“The single greatest threat to man’s continued existence on earth is the virus.” Joshua Lederberg, Nobel Laureate
I always like to start off a talk or an article with a happy thought. And there are few happier notions than the concept that a virus – something a billionth our size – can kill us in the span of a few days.
But if the virus remains a persistent risk, one of the greatest threats to the health security of the United States, and our local communities, is the growing population of illegal immigrants who can carry into our cities and towns an array of viral and other infectious illnesses typically endemic to their home countries and relatively uncommon in our country. And if emerging diseases arrive in the US, how well prepared, or even how proactive are our preparedness agencies, including the CDC?
This article addresses three critical elements to our national health security – policies that increase the risk of disease, the most recent problems facing CDC, and bioweapons preparedness – areas which this administration continue to earn low marks for their collective performance.
Illegal Immigration
Among all the irresponsible acts and failed policies of President Obama to protect the citizenry, the craziest include those related to immigration and border security or lack thereof. Everyone including the village idiot and his slow brother can recognize why the Democrats and Obama want open borders, and tons of poor immigrants from South America to flow into the United States – the Latinization of US demographics has been predicted to nearly guarantee all but total DNC control of Federal and Blue State governments well into the 21st century. Within thirty years if population trends continue, the United States could become a one party nation – leaving the Democrat party in near total control of all government policies, edicts and actions.
Sadly the DNC remains blithely unconcerned about the tremendous burden local communities face in terms of crime, overcrowding of schools, increasing numbers of welfare recipients, and burdening the community infrastructure (schools, hospitals, law enforcement) that, prior to amnesty and other policies designed to attract large groups of mostly unskilled people, would expand in a more predictable, natural way proportionate to people moving in based upon work, income, and affinity. The DNC answer – more taxes to pay for these programs.
Let’s be clear – this isn’t being anti immigrant (my grandparents came through Ellis Island); this is about Obama abandoning rational strategies that allow for controlled immigration of skilled, healthy and employable people, instead fostering the current craziness of uncontrolled floods of folks who are largely unskilled, potentially criminal, possibly sick, and likely requiring public assistance.
Why would the Democrats risk your safety and health under the guise of being generous and caring? Simple! Most Latinos vote Democrat, with few exceptions. Most union members and welfare recipients vote Democrat – the two enterprises where many illegal aliens end up in. Is it any wonder Obama and his government are using the power of the Treasury and Immigration to bring in new voters, while packaging it under the guise of “it’s for the children” or quoting the script associated with the Statue Of Liberty, citing our nation is one of immigrants (one pesky difference – most of our ancestors came in healthy, sponsored, and skilled, not to mention LEGALLY). The DNC accuses those who advocate for tightening immigration as racist, or anti-poor or the GOP is anti-opportunity for the disadvantaged. To all but the most intoxicated on liberal Kool Aide, these arguments are disingenuous. Alas, they are effective. And while we could argue against lax immigration on the basis of politics, economics, or security, for this article let’s look at it from the perspective of health.