with the renewable sources of tomorrow.

Create Smarter Regulations – America must significantly improve its regulatory environment to ensure that regulations are fair, reasonable, and smartly crafted with full consideration of their impacts on jobs and the economy. As a business owner, I understand the costs imposed on employers and workers by excessive red tape and overly burdensome regulations. Regulations cost our economy $1.75 trillion annually. At a time when we should help small businesses invest, grow, and create jobs, the reality is Washington and Springfield are forcing local businesses to spend time and money on red tape and compliance. This is why I believe we need to increase accountability and transparency in the federal regulatory process by ensuring that new, major rules with an economic impact of $100 million or more are not imposed on our economy without congressional support. – See more at:


Reform the tax code to create a pro-job, pro-growth environment – Democrats and Republicans agree that we need to push forward to fix the outdated corporate tax code that is full of lobbyist loopholes. Not since before the Internet and the expansion to a global economy has the corporate tax code been reformed. A simpler tax code will enhance the competitiveness of American employers both large and small, and will help provide much-needed relief to American families. Instead of employing divisive political gimmicks and class warfare, we should put in place a tax code driven by a firm commitment to economic growth and good economic policy for all Americans. – See more at:



District 11

Bill Foster (D) Incumbent

Physicist **




Global warming is our most serious environmental challenge

Our growing dependence on energy from imported oil and natural gas has been an urgent but neglected problem for decades. Oil prices are heading for a record level–nearly $100 per barrel–and global warming is the most serious environmental challenge facing us today. However, neither our nation nor the world has developed adequate responses to the energy challenges of the future.

Opposes Keystone XL Pipeline.


Foster voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare. On June 29, 2012, the Chicago Tribune reported that Foster said the following about his vote for Obamacare, “I’m proud of my vote, and I would be proud to do it again.”



Darlene Sanger(R ) Challenger


District 12

Bill Enyart (D)Incumbent **

No rating by AAI



Voted to approve Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.

Nov 20, 2013

Press Release

U.S. Congressman Bill Enyart (D-IL) today released the following statement regarding his votes against hydraulic fracturing bills that would hurt Southern Illinois’ coal industry and put our water resources at risk:

“Hydraulic fracturing has the potential to broaden our domestic energy production and create jobs in Southern Illinois.  I support both those goals, but it must be done in a safe and responsible fashion that protects our environment.



NOV, 13 voted for GOP-sponsored legislation that would allow insurers to keep offering health plans even if they do not meet certain minimum requirements of the Affordable Care Act.

Mike Bost (R ) Challenger

Mike Bost was elected to represent the people of Illinois’ 115th state house district* in 1994. He serves as the Illinois House Republican Caucus Chair and currently serves on the following committees: Appropriations-Higher Education; Higher Education; Public Utilities (Republican Spokesperson); and Biotechnology Committee.  Mike served as a firefighter for the Murphysboro Fire Department, both part and full time, from 1988 to 2006. He steadfastly met the call of duty to protect families by answering hundreds of emergency calls and fighting a number of fires.


District 13


Rodney Davis (R ) Incumbent **




We need healthcare solutions that address the issue of affordability without limiting choices for families and individuals.  I support solutions like implementing meaningful medical malpractice and increasing competition by allowing folks to purchase insurance across state lines. I have voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act because I believe this 2,700-page law raises more questions and problems than providing answers. By repealing this law, we can begin to build on some of the good provisions in the law like covering preexisting conditions and allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ insurance until the age of 26.

I will continue to fight for full repeal of the Affordable Care Act and support solutions that reduce cost and increase access without sacrificing our innovative and world-class healthcare system. However, as the Administration moves forward with implementation of the healthcare law, my office is happy to help answer any questions regarding changes in the law and help constituents navigate the system. If you have questions or concerns, please give any of my district offices a call.


Increasing our domestic oil supply will not only help Americans heat their homes and fill their gas tanks for less but it’s an industry that is responsible for millions of American jobs.  I support proposals, such as H.R. 3, to build the Keystone XL Pipeline and other proposals to expand domestic oil production both on and off-shore.

Coal is an abundant resource in the state of Illinois; it employs more than 30,000 Illinoisans while supplying more than half of all of Illinois’ electricity. I’ll continue to oppose the President’s War on Coal, including his attempts to end the use of coal-generated electricity. Instead, we should focus on developing “carbon capture” technologies to reduce the environmental impact of coal and make coal a central part to the Illinois economy once again.


  • Too many Americans are out of work, especially in areas across the 13th District. We have to put a stop to the endless cycle of unemployment and put Americans back to work. Commonsense legislation such as the Opportunity KNOCKS Act would be a step in the right direction as it would allow Americans receiving unemployment to get the education or training they need to find a job.

Rodney also believes we must lower taxes for everyone, including small business owners, and reduce red tape and regulations. Government doesn’t create jobs, which means Congress should get out of the way of business owners and let them do their jobs.

  • Taxes

Our tax system is in serious need of reform. U.S. companies currently pay the highest corporate tax rate in the world, making them less likely to invest and create jobs here in America. Rodney believes we must create a simpler, fairer tax system that ensures everyone pays their fair share and makes America a more attractive place for companies to invest and create jobs.

Ann Callis (D ) Challenger


District 14

Randy Hultgren (R ) Incumbent  **

Rated -3 by AAI, indicating a anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



Wind. Solar. Natural gas. Domestic oil production. America’s energy resources are vast, yet currently under-utilized.

The Obama Administration prefers to cherry-pick their favored energy pet projects at the exclusion of proven job-producing basic scientific research and breakthrough advances like those produced at Fermilab in Batavia and our 18 other outstanding national laboratories across the country.

I support a comprehensive strategy that includes increasing domestic energy production both on and off-shore. I also favor market-based energy reform initiatives to expand carbon-free nuclear power and alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar power, both of which currently create jobs right here in Illinois.

In Congress, I am working to expand domestic energy production to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. This includes support for the Keystone XL pipeline project, which would create thousands of good jobs and help grow our economy at the same time.


Unfortunately, Obamacare has failed to accomplish such common-sense goals; in fact, it’s made matters worse.  Even leading Democrats on Capitol Hill are acknowledging that Obamacare is a “trainwreck”. I have consistently supported efforts to replace Obamacare with health care policies that maintain quality, control costs, and preserve what people like about their coverage.

Opening up insurance markets beyond state lines, finding bipartisan agreement on lawsuit abuse reform, and encouraging businesses and families to make informed decisions regarding their health care options are just a few of the bedrock principles we are fighting for in Washington.

With modern technology, we should be able to compare health care costs between providers, craft insurance plans that will best cover our families and employees, and pool small business plans and individual purchasers, thereby defraying risk and lowering overall costs.

Dennis Anderson (D ) Challenger



  • The Affordable Care Act is a big step in the right direction.  Within the ACA insurance companies will no longer be able to drop coverage for ridiculous reasons as they have done in the past. 
  • Within the ACA parents will be able to keep their children on there healthcare plans up to age 25.
  • The Affordable Care Act will provide access to health care for tens of millions of our fellow citizens for the first time.  There may be problems in the implementation of the ACA, but we should all work together to ensure success.
  • The ACA may not be perfect but we need to fix those things that need fixing rather than repeatedly spend the taxpayers money trying to repealing it.  


I believe that S 744, the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act”, represents the best alternative to address immigration reform that we have yet seen.  Provisions of particular merit are the “W” worker program, the expansion of visa opportunities for those with plans and means to start businesses in the U.S., the inclusion of the “DREAM Act” in the bill, the inclusion of the AgJobs Act, and other provisions.  I am less supportive of the expansion of the expensive border fencing and patrol portions of the bill, primarily due to lack of certainty that those efforts, including their considerable costs, will be justified by their results.


  • I vow to protect a woman’s reproductive rights and access to contraception.
  • I believe in a women’s right to equal pay for equal work.
  • I believe that all workers should be of offered paid medical leave.
  • I do not believe women should have to pay higher healthcare costs then men pay.  




District 15

John Shimkus (R ) Incumbent**

Rated -3 by AAI, indicating a anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



Shimkus Votes to Delay Obamacare

Jul 17, 2013

Press Release

Washington, DC – Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) voted for two bills that would delay implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) for both businesses and individuals.  Both bills passed the House with bipartisan support.

“The President has unilaterally announced that businesses will have a one year delay in implementing his signature piece of legislation, and one of today’s votes makes that delay official,” Shimkus said.  “This Administration sometimes thinks it can pick and choose what laws to enforce, but in this case we agree that the law should be changed.

“In addition, if the President wants to delay Obamacare implementation for businesses, because the system is not ready.  Then the provisions that apply to the individual mandate should also be delayed, even though I would prefer total repeal,” he added.

Shimkus Votes to Repeal Obamacare

May 16, 2013

Press Release

Washington, DC – Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) voted for a bill (HR 45) that would repeal the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or Obamacare as it is referred to.  The bill passed the House Thursday.

“The Republican House has voted on this before, and we understand that the Democratic Senate will not take this up; however, it is important to restate our opposition to this Washington takeover of healthcare,” Shimkus said.  “All the promises the President and his supporters made about this legislation are now falling through.”


Shimkus Supports Keystone XL Pipeline

May 22, 2013

Press Release

Washington, DC – Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) voted in the House Wednesday for legislation that would enable construction of the Keystone XL pipeline (HR 3), which would bring North American crude oil to the Midwest and Gulf Coast refineries.


Eric Thorsland (D ) Challenger


Eric Thorsland, 52, is a husband and father of three from rural Mahomet in East Central Illinois. He is employed as a Research Engineer in the University of Illinois Physics department.  

An active Democrat, Eric believes democracy is best served when voters have candidates representing both parties on the ballot and has been a Democratic candidate for the Champaign County Board in an overwhelmingly Republican district. He has assisted many Democratic campaigns over the years, organized candidate forums and door to door efforts for local, state and national candidates. 

Eric believes food security and water quality issues are top priorities and has witnessed firsthand the effects of a changing climate on his farm.

A staunch supporter of the American worker, Eric believes that supporting and fighting for the American worker and American based businesses serves our country and its citizens in the best possible way. He puts his patriotism into action by buying American made goods.

The son of a PATCO union Air Traffic Controller, Eric saw firsthand the union busting efforts of the Republican administration in the early 1980s. Eric walked picket lines with those workers before and after they were fired by that administration, solidifying his support for workers’ rights, especially the right to organize.  Eric has stood with local workers protesting “Right to work” laws and supports local unions with every opportunity he can.  Work for the campaign is done through union shops with American made products whenever possible.


District 16

Adam Kinsiger (R) Incumbent **

Rated -3 by AAI, indicating a anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



Kinzinger statement on first Obamacare enrollment numbers


WASHINGTON – Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-Channahon) today released the following statement after the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reported that only 106,185 individuals signed up for insurance under the Affordable Care Act, including only 26,764 who signed up through the federal exchange. HHS officials acknowledged that the enrollment figures also include individuals who have not actually purchased health care through the exchange, but who have selected plans online.  

“The abysmal enrollment numbers released today are just another example of how this law has been doomed to fail from the start,” said Kinzinger. “With millions losing coverage and higher costs for nearly everyone, it is time for the President to admit that his law is beyond repair and work with Republicans on patient-centered solutions.”



ICYMI: U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger: We need the Keystone XL pipeline

March 16, 2013

Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-Channahon) this week voted in support of a set of bills that would expand US energy exploration, lower energy costs on businesses and families, and help revitalize our manufacturing base. The legislation represents an all-of-the-above approach by taking advantage of all America’s energy resources – something Rep. Kinzinger has pushed for since first being elected to Congress – to create jobs and enhance American energy security.

“Families and businesses that I talk to are demanding an energy strategy that lowers costs at the pump and leads to new jobs for the middle class, and that’s exactly what this legislation does,” said Kinzinger. “These commonsense jobs bills will provide our economy a much-needed boost, and I hope the Senate and the President will act on them to create the good-paying jobs that Americans deserve.”


Randall Olsen (D Challenger


“Our immigration system is broken!” I keep hearing this from pundits and people alike. The system we have now seems intent on keeping people separate rather than uniting us as a people. We should feel welcome and provide everyone here with the same opportunities. If someone comes here here without the proper documentation there should be some means or path towards proper citizenship with all its rights and benefits. Many people are here undocumented. The Republican party is intent on leaving them excluded. I disagree, and believe need to bring the undocumented into the system and provide them with a path to become US citizens.


Cap and Trade, for a cleaner environment

“Cap and Trade” is a program that keeps large corporations from dumping an unlimited amount of pollution in the air we all, and the generations coming after us, breathe. The limited amount they can put into the environment is “capped” with a permit.


I am surprised and a little shamed that women’s rights is an issue in the 2014 election. Congress has gone to great lengths to defund Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood clinics provide cancer screening pap smears, mammograms and other gynecological diagnosis procedures and treatments. I, personally, do not approve of abortion; however, I do not feel I have the right to disapprove of abortion when a woman has decided it is the right step in her life. I believe the decision for a woman’s healthcare, whatever the procedure, belongs to her and her physician. Because of my faith as a Christian, I also believe that the only entities capable of creation is my God and women. It would be my belief that God should be a part of the decision process.





District 17


Cheri Bustos (D ) Incumbent **




The Affordable Care Act is not perfect, but it makes real improvements in our health care system.  It lowers costs for small business owners, prevents insurance companies from denying people with pre-existing conditions coverage and allows children to stay on their parents’ health insurance for longer.  It also lowers prescription drug costs for many of our seniors.

Because of these improvements, I will oppose any attempts to repeal these needed reforms.

Now, we need to fix what does not work and work together to find cost-lowering improvements that do not harm patient choice or quality.  This means modernizing health care delivery to reduce bureaucracy and administrative spending, while reducing medical errors.  We can save money and more importantly, save lives by taking these common sense steps.

NOV, 13 voted for GOP-sponsored legislation that would allow insurers to keep offering health plans even if they do not meet certain minimum requirements of the Affordable Care Act.


U.S. Rep. Cheri Bustos, D-East Moline, broke ranks this week to vote for the Keystone XL Pipeline, a controversial project for environmentalists but one that will support union jobs.

Rep. Bustos was one of 19 Democrats who voted for the bill, which was approved by a 241-175 vote.

“I supported the construction of the Keystone Pipeline during my run for Congress, and I continue to support it today, because it will lead to job creation, economic activity here at home and a decrease in our dependence on Middle Eastern oil,” she said.


As the wife of a Sheriff’s Deputy and the mother of three sons who are avid sportsmen, I am an ardent supporter of Second Amendment rights.  And our family has depended on organizations like the National Rifle Association (NRA) 


Bobby Schilling (R )- Challenger

Former Representative -Elected in 2010- defeated in 2012 will attempt to reclaim his Illinois seat in a rematch against Rep. Cheri Bustos (D), who defeated him in 2012. **

  • Rated 0 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)


JANUARY 2014“Obamacare is perhaps the greatest threat to the middle class we’ve ever seen. We must repeal it and replace it with real, bipartisan health care reform that will work for all Americans.” – Bobby Schilling

Bobby Schilling has been leading the charge against Obamacare for years, and unfortunately we’re starting to see the results of Obamacare’s implementation firsthand: 

  • Increased health insurance premiums for middle class families
  • Higher deductibles resulting in more medical costs out of pocket
  • Millions of Americans losing their coverage


District 18

Aaron Schock (R ) Incumbent**

Rated -1 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



I believe that the Affordable Care Act has hurt job creation, burdened small businesses, put government bureaucrats between patients and their doctors, and taken the flexibility away from states like Illinois to make their own health care decisions.

What needs to happen next is for the Senate to repeal the Medicaid Maintenance of Effort mandate immediately.

Illinois Rep. Schock: Obamacare ‘Bad Product for Young People’

Saturday, 21 Dec 2013


Not only can the Keystone XL Pipeline safely transport energy resources, it’s truly a shovel-ready project that would be an immediate job creator, both in the short- and long-term. TransCanada, the company which submitted the application to construct the pipeline, expects to invest $7 billion in the U.S. during pipeline construction, and they estimate it would create 20,000 direct jobs and more than 100,000 indirect jobs. For an economy still struggling to fully recover, this is welcome news for both workers and local communities.

By continuing to delay the approval of the pipeline, the Obama administration is sending a clear signal around the world that the U.S. is closed for business, encouraging our closest neighbors and allies to invest in other countries, and ensuring America is one step behind.

The President should join the 222 House Republicans and 19 House Democrats who joined together in a bipartisan way to support this important project.

I voted for the Northern Route Approval Act because I truly believe in “all of the above” energy policy and that includes allowing for the building of the Keystone XL pipeline. It’s good for North American energy independence, and it’s good for jobs. – See more at:


Darrell Miller (D ) Challenger

Was formerly a Republican challenger in 2010

“In the 2014 primary I will address our issues as a Democrat.  Running as a Democrat (after having run as a Republican), helps demonstrate a major point I hope to make.  That is, no one party is the sole repository of the best solutions to our nation’s issues.  We need both parties.  And in the midst of vigorous debate, we need to at some point find common ground and act on it.”



The healthcare debate can be considered as two questions:  “How do we pay for it?” and “Why does it cost so much?”  “How do we pay for it?” is the question we spend most of our time on.  “Why does it cost so much?” arises from the fact that we spend 50-100% more per person than other industrialized countries with no better health outcomes on average.


Why do Americans pay 2-3 times more for joint replacements?                                                                                                                   Why do Americans pay 2-4 times more for child births?                                                                                                                                Why do Americans spend 50% more for prescription medicines?                                                                                                                   WWWhy do new technologies in healthcare not become less expensive over time while new technologies in other parts of the economy do become less expensive over time (e.g. calculators, computers)?


“Why does it cost so much?” is not an indictment of the dedicated healthcare professionals that all of us have encountered.  It comes from an objective observation of the numbers.


Common Ground on Healthcare


Both parties recognize that healthcare in our country is too expensive for lower and even middle income earners.  The Affordable Care Act (ACA) addresses this by subsidizing health insurance on a sliding scale.  Republican proposals – to the extent they exist – use tax credits to make insurance affordable.


Similarly, both parties should find common ground in enacting pricing transparency in healthcare.


When international financiers met in Davos, Switzerland a couple of weeks ago, a panel was asked what they saw as some of the challenges, headwinds for the world’s economy. One headwind they identified was stagnant wages around the world. It is clear that Democrats and Republicans share common ground around their agreement that low wage earners need more income, and the world economy needs them to have more income. As a congressman, I would support a higher minimum wage……..but not enthusiastically. I would hope and work for higher income support with fewer negative side effects. But I would be committed to enacting some measures to get more income to low wage earners.











We need a 21st century immigration system to regulate a 21st century labor force. We need to have a system of legal immigration that employers and immigrants actually use so that we have control over who comes and who is here. We ought to have an immigration system that honors families and keeps them together. People should come to this country with a visa, not a smuggler and we should have a system that allows them to do so within reasonable limits tied to our economic and societal needs and that is adjusted over time. We don’t have that now.

Gutiérrez: Women Will Get Raped Unless We Pass Immigration Reform

By Andrew Johnson

AUGUST 27, 2013At a town-hall event in Chantilly, Va., yesterday, Gutiérrez told attendees that while he has objections to the immigration bill passed by the Senate earlier this year, he would “vote for that proposal today . . . even under those harsh conditions” rather than not pass anything. He went on to list a series of cautionary tales about the tragedy that would result should Congress fail to pass an immigration bill:

“Today, someone is going to die in that desert, trying to return to their families, women and men are going to die in that desert; someone’s going to lose a finger, a hand, an eye, a life today because an unscrupulous employer is going to put them in harm’s way, someone’s going to die; there’s a woman that’s going to be raped in a field somewhere in America today because she has no rights in this country, and we need to end that; there are children who are going to cry and there are marriages that are going to be destroyed because someone is going to be deported, and there are going to be children that are going to be left orphaned in this country.”


I had many concerns about voting for the Senate passed healthcare reform bill.  In particular, I am opposed to a provision that would not allow undocumented immigrants to use their own money to buy health insurance in the exchanges.  I believe this is counter to public health and to justice.

After many conversations with the President, I feel confident that he understands that germs don’t respond to borders, germs respond to medicine and good preventative care.  I believe he agrees that if we are going to have health care that works, we need to enact comprehensive immigration reform legislation to ensure that everyone has access to coverage and preventative care.


For this reason, I voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or H.R. 3590, a historic piece of legislation which was passed in the House of Representatives on March 21, 2010.  This bill was signed by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 and is now Public Law 111-148 (P.L. 111-148).


Opposed construction of Keystone XLPipeline

Hector Concepcion (R) Challenger




District 5

Mike Quigley (D ) Incumbent **




Voted for Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and against repeal.



An innovative environmental and energy policy is necessary to combat the increasing carbon emissions that endanger our planet’s environmental health. Mike has worked tirelessly to advocate for environmentally-conscious government. Renewable energy can be a cornerstone of sustainable economic growth by creating competitive, green jobs of the future, and the long term cost of inaction for our environment far outweighs today’s price tag. Mike spoke on the House floor in defense of the Clean Air Act, opposing amendments meant to strip its power. Allowing further environmental degradation is not only irresponsible policy for the present day but will cause incalculable damage to the world our children inhabit. Mike continues to be a stalwart supporter of the environment in Congress as a member of the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition.

Members Raise Climate Change Threats to Outdoor Recreations


WASHINGTON – Today, Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) and members of the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC) offered an amendment to H.R. 3590, the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act, to ensure the Secretary of the Interior maintains the authority to consider climate change when making decisions regarding conservation and recreational activities on public lands.

Voted against construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.

March 14, 2014

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representatives Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), Mike Quigley (IL-05), Rush Holt (NJ-12) and two dozen of their colleagues sent a letter urging Secretary of State John Kerry to oppose the Keystone XL pipeline, arguing that approval of the pipeline is not in the national interest and would be extremely detrimental to the climate.

The Keystone XL pipeline is essential for the full development of the Alberta tar sands.  Full development of those tar sands would emit approximately 240 gigatons of carbon pollution.  That is roughly half the carbon pollution the world can allow before we experience a 2 degree increase in global temperature, the level that the United States and 167 other nations have said the world must avoid to prevent catastrophic, irreversible damage to our climate.


Mike is committed to providing the resources our soldiers need, and ensuring that our servicemen and women are not in harm’s way one day more than necessary. Mike has taken trips to Iraq and Israel and Gaza reemphasizing his goals to establish sound Middle East policy. He believes that Congress and the Obama Administration should work together towards responsible, pragmatic, and thoughtful foreign policy. Mike has spoken numerous times in support of the state of Israel, and has written to Secretary of State Clinton opposing U.N. action against Israeli settlements.  He has also introduced legislation to extend and ultimately make permanent the Visa Waiver Program, including Poland as a participant country, so that Polish citizens can travel visa-free to the United States.   


As globalization shrinks our world, establishing a fair system to account for the movement of people across and within our borders becomes increasingly important. Mike supports comprehensive immigration reform that is right, just, and fair for all – working towards concrete and pragmatic solutions for environmentally-sensitive border security. Mike was a strong supporter of the DREAM Act, giving everyone born in the United States an opportunity to attend college or serve in the military. Mike believes we must document the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants currently in the United States.

Fred White (R ) Challenger



District 6

Peter Roskam (R ) Incumbent **



Voted for repeal of Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)


We can do better than the president’s healthcare law, which has brought skyrocketing out of pocket costs and fewer options. President Obama consistently says, “if you’ve got good ideas, bring them to me, …[if] you still think this law is a bad idea then you’ve got to tell us specifically what you’d do differently.” That’s exactly what House Republicans have done. For years, Republicans have been putting forward healthcare reforms centered on preserving the patient-doctor relationship and offering quality, low-cost healthcare through increased competition. Republican alternatives ensure that healthcare is more affordable, more available and more responsive to the American people’s needs without imposing a one-size-fits-all big-government approach.

Access to high-quality, low-cost health insurance is attainable by opening healthcare markets across state lines, allowing Americans to purchase health care in a competitive, nationwide system. The free market should be able to work within guide posts set up by the government, not micromanaged through Washington’s ineffective bureaucracy. This way, insurance companies and hospitals must produce high quality, affordable coverage options to make insurance companies work hard to get and keep your business. This is in contrast to Obamacare forcing everyone into the healthcare market where young, healthy people pay more so that older, sicker individuals pay less. The administration is already having serious problems convincing young people to sign up for insurance – dooming this cost-shifting model for failure. 


Roskam, Lipinski Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Academic Freedom by Preventing Academic Boycott of Israel

Feb 6, 2014

Today, Reps. Peter Roskam (R-IL) and Dan Lipinski (D-IL) introduced the bipartisan Protect Academic Freedom Act (H.R. 4009) to address the growing threat of unjustified boycotts against the Jewish State of Israel.

Roskam: First Step Agreement Continues Dangerously Weak Foreign Policy

Jan 13, 2014

EXCERPT: ““Today’s announcement of a White House-backed interim nuclear agreement with Iran is just the latest example of a weak foreign policy that provides critical economic sanctions relief without first requiring Iran to dismantle its nuclear architecture or stop enriching uranium in its quest for a nuclear weapons capability.”


ASK PETER: President is Out of Excuses on Keystone

Feb 7, 2014

In this segment, Congressman Roskam answers an email from Steve Romanelli, the owner of Core Pipe in Carol Stream, who strongly encourages the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline because of the vital role energy plays in our manufacturing workforce and job creation.

We Shouldn’t Wait Another Day on Keystone

Sep 19, 2013

Press Release:

Exerpt: “What America needs is a vision for an energy future that will jumpstart domestic energy production and put thousands of Americans back to work. The place to start would be immediately approving the Keystone XL Pipeline.”

Ask Peter: Five Years of Stalling on Keystone

Sep 19, 2013

Press Release:

Excerpt: “It’s been five years since the Obama Administration received the paperwork and the application for the expansion of this pipeline. Now, think about that, that’s half a decade that they’ve been sitting on this. And there’s been no activity forthcoming.”


Michael Mason (D )





District 7

Danny Davis (D ) Incumbent**



Voted for Obamacare and against repeal


African American/Health Reform Q+A:

Q:  Even with responsibility, there are some who are uninsured.  There are disparities in health care delivery.  How do you deal with disparities in African American communities?
A:  Disparities are managed primarily by reducing costs and ensuring access to preventive care.  A little over 19% of African Americans are uninsured compared to 11% of Whites.  The President sees that as part of the moral imperative; that it’s not okay to say that we have millions who don’t have health insurance, who don’t have access to the system.  We’ve solved the problem for older Americans; everybody over 65 can rely on the fact that they will be eligible for Medicare because Medicare will be there.  And this plan will do nothing to change that.  But we now need to take care of the rest of the population and make sure that we no longer have this huge gap between people who get good care, get primary care, have a healthy home, stay in good shape, and people who have to come in through the doors of an emergency room to access a doctor or the health care their families need.  It’s time for a change.

Q:  How will the Obama plan affect inner city and rural African American communities?
A:  The health care disparities that exist in the African American community are prevalent whether you live in the cities, the suburbs or in rural areas.  So reducing the overall costs of health care over time and expanding access will result in more African Americans receiving the medical care they need no matter where they reside.  This will be done either through their employer or through the health care exchange, and both situations will reap lower premiums for the insured.  Individuals and businesses who cannot afford to purchase health insurance on their own will be helped with a tax credits. 


Voted against construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline

Robert Bumpers (R)..Challenger

No website available


District 8



Tammy Duckworth (D ) Incumbent**




Congress must pass comprehensive immigration reform that is practical, fair and humane. We need a long-term plan that will secure our borders and include a responsible path to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented individuals who are living in the shadows. It is also a priority of mine that we make sure that our immigration system allows families to stay together. If an immigrant meets a strict set of requirements and is deemed eligible, he or she should be able to pursue legal status. Comprehensive immigration reform is right for our families, our businesses, and for our future global competitiveness.


While far from perfect, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) made many significant improvements to our health care system by giving patients more control over their health care coverage and by holding insurance companies accountable. Because of this legislation, people with pre-existing conditions are no longer denied health care, insurance companies are prevented from dropping or rescinding coverage when a person gets sick or injured, parents are able to keep their children on their health plans until a child’s 26th birthday, and families are protected from medical bankruptcy by placing a limit on yearly out-of-pocket costs.  

It is a priority of mine to make sure that my constituents understand all the benefits of the ACA and are able to easily navigate the registration process.  That is why my office holds ACA information sessions throughout the 8th district. If you are having issues signing up for health insurance or difficulties with any of its provisions you should contact my office for assistance.

NOV, 13 2013  voted for GOP-sponsored legislationthat would allow insurers to keep offering health plans even if they do not meet certain minimum requirements of the Affordable Care Act.


Opposes construction of Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.


Larry Kaifesh (R ) Challenger

Larry Kaifesh holds a B.A. in Psychology from Indiana University and a M.A. in National Security and Strategic Studies from the United States Naval War College. His military awards include the Bronze Star, Navy Commendation Medal with “V” for Valor in combat, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, and Navy Achievement Medal.

Larry Kaifesh has spent the majority of the last 23 years serving our country in the United States Marine Corps as an Infantry Officer. Since the September 11 terrorist attacks, Larry has deployed five different times to Iraq and Afghanistan – leading Marines, Sailors and Coalition partners against those who wish to do us harm. Larry had tremendous success in Iraq and Afghanistan based not only on his ability to lead, fight, and win, but to listen and understand the complex problems presented by a multitude of tribes, political factions, and interest groups. His pragmatic approach, honest and direct communication style, and his personal ability to bring diverse groups of people together on critical issues, became instrumental to progress and installing peace in some of the most dangerous areas of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Larry is committed to many of the same beliefs promoted by our Founding Fathers. He believes in individual liberty and freedom of choice, limited government, and free markets where all can benefit, not just those at the top. Traditional American values of self-reliance and hard work mark Larry. He believes that a strong National Defense is the first job of the federal government and is dedicated to peace through strength. Larry believes as our Founding Fathers did that the greatest threat to our republic will come from within and we see it today in the crushing burden of our national debt, unemployment, weak economy and the promotion of “Big Government” responsible for it. Throughout Larry’s life, he has been a selfless, compassionate leader able to bring people together in order to reach the highest levels of achievement. He is driven to ensure our children and grandchildren are given the United States of America stronger and more prosperous than it is today.


District 9

Jan Schakowsky (D ) Incumbent **




Rep. Schakowsky responds to State Department Keystone XL SEIS

January 31, 2014

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky released the following statement in response to the State Department’s Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement:

“The State Department’s Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement significantly underestimates the emissions and climate impacts of the pipeline, mistakenly assuming that without Keystone XL, the Alberta Tar Sands would be produced at the same rate. 

“Without the pipeline, the amount of toxic tar sands refined in the United States would be significantly less, and much of the oil might stay in the ground.  A little over a year ago, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce found that ‘Canada needs pipe – and lots of it – to avoid the opportunity cost of stranding over a million barrels a day of potential crude oil growth.’  The State Department seemingly ignored that determination – and many similar findings – in its analysis. 

Schakowsky, Quigley, and Holt Urge Secretary Kerry to Oppose Harmful Keystone XL Pipeline

March 14, 2014

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representatives Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), Mike Quigley (IL-05), Rush Holt (NJ-12) and two dozen of their colleagues sent a letter urging Secretary of State John Kerry to oppose the Keystone XL pipeline, arguing that approval of the pipeline is not in the national interest and would be extremely detrimental to the climate.

The Keystone XL pipeline is essential for the full development of the Alberta tar sands.  Full development of those tar sands would emit approximately 240 gigatons of carbon pollution.  That is roughly half the carbon pollution the world can allow before we experience a 2 degree increase in global temperature, the level that the United States and 167 other nations have said the world must avoid to prevent catastrophic, irreversible damage to our climate.  


House Dem Women Release Statement In Support of Amb. Susan Rice


November 16, 2012

Washington, DC (November 16, 2012) – Today, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) joined a group of House Democratic women Members, including Reps. Gwen Moore (D-WI), Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH), Karen Bass (D-CA), Eleanor Holmes Norton (Del-District of Columbia) and Terri Sewell (D-AL), to release the following statement in support of U.N. Ambassador Susan E. Rice following what they deemed unfair attacks from various Senate and House Republicans:


Voted for Obamacare and against repeal

As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health, I am committed to building a health care system that works for everyone. We have made major strides in recent years, and I am especially proud of the passage of the historic Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. It is already benefiting millions of Americans, and it lays a strong foundation to make even more improvements.

We have more to do to achieve breakthroughs in medical research and to eliminate disparities in access to care. We must expand the health care workforce. We must ensure that everyone has affordable access to the health care they need, including prescription drugs, mental health services and the full range of reproductive health services.

I believe we can create the best health care system in the world and Obamacare is an excellent start.


Susanne Atanus (R ) Challenger

2010 Candidate




District 10

Brad Schneider (D ) Incumbent **




Nov 24, 2013

Press Release

U.S. Congressman Brad Schneider (IL-10) released the following statement in reaction to the announcement that a temporary deal has been reached with Iran:

“History will judge our efforts in regard to Iran with one simple question: Did we prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability?

While full details of the interim agreement are still emerging, my position remains the same—Iran must completely abandon its nuclear weapons programs before receiving sanctions relief.

This initial agreement does include some positive steps, including freezing some of Iran’s current activities, opening some facilities to daily inspections and maintaining the core of major sanctions in place. Still there is more that must be done, as the deal does not stop all of Iran’s enrichment activity, does not completely halt construction of the Arak plutonium reactor site and does not force Iran to fully disclose the full extent of its nuclear program.

It remains my hope that the Senate will soon complete its work on the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act, which we passed in the House last July, linking implementation of increased sanctions to progress on a full and final agreement, permanently ending Iran’s nuclear programs.”

Rep. Schneider, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has been active in working to help prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. He has coauthored new, broader sanctions against Iran and in October was joined by 77 of his colleagues in urging the Obama Administration to authorize additional sanctions on Iran.



It is essential that we enact comprehensive immigration reform.  I am dedicated to finding a solution that addresses the multifaceted problems threatening our immigration system.  Any effort at reform must secure our border and include a responsible means of transitioning undocumented immigrants currently residing in America into legal residents, especially young people brought here as children.  We must stop unjustly penalizing these children for the mistakes of politicians. 


While we seek alternatives to replace our demand for oil and gas, we need to continue exploring domestic sources in a way that minimizes its environmental impact.  We must expand investments in green energy technologies with a focus on both conservation and alternative energies.  Furthermore, by responsibly pursuing energy independence, we can promote economic growth, create jobs and preserve our global leadership in industries such as agriculture, energy, manufacturing and transportation.

I am committed to urgently addressing the impending threat of climate change.  By being responsible, strategic stewards of our environment and natural resources, I know we can ensure a healthy, clean and dynamic natural world—not just for today, but for generations to come.  

Opposed construction of the KeystoneXL Pipeline without limiting amendments.


Bob Dold (R ) Challenger

Bob Dold is  former Congressman in District 10 who lost to Brad Schneider in 2012. **



My position on the Affordable Care Act that was passed by Congress in 2010 has been consistent. I support parts of what was signed into law, but unfortunately I do not support aspects of the law that are having, and will continue to have, a severe adverse impact on jobs, businesses, and families in our district. I have heard time and again from families, employers and medical providers that this legislation is overly burdensome and will not address the real problems associated with healthcare — namely access to quality care, affordable insurance and cost. – See more at:

Dold Statement on ACA CBO Report February 5th, CBO Report: ACA Will Cut Work Hours Equal to 2 Million People Libertyville, IL – Bob Dold, Illinois 10th District Congressional candidate, released the following statement after a new report by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) shows the new health law will cut work hours for millions of Americans. “Yesterday’s CBO report confirmed what many of us have been warning of for several years. The healthcare law is a product of a deeply flawed, partisan process that ignored the real-world implications of its requirements, and its impact on our economy and families will be significant,” said Dold. “Families in the 10th District are concerned about finding good paying jobs, putting food on their table, and obtaining a quality education for their children, but now they are being forced to make the difficult choice between how they will support their families and securing healthcare. Rep. Brad Schneider has relentlessly attacked me for sounding these warnings, and it is time for him to step up and own the fact that his unwavering support for the law means fewer hours of work and less income for millions of families, ultimately hurting the very people the Affordable Care Act was intended to help.”


Invest in Domestic Energy – I believe we can protect our cherished national resources and lands in a sensible way that is consistent with our need to produce more energy domestically. I support an all-of-the-above approach to energy production that combines the conventional sources of today with the renewable sources of tomorrow.

Create Smarter Regulations – America must significantly improve its regulatory environment to ensure that regulations are fair, reasonable, and smartly crafted with full consideration of their impacts on jobs and the economy. As a business owner, I understand the costs imposed on employers and workers by excessive red tape and overly burdensome regulations. Regulations cost our economy $1.75 trillion annually. At a time when we should help small businesses invest, grow, and create jobs, the reality is Washington and Springfield are forcing local businesses to spend time and money on red tape and compliance. This is why I believe we need to increase accountability and transparency in the federal regulatory process by ensuring that new, major rules with an economic impact of $100 million or more are not imposed on our economy without congressional support. – See more at:


Reform the tax code to create a pro-job, pro-growth environment – Democrats and Republicans agree that we need to push forward to fix the outdated corporate tax code that is full of lobbyist loopholes. Not since before the Internet and the expansion to a global economy has the corporate tax code been reformed. A simpler tax code will enhance the competitiveness of American employers both large and small, and will help provide much-needed relief to American families. Instead of employing divisive political gimmicks and class warfare, we should put in place a tax code driven by a firm commitment to economic growth and good economic policy for all Americans. – See more at:



District 11

Bill Foster (D) Incumbent

Physicist **



Global warming is our most serious environmental challenge

Our growing dependence on energy from imported oil and natural gas has been an urgent but neglected problem for decades. Oil prices are heading for a record level–nearly $100 per barrel–and global warming is the most serious environmental challenge facing us today. However, neither our nation nor the world has developed adequate responses to the energy challenges of the future.

Opposes Keystone XL Pipeline.


Foster voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare. On June 29, 2012, the Chicago Tribune reported that Foster said the following about his vote for Obamacare, “I’m proud of my vote, and I would be proud to do it again.”



Darlene Sanger(R ) Challenger


District 12

Bill Enyart (D)Incumbent **




Voted to approve Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.

Nov 20, 2013

Press Release

U.S. Congressman Bill Enyart (D-IL) today released the following statement regarding his votes against hydraulic fracturing bills that would hurt Southern Illinois’ coal industry and put our water resources at risk:

“Hydraulic fracturing has the potential to broaden our domestic energy production and create jobs in Southern Illinois.  I support both those goals, but it must be done in a safe and responsible fashion that protects our environment.



NOV, 13 voted for GOP-sponsored legislation that would allow insurers to keep offering health plans even if they do not meet certain minimum requirements of the Affordable Care Act.

Mike Bost (R ) Challenger

Mike Bost was elected to represent the people of Illinois’ 115th state house district* in 1994. He serves as the Illinois House Republican Caucus Chair and currently serves on the following committees: Appropriations-Higher Education; Higher Education; Public Utilities (Republican Spokesperson); and Biotechnology Committee.  Mike served as a firefighter for the Murphysboro Fire Department, both part and full time, from 1988 to 2006. He steadfastly met the call of duty to protect families by answering hundreds of emergency calls and fighting a number of fires.


District 13


Rodney Davis (R ) Incumbent **



We need healthcare solutions that address the issue of affordability without limiting choices for families and individuals.  I support solutions like implementing meaningful medical malpractice and increasing competition by allowing folks to purchase insurance across state lines. I have voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act because I believe this 2,700-page law raises more questions and problems than providing answers. By repealing this law, we can begin to build on some of the good provisions in the law like covering preexisting conditions and allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ insurance until the age of 26.

I will continue to fight for full repeal of the Affordable Care Act and support solutions that reduce cost and increase access without sacrificing our innovative and world-class healthcare system. However, as the Administration moves forward with implementation of the healthcare law, my office is happy to help answer any questions regarding changes in the law and help constituents navigate the system. If you have questions or concerns, please give any of my district offices a call.


Increasing our domestic oil supply will not only help Americans heat their homes and fill their gas tanks for less but it’s an industry that is responsible for millions of American jobs.  I support proposals, such as H.R. 3, to build the Keystone XL Pipeline and other proposals to expand domestic oil production both on and off-shore.

Coal is an abundant resource in the state of Illinois; it employs more than 30,000 Illinoisans while supplying more than half of all of Illinois’ electricity. I’ll continue to oppose the President’s War on Coal, including his attempts to end the use of coal-generated electricity. Instead, we should focus on developing “carbon capture” technologies to reduce the environmental impact of coal and make coal a central part to the Illinois economy once again.


  • Too many Americans are out of work, especially in areas across the 13th District. We have to put a stop to the endless cycle of unemployment and put Americans back to work. Commonsense legislation such as the Opportunity KNOCKS Act would be a step in the right direction as it would allow Americans receiving unemployment to get the education or training they need to find a job.

Rodney also believes we must lower taxes for everyone, including small business owners, and reduce red tape and regulations. Government doesn’t create jobs, which means Congress should get out of the way of business owners and let them do their jobs.

  • Taxes

Our tax system is in serious need of reform. U.S. companies currently pay the highest corporate tax rate in the world, making them less likely to invest and create jobs here in America. Rodney believes we must create a simpler, fairer tax system that ensures everyone pays their fair share and makes America a more attractive place for companies to invest and create jobs.

Ann Callis (D ) Challenger


District 14

Randy Hultgren (R ) Incumbent  **



Wind. Solar. Natural gas. Domestic oil production. America’s energy resources are vast, yet currently under-utilized.

The Obama Administration prefers to cherry-pick their favored energy pet projects at the exclusion of proven job-producing basic scientific research and breakthrough advances like those produced at Fermilab in Batavia and our 18 other outstanding national laboratories across the country.

I support a comprehensive strategy that includes increasing domestic energy production both on and off-shore. I also favor market-based energy reform initiatives to expand carbon-free nuclear power and alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar power, both of which currently create jobs right here in Illinois.

In Congress, I am working to expand domestic energy production to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. This includes support for the Keystone XL pipeline project, which would create thousands of good jobs and help grow our economy at the same time.


Unfortunately, Obamacare has failed to accomplish such common-sense goals; in fact, it’s made matters worse.  Even leading Democrats on Capitol Hill are acknowledging that Obamacare is a “trainwreck”. I have consistently supported efforts to replace Obamacare with health care policies that maintain quality, control costs, and preserve what people like about their coverage.

Opening up insurance markets beyond state lines, finding bipartisan agreement on lawsuit abuse reform, and encouraging businesses and families to make informed decisions regarding their health care options are just a few of the bedrock principles we are fighting for in Washington.

With modern technology, we should be able to compare health care costs between providers, craft insurance plans that will best cover our families and employees, and pool small business plans and individual purchasers, thereby defraying risk and lowering overall costs.

Dennis Anderson (D ) Challenger



  • The Affordable Care Act is a big step in the right direction.  Within the ACA insurance companies will no longer be able to drop coverage for ridiculous reasons as they have done in the past. 
  • Within the ACA parents will be able to keep their children on there healthcare plans up to age 25.
  • The Affordable Care Act will provide access to health care for tens of millions of our fellow citizens for the first time.  There may be problems in the implementation of the ACA, but we should all work together to ensure success.
  • The ACA may not be perfect but we need to fix those things that need fixing rather than repeatedly spend the taxpayers money trying to repealing it.  


I believe that S 744, the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act”, represents the best alternative to address immigration reform that we have yet seen.  Provisions of particular merit are the “W” worker program, the expansion of visa opportunities for those with plans and means to start businesses in the U.S., the inclusion of the “DREAM Act” in the bill, the inclusion of the AgJobs Act, and other provisions.  I am less supportive of the expansion of the expensive border fencing and patrol portions of the bill, primarily due to lack of certainty that those efforts, including their considerable costs, will be justified by their results.


  • I vow to protect a woman’s reproductive rights and access to contraception.
  • I believe in a women’s right to equal pay for equal work.
  • I believe that all workers should be of offered paid medical leave.
  • I do not believe women should have to pay higher healthcare costs then men pay.  




District 15

John Shimkus (R ) Incumbent**



Shimkus Votes to Delay Obamacare

Jul 17, 2013

Press Release

Washington, DC – Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) voted for two bills that would delay implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) for both businesses and individuals.  Both bills passed the House with bipartisan support.

“The President has unilaterally announced that businesses will have a one year delay in implementing his signature piece of legislation, and one of today’s votes makes that delay official,” Shimkus said.  “This Administration sometimes thinks it can pick and choose what laws to enforce, but in this case we agree that the law should be changed.

“In addition, if the President wants to delay Obamacare implementation for businesses, because the system is not ready.  Then the provisions that apply to the individual mandate should also be delayed, even though I would prefer total repeal,” he added.

Shimkus Votes to Repeal Obamacare

May 16, 2013

Press Release

Washington, DC – Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) voted for a bill (HR 45) that would repeal the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or Obamacare as it is referred to.  The bill passed the House Thursday.

“The Republican House has voted on this before, and we understand that the Democratic Senate will not take this up; however, it is important to restate our opposition to this Washington takeover of healthcare,” Shimkus said.  “All the promises the President and his supporters made about this legislation are now falling through.”


Shimkus Supports Keystone XL Pipeline

May 22, 2013

Press Release

Washington, DC – Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) voted in the House Wednesday for legislation that would enable construction of the Keystone XL pipeline (HR 3), which would bring North American crude oil to the Midwest and Gulf Coast refineries.


Eric Thorsland (D ) Challenger


Eric Thorsland, 52, is a husband and father of three from rural Mahomet in East Central Illinois. He is employed as a Research Engineer in the University of Illinois Physics department.  

An active Democrat, Eric believes democracy is best served when voters have candidates representing both parties on the ballot and has been a Democratic candidate for the Champaign County Board in an overwhelmingly Republican district. He has assisted many Democratic campaigns over the years, organized candidate forums and door to door efforts for local, state and national candidates. 

Eric believes food security and water quality issues are top priorities and has witnessed firsthand the effects of a changing climate on his farm.

A staunch supporter of the American worker, Eric believes that supporting and fighting for the American worker and American based businesses serves our country and its citizens in the best possible way. He puts his patriotism into action by buying American made goods.

The son of a PATCO union Air Traffic Controller, Eric saw firsthand the union busting efforts of the Republican administration in the early 1980s. Eric walked picket lines with those workers before and after they were fired by that administration, solidifying his support for workers’ rights, especially the right to organize.  Eric has stood with local workers protesting “Right to work” laws and supports local unions with every opportunity he can.  Work for the campaign is done through union shops with American made products whenever possible.


District 16

Adam Kinsiger (R) Incumbent **



Kinzinger statement on first Obamacare enrollment numbers


WASHINGTON – Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-Channahon) today released the following statement after the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reported that only 106,185 individuals signed up for insurance under the Affordable Care Act, including only 26,764 who signed up through the federal exchange. HHS officials acknowledged that the enrollment figures also include individuals who have not actually purchased health care through the exchange, but who have selected plans online.  

“The abysmal enrollment numbers released today are just another example of how this law has been doomed to fail from the start,” said Kinzinger. “With millions losing coverage and higher costs for nearly everyone, it is time for the President to admit that his law is beyond repair and work with Republicans on patient-centered solutions.”



ICYMI: U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger: We need the Keystone XL pipeline

March 16, 2013

Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-Channahon) this week voted in support of a set of bills that would expand US energy exploration, lower energy costs on businesses and families, and help revitalize our manufacturing base. The legislation represents an all-of-the-above approach by taking advantage of all America’s energy resources – something Rep. Kinzinger has pushed for since first being elected to Congress – to create jobs and enhance American energy security.

“Families and businesses that I talk to are demanding an energy strategy that lowers costs at the pump and leads to new jobs for the middle class, and that’s exactly what this legislation does,” said Kinzinger. “These commonsense jobs bills will provide our economy a much-needed boost, and I hope the Senate and the President will act on them to create the good-paying jobs that Americans deserve.”


Randall Olsen (D Challenger


“Our immigration system is broken!” I keep hearing this from pundits and people alike. The system we have now seems intent on keeping people separate rather than uniting us as a people. We should feel welcome and provide everyone here with the same opportunities. If someone comes here here without the proper documentation there should be some means or path towards proper citizenship with all its rights and benefits. Many people are here undocumented. The Republican party is intent on leaving them excluded. I disagree, and believe need to bring the undocumented into the system and provide them with a path to become US citizens.


Cap and Trade, for a cleaner environment

“Cap and Trade” is a program that keeps large corporations from dumping an unlimited amount of pollution in the air we all, and the generations coming after us, breathe. The limited amount they can put into the environment is “capped” with a permit.


I am surprised and a little shamed that women’s rights is an issue in the 2014 election. Congress has gone to great lengths to defund Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood clinics provide cancer screening pap smears, mammograms and other gynecological diagnosis procedures and treatments. I, personally, do not approve of abortion; however, I do not feel I have the right to disapprove of abortion when a woman has decided it is the right step in her life. I believe the decision for a woman’s healthcare, whatever the procedure, belongs to her and her physician. Because of my faith as a Christian, I also believe that the only entities capable of creation is my God and women. It would be my belief that God should be a part of the decision process.





District 17


Cheri Bustos (D ) Incumbent **



The Affordable Care Act is not perfect, but it makes real improvements in our health care system.  It lowers costs for small business owners, prevents insurance companies from denying people with pre-existing conditions coverage and allows children to stay on their parents’ health insurance for longer.  It also lowers prescription drug costs for many of our seniors.

Because of these improvements, I will oppose any attempts to repeal these needed reforms.

Now, we need to fix what does not work and work together to find cost-lowering improvements that do not harm patient choice or quality.  This means modernizing health care delivery to reduce bureaucracy and administrative spending, while reducing medical errors.  We can save money and more importantly, save lives by taking these common sense steps.

NOV, 13 voted for GOP-sponsored legislation that would allow insurers to keep offering health plans even if they do not meet certain minimum requirements of the Affordable Care Act.


U.S. Rep. Cheri Bustos, D-East Moline, broke ranks this week to vote for the Keystone XL Pipeline, a controversial project for environmentalists but one that will support union jobs.

Rep. Bustos was one of 19 Democrats who voted for the bill, which was approved by a 241-175 vote.

“I supported the construction of the Keystone Pipeline during my run for Congress, and I continue to support it today, because it will lead to job creation, economic activity here at home and a decrease in our dependence on Middle Eastern oil,” she said.


As the wife of a Sheriff’s Deputy and the mother of three sons who are avid sportsmen, I am an ardent supporter of Second Amendment rights.  And our family has depended on organizations like the National Rifle Association (NRA) 


Bobby Schilling (R )- Challenger

Former Representative -Elected in 2010- defeated in 2012 will attempt to reclaim his Illinois seat in a rematch against Rep. Cheri Bustos (D), who defeated him in 2012. **


JANUARY 2014“Obamacare is perhaps the greatest threat to the middle class we’ve ever seen. We must repeal it and replace it with real, bipartisan health care reform that will work for all Americans.” – Bobby Schilling

Bobby Schilling has been leading the charge against Obamacare for years, and unfortunately we’re starting to see the results of Obamacare’s implementation firsthand: 

  • Increased health insurance premiums for middle class families
  • Higher deductibles resulting in more medical costs out of pocket
  • Millions of Americans losing their coverage


District 18

Aaron Schock (R ) Incumbent**



I believe that the Affordable Care Act has hurt job creation, burdened small businesses, put government bureaucrats between patients and their doctors, and taken the flexibility away from states like Illinois to make their own health care decisions.

What needs to happen next is for the Senate to repeal the Medicaid Maintenance of Effort mandate immediately.

Illinois Rep. Schock: Obamacare ‘Bad Product for Young People’

Saturday, 21 Dec 2013


Not only can the Keystone XL Pipeline safely transport energy resources, it’s truly a shovel-ready project that would be an immediate job creator, both in the short- and long-term. TransCanada, the company which submitted the application to construct the pipeline, expects to invest $7 billion in the U.S. during pipeline construction, and they estimate it would create 20,000 direct jobs and more than 100,000 indirect jobs. For an economy still struggling to fully recover, this is welcome news for both workers and local communities.

By continuing to delay the approval of the pipeline, the Obama administration is sending a clear signal around the world that the U.S. is closed for business, encouraging our closest neighbors and allies to invest in other countries, and ensuring America is one step behind.

The President should join the 222 House Republicans and 19 House Democrats who joined together in a bipartisan way to support this important project.

I voted for the Northern Route Approval Act because I truly believe in “all of the above” energy policy and that includes allowing for the building of the Keystone XL pipeline. It’s good for North American energy independence, and it’s good for jobs. – See more at:


Darrell Miller (D ) Challenger

Was formerly a Republican challenger in 2010

“In the 2014 primary I will address our issues as a Democrat.  Running as a Democrat (after having run as a Republican), helps demonstrate a major point I hope to make.  That is, no one party is the sole repository of the best solutions to our nation’s issues.  We need both parties.  And in the midst of vigorous debate, we need to at some point find common ground and act on it.”



The healthcare debate can be considered as two questions:  “How do we pay for it?” and “Why does it cost so much?”  “How do we pay for it?” is the question we spend most of our time on.  “Why does it cost so much?” arises from the fact that we spend 50-100% more per person than other industrialized countries with no better health outcomes on average.


Why do Americans pay 2-3 times more for joint replacements?                                                                                                                   Why do Americans pay 2-4 times more for child births?                                                                                                                                Why do Americans spend 50% more for prescription medicines?                                                                                                                   WWWhy do new technologies in healthcare not become less expensive over time while new technologies in other parts of the economy do become less expensive over time (e.g. calculators, computers)?


“Why does it cost so much?” is not an indictment of the dedicated healthcare professionals that all of us have encountered.  It comes from an objective observation of the numbers.


Common Ground on Healthcare


Both parties recognize that healthcare in our country is too expensive for lower and even middle income earners.  The Affordable Care Act (ACA) addresses this by subsidizing health insurance on a sliding scale.  Republican proposals – to the extent they exist – use tax credits to make insurance affordable.


Similarly, both parties should find common ground in enacting pricing transparency in healthcare.


When international financiers met in Davos, Switzerland a couple of weeks ago, a panel was asked what they saw as some of the challenges, headwinds for the world’s economy. One headwind they identified was stagnant wages around the world. It is clear that Democrats and Republicans share common ground around their agreement that low wage earners need more income, and the world economy needs them to have more income. As a congressman, I would support a higher minimum wage……..but not enthusiastically. I would hope and work for higher income support with fewer negative side effects. But I would be committed to enacting some measures to get more income to low wage earners.








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