I’ve been asked to comment on the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. No thanks. I was doing something else Saturday night (details below), but, even if I weren’t, I’d rather shampoo the cat than sit through that, regardless of who’s president. I loathe both the fake self-deprecation of the politicians (which is mostly just another form of self-regard), and the fawning defanged jabs of the comics, and the cringe-making neediness of the journalists in attendance. An utterly repulsive spectacle.

And that’s on a good night. Whatever his other gifts, this particular president doesn’t seem willing even to fake self-deprecation – so the idea of the commander-in-chief pretending to be a good sport is largely abandoned, and the laughter of the sucks-ups is even creepier. And now I’m going to blow-dry the cat.

~Speaking of glittering social occasions, it was at one such last week that John Kerry made his “apartheid” crack about Israel, for which he has since “apologized” in the sense of voting for Israeli apartheid before he was against it. But, aside from that, what I found interesting about this classic Kinsleyan gaffe was that he made it at what was meant to be an off-the-record briefing with no press present. Yet somehow one guy managed to get in the room. As Laura Rosen Cohen comments:
You know what the extra bonus thing is?

A reveal of how idiotic, stupid and useless American “security” has become.

What a joke.

It’s like the TSA, security kabuki theatre.

Indeed. But this isn’t the TSA. This isn’t a kid hopping over the fence and boarding a Hawaii-bound jet at the Norman Y Mineta International Airport, hilariously named for the Transportation Secretary who inflicted post-9/11 TSA security kabuki on America, now and forever, yea unto the end of time. No, the Kerry event was being hosted by the Trilateral Commission, widely believed by gazillions of conspiracy theorists to be the shadowy organization secretly running the world.

So they’re supposedly behind everything that happens anywhere on the planet, but they can’t keep some hack from strolling in without a badge and recording their top-secret off-the-record briefing? Gee, it always looks so much harder in the conspiracy thrillers.

~On the other hand, a conspiracy movie for our times: All The President’s Dudes.


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